Faculty at School of Engineering

Sumit Tiwari
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: Extn: 369
Solar thermal (Hybrid solar systems namely, PVT air collector, PVT greenhouse, PVT solar dryer, Green buildings, PVT biogas system, Agrivoltaics etc.), Solar cooling, Heat Transfer
Know more: Click here
Ph.D. IIT, Delhi
M.Tech IIT, Delhi
B.Tech UPTU, Lucknow
07/07 - 01/08
Lecturer, R.D. Engineering College, Ghaziabad
01/08 - 04/14
Assistant professor, KIET , Ghaziabad
05/17 - 11/17
Research fellow, Arizona State University, USA
04/14 - 07/18
Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
07/18 - 06/19
Associate Professor, GL Bajaj Institute of Management , Greater Noida
"Young Investigator Research Award" during the Circle of Excellence award ceremony held on April 6, 2021 on the special occasion of 10th Anniversary celebration of Shiv Nadar University. Shrimati Vijay-Usha Sodha Reserch Award of Rs. 25000/- (Rs. Twenty-five thousand only) with certificate for the session 2018-19 given by Center for Energy Studies, IIT Delhi. Post-Doctoral Fellowship-2019 from Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, State of Israel \ Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development?. (Not Availed) "Best thesis award" in Ph.D. symposium which included certificate and 5000/- rupees organised by "Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology,Gorakhpur(U.P) INDIA & University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan". Got BHAVAN assistantship 2017 for 6-month research in Arizona State University, United States from Department of Science and Technology (DST). Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) assistantship for Ph.D. Institute (MHRD) Assistantship to present research paper in 18th International conference on Energy, Environment and sustainability development (ICEESD 2016) at Paris France, Jan 21-22, 2016. Second prize for Poster presentation- Under the theme of green energy- In Young Scientist Conclave organized as a part of India International Science Festival (IISF) 2016, during December 07-11, 2016 at National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. Certificate of Appreciation- Expert lecture on solar thermal- In an international seminar on Solar Energy-2015 organized by GCET Greater Noida and supported by IEEE UP Section and MNRE held during 21-22 August 2015. Certificate for Best paper- In International conference on Energy, Economics and Environment (1st UPCON-ICEEE2015) - Organized by GCET Greater Noida, and supported by IEEE UP Section held during 26-28 March, 2015. Award of Excellence- For outstanding result during academic session 2008-09. In Krishna Institute of Technology (KIET), Ghaziabad held on 24 April 2010. Letter of Appreciation- For outstanding contribution in Annual Techno-Cultural Fest Epoque- 2013"- Organized by KIET Ghaziabad held during 21-22 February 2013. Awarded as winning team member- In Annual Sport Fest 2005- Organized by SRMCEM, Lucknow during 28th February 2005 to 30th April 2005. Prasasti Patra (letter of appreciation)- For good performance in intermediate board exam, Sadar Patel Jayanti Samman Samaroh 2001- Organized by Sardar Patel Sansthan Raibereli, 3227, Shanti Nagar, Raibareli.
SCI Journal publication
- Manigandan Sidhareddy, Sumit Tiwari, Patrick Phelan, Evangelos Bellos. Comprehensive review on adsorption cooling systems and its regeneration methods using Solar, Ultrasound, and Microwave Energy, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2022.10.025.
- Tunuguntla Arun Sri Sai Krishna,Kesari Ritwin, Sumit Tiwari. Performance analysis based on energy and exergy output of double slope passive and active solar still. Environ Prog Sustainable Energy. 2022; e13949. doi:10.1002/ep.13949
- Manisha, Pinkey, Meena Kumari, Ravinder Kumar Sahdev & Sumit Tiwari. A Review on Solar Photovoltaic System Efficiency Improving Technologies. Appl. Sol. Energy 58, 54–75 (2022). https://doi.org/10.3103/S0003701X22010108
- Danduprolu Purnachandrakumar, Gaurav Mittal, Ram K. Sharma, Desh Bandhu Singh, Sumit Tiwari & Harender Sinhmar. Review on performance assessment of solar stills using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-18952-2 (SCI/SCIE, Impact Factor = 4.2)
- Sumit Tiwari, Ravinder Kumar Sahdev, Mahesh Kumar, Deepak Chhabra, Prabhakar Tiwari, G.N. Tiwari. Manuscript ID entitled "Environmental and economic sustainability of PVT drying system: A heat transfer approach". Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2021, Wiley (American Institute of Chemical Engineers). (SCI/SCIE, Impact Factor = 2.431)
- Prashant Mishra, Mukesh Pandey, Yutaka Tamaura, Sumit Tiwari. Numerical analysis of cavity receiver with parallel tubes for cross-linear concentrated solar system. Energy, Volume 220, 2021, 119609, ISSN 0360-5442, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2020.119609. (SCI/SCIE, Impact Factor = 7.147)
- Mahesh Kumar, Ravinder Kumar Sahdev, Sumit Tiwari, Himanshu Manchanda, Deepak Chhabra, Hitesh Panchal, Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni. Thermal performance and kinetic analysis of vermicelli drying inside a greenhouse for sustainable development. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 44, April 2021, 101082. (SCIE, Impact Factor = 5.353)
- Mahesh Kumar, Ravinder Kumar Sahdev, Sumit Tiwari, Himanshu Manchanda, Anil Kumar. Enviro-economical feasibility of groundnut drying under greenhouse and indoor forced convection hot air dryers, Journal of Stored Products Research, Volume 93, 2021, 101848, ISSN 0022-474X. (Impact Factor = 2.643)
- Sumit Tiwari. ANN and mathematical modelling for moisture evaporation with thermal modelling of bitter gourd flakes drying in SPVT solar dryer. Heat Mass Transfer (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-020-02886-x. (SCI/SCIE, Impact factor: 1.867)
- Hooman Daghooghi-Mobarakeh, Nicolas Campbell, Weston K. Bertrand, Praveen G. Kumar, Sumit Tiwari, Liping Wang, Robert Wang, Mark Miner, Patrick E. Phelan. Ultrasound-assisted regeneration of zeolite/water adsorption pair. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 64 (2020) 105042. (SCI/SCE, Impact Factor: 6.513)
- Sumit Tiwari, Sanjay Agrawal, GN Tiwari. PVT air collector integrated greenhouse dryers. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), Volume-90, Page-142–159, 2018. IF-12.110 (SCI), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2018.03.043
- Sumit Tiwari, GN Tiwari. Grapes (Vitis vinifera) drying by semitransparent photovoltaic module (SPVM) integrated solar dryer: an experimental study. Heat and Mass Transfer (Springer). Volume-54(6), Page- 1637-1651, 2018. IF-1.867 (SCI), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-017-2257-3
- Sumit Tiwari, GN Tiwari. Energy and exergy analysis of a mixed-mode greenhouse-type solar dryer, integrated with partially covered N-PVT air collector. Energy (Elsevier), Volume-128, Page-183-195, 2017. IF-6.082 (SCI) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2017.04.022
- Vineet Saini, Sumit Tiwari, GN Tiwari. Environ economic analysis of various types of photovoltaic technologies integrated with greenhouse solar drying system. Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), Volume-156, Page-30-40, 2017. IF-7.264 (SCI), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.04.044
- Sumit Tiwari, GN Tiwari. Thermal analysis of photovoltaic thermal integrated greenhouse system (PVTIGS) for heating of slurry in potable biogas plant: An experimental study. Solar Energy (Elsevier), Volume 155 Page-203-211, 2017. IF-4.608 (SCI), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2017.06.021
- Sumit Tiwari, GN Tiwari. Exergoeconomic analysis of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) mixed mode greenhouse solar dryer. Energy (Elsevier), Volume-114, Page-155-164, 2016. IF-6.082 (SCI), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2016.07.132
- Sumit Tiwari, Jasleen Bhatti, GN Tiwari. Thermal modelling of photovoltaic thermal (PVT) integrated greenhouse system for biogas heating. Solar Energy (Elsevier), Volume-136, Page-639–649, 2016. IF-4.608 (SCI), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2016.07.048
- Sumit Tiwari, GN Tiwari, IM Al-Helal. Development and recent trends in greenhouse dryer: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), Volume-65, Page-1048–1064, 2016. IF-12.110 (SCI), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2016.07.070
- Sumit Tiwari, GN Tiwari. Performance analysis of photovoltaic–thermal (PVT) mixed mode greenhouse solar dryer. Solar Energy (Elsevier), Volume-133, Page-421–428, 2016. IF-4.608 (SCI), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2016.04.033
- Sumit Tiwari, GN Tiwari. Thermal analysis of photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) single slope roof integrated greenhouse solar dryer. Solar Energy (Elsevier), Volume-138, Page-128–136, 2016. IF-4.608 (SCI), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2016.09.014
Scopus Journal
- Sumit Tiwari, Prabhakar Tiwari, S. N. Singh. Study to improve the efficiency of c-Si material in photovoltaic power plant. Materials Today: Proceedings 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.08.144.
- Vineet Saini, Sumit Tiwari, V.K.Jain, G.N.Tiwari. Performance evaluation of different types PV materials for PVTAC with solar drying system. Materials Today: Proceedings 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.04.225.
- Aditya Verma, Shubham kr. Jha, Ramesh Chandra Verma, Naresh Kumar, Rajiv Ranjan, Sumit Tiwari. Investigation of Automatic Solar Irrigation Model. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 691 (2019) 012076. https://doi:10.1088/1757-899X/691/1/012076.
- Neeraj Kumar, Abhishek Tyagi, Tapan Yadav, Om Prakash, Vinay Singh, Sumit Tiwari. Heat Transfer Analysis of Flat Plate Air Collector. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 691 (2019) 012075. https://doi:10.1088/1757-899X/691/1/012075.
- Sumit Tiwari, Ashish Gupta, Om Prakash Yadav. Cogeneration Possibilities in Academic Institutions: an Experimental Study. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018; 7 (4.39):475-477. (SCOPUS, 2018)
- Om Prakash Yadav, Vinod Kumar Yadav, Sumit Tiwari. Experimental Investigation of Counter Flow Heat Exchanger with Swirling. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018; 7 (4.39):169-171. (SCOPUS, 2018).
- Mahesh Kumar, Ravinder Kumar Sahdev, Sumit Tiwari, Hitesh Panchal, Himanshu Manchanda. Experimental free convection thin layer groundnut greenhouse drying. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 2019, 21(3), 203-211.
- Rakhi Sharma, Shivanshu Sharma, Sumit Tiwari. Design optimization of solar PV water pumping system. Materials Today: Proceedings 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.11.322.
- Sri Niwas Singh, Prabhakar Tiwari, Sumit Tiwari. Fundamentals and Innovations in Solar Energy. eBook ISBN 978-981-336-456-1; DOI- 10.1007/978-981-33-6456-1, Hardcover ISBN: 978-981-336-455-4, Series ISSN-2199-8582; Publisher: Springer Singapore. (2021)
- 2nd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (Materials Today Proceeding Journal, Elsevier, Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/materials-today-proceedings/vol/25/part/P4) Edited by: Sumit Tiwari, Ashish Kumar Srivastava, Rohit Sahu, Volume 25, Part 4, Pages 537-960 (2020)
- L. M. Das, Abhishek Sharma, Fitwi Yohaness Hagos, Sumit Tiwari. Recent Trends in Thermal Engineering. DOI- https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3428-4
- Sehrawat, R., Sahdev, R.K., Tiwari, S. (2022). Performance Analysis of PCM-Integrated Greenhouse Dryer. In: Singari, R.M., Kankar, P.K., Moona, G. (eds) Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Technology. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9613-8_4.
- Ajay Pratap Singh, Sumit Tiwari, Harender, Prabhakar Tiwari, S.N. Singh (2022). Performance Analysis of Solar Energy Conversion Technology. The book entitled "Energy Conversion: Methods, Technology and Future Directions" by Nova Science Publisher, USA. (ISBN: 979-8-88697-370-9)
- S. N. Singh, Prabhakar Tiwari, Sumit Tiwari. Introduction to Solar Energy. Edited by "Singh et al. Fundamentals and Innovations in Solar Energy. Springer, Pages 1-9". (2021)
- Anirudh Kulkarni, Rajat Saxena, Sumit Tiwari (2021). Phase Change Materials and Its Applications. Edited by "Singh et al. Fundamentals and Innovations in Solar Energy. Springer, Pages 311-340.
- Desh Bandhu Singh, Sumit Tiwari, Sanjay Kumar (2021). Sensitivity Analysis in Solar Systems. Edited by "Singh et al. Fundamentals and Innovations in Solar Energy. Springer, Pages 341-365.
- Sumit Tiwari, Prabhakar Tiwari, V. K. Dwivedi, G. N. Tiwari (2021). Environmental Feasibility of Solar Hybrid Systems. Edited by "Singh et al. Fundamentals and Innovations in Solar Energy. Springer, Pages 367-396.
- Arvind Pratap, Prabhkar Tiwari, Bindeshwar Singh, Sumit Tiwari, S.N. Singh. Energy storage systems: A comprehensive review. Book name: Energy Conversion Systems: An Overview, Pages 275 - 30126, 2021. ISBN 978-153619200-1
- Newsletter editor for IEEE UP Section newsletter, April 2022 Vol. 1. (http://www.ieeeup.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/IEEE-UP-Section-Newsletter-April-2022.pdf)
- Newsletter editor for IEEE UP Section newsletter, July 2022 Vol. 2. (http://www.ieeeup.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/IEEE-UPSECTION-NEWSLETTER-2022-VOL.1-2.pdf)
- Newsletter editor for IEEE UP Section newsletter, October 2022 Vol. 3. (http://www.ieeeup.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Copy-of-Copy-of-IEEE-UPSECTION-NEWSLETTER-2022-VOL.6-issue-3.pdf)
- Invited talk on “Solar Hybrid Systems” in Short Term Training Programme (Online) on “Solar PV and Storage Systems" sponsored by AICTE from December 07-12, 2020 organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida
- Invited talk on “Solar hybrid systems & study to improve the efficiency of C-Si in photovoltaic Material in Power Plant” in Short Term Training Programme (Online) on “Solar PV and Storage Systems" sponsored by AICTE from December 14-19, 2020 organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida.
- Invited talk on “Photovoltaic Thermal and Study to Improve the Efficiency of Photovoltaic Power Plant” in “International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering" technically sponsored by IEEE from MARCH 04-05, 2021 organized by Galgotias college of engineering and Technology, Greater Noida. (IEEE Conference Record No.: #51222, IEEE Conference ISBN No.: 978-1-7281-7742-7).
- Guest speaker in a National Seminar on ‘Restore Our Earth’ at Centre for Sustainability and Environmental Management, IIM Sirmaur on 22 April 2021.
- Keynote lecture on “Recent Advances in PVT Drying System” in an International conference Solaris 2019 (Renewable energy and sustainable Climate) held during February 07-09, 2019 at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi.
- Technical talk in the National Workshop on “Advances in Clean Energy Conversion Technologies and Materials for Energy Storage Applications” on the topic “Recent Advancement in Hybrid Solar Thermal Systems” organized by SMVDU, Katra Jammu under TEQIP-III during 24-25 January 2019.
- Technical talk in the International Seminar on “Research and Applications of Renewable Energy” on the topic “Recent Advances in PVT Greenhouse Drying System” organized by GCET, Greater Noida under TEQIP-III during 11-12 June 2018.
- Technical talk in an International seminar on solar energy (ISSE-2015) on the topic “Solar Thermal” organized by Galgotias college of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida (Sponsored by- IEEE UP Section, MNRE Gov. of India) during 21-22 September 2015.
- Invited lecture on "Recent Advances in Solar Hybrid Systems" at “Solaris 2020- National Conference on Sustainable Environment and Climate” held in Shri Ram Swaroop Memorial University, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India” during 07-09, 2020.
- Invited talk on "Solar energy and its utilization" in one week FDP on “Policy framework for Grid Renewable Energy Systems” from 6th Feb 2020 organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, S.V. Polytechnic college, Bhopal.
- Invited talk in one-week faculty development program on “Integration of Renewable Energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities” during March 07-12, 2022 organized by Electrical Engineering Department of Bansal Institute of Engineering and Technology Lucknow, UP, India.
- Expert talk on “Exergy analysis of hybrid solar system” in Short Term Course on “Exergy Analysis in Industrial Applications” (online) from 25.10.2021 to 29.10.2021 organized by Mechanical Engineering Department of the J C Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad.
- Keynote speaker in 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N-2021) held on during 17th & 18th December- 2021 organized by Computer Science & Engineering Department, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, India.
- Invited speaker in International Conference on Innovation and Application in Science & Technology, December 21-23, 2021, Organized by, Department of Applied Sciences, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology Greater Noida, U.P, India.
- Session chair in “International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering" technically sponsored by IEEE from MARCH 04-05, 2021 organized by Galgotias college of engineering and Technology, Greater Noida. (IEEE Conference Record No.: #51222, IEEE Conference ISBN No.: 978-1-7281-7742-7).
- Chaired a Technical session in 2nd International Conference on Computational & Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME-2019) during 3-5 May 2019 at GLBITM Greater Noida.
- Chaired a Technical session in an International conference Solaris 2019 (Renewable energy and sustainable Climate) held during February 07-09, 2019 at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi.
- Session Chair in the technical session of “International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICE3-2020) held at MMMUT, Gorakhpur” during 14-15, 2020.
- Session Chair in the technical session of “Solaris 2020- National Conference on Sustainable Environment and Climate” held in Shri Ram Swaroop Memorial University, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India” during 07-09, 2020.
- Co-chair a technical session in an International conference on “International Conference on Energy, economics and Environment (1st UPCON-ICEEE2015)” at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida (Sponsored by IEEE UP Section) during 26-28 March 2015.
- Session Chair for one of the technical sessions during 12:00 to 13:10 on 22-12-21 at ICIAST-2021 (An International Conference on Innovation and Application in Science and Technology) the conference which is scheduled during December 21--23, 2021 at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida. India.
Conference presentation
- Presented paper at 1st International Conference on “Advances in Water Treatment and Management (ICAWTM-22)” on 25th – 26th March 2022 organized by Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, INDIA. (Tunuguntla Arun Sri Sai Krishna, Sumit Tiwari, and Rajat Saxena. Performance comparison between double slope passive and active solar still based on energy matrices)
- Presented paper inTUBA World Conference on Energy Science and Technology (TUBA WCEST-2021), Turkey. (ISBN:978- 605-2249-75-8; DOI: 10.53478/TUBA.2021.017) (Monesh S, Ashwin Shankar, S Ezhilarasan, Sumit Tiwari. Performance evaluation of solar dryer with and without Solar Photovoltaic Heat Extraction (PVHE) duct.)
- Presented paper in TUBA World Conference on Energy Science and Technology (TUBA WCEST-2021), Turkey. (Raj Vardhan Patel, Ram K Sharma, Sumit Tiwari, Anuj Raturi, Desh Bandhu Singh, Navneet Kumar. A sensitivity study of N alike partly enclosed with photovoltaic thermal compound parabolic concentrators having series connection.)
Event organizes
- Organizer/moderator for the lecture on the topic "The Value of Energy Efficiency" on 12th November, 2021, 10-11 AM (11 November 2021, 9.30-10.30 PM as per Arizona state time zone) by Prof Patrick Phelan, Arizona State University, USA.
- Organized talk on ‘How IEEE can help to advance and shape your career’ by Dr. Prabhakar Tiwari, Associate Professor at the Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, on 25 September 2021. Funded and supported by IEEE Young Professionals Committee, UP Section & IEEE BTKIT SBCs Dwarahat.
- Organized talk on 'Brain Computer Interface' by Dr. Santosh Singh, Associate Professor SNU. Funded and supported by IEEE Young Professionals Committee, UP Section & IEEE BTKIT SBCs Dwarahat.
- Organized talk on ‘To Academia or to Industry: a Dilemma to be Solved’, led by Dr. Venkatnarayan Hariharan, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Shiv Nadar University. Funded and supported by IEEE Young Professionals Committee, UP Section & IEEE BTKIT SBCs Dwarahat.
- Project entitled- Research & Development of Agrivoltaics (Co-PI) through CST, U.P. sponsored research at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur (U.P.) India, undertaken jointly by MMMUT, Gorakhpur & Shiv Nadar (Institution of Eminence deemed to be University), Dadri, Gautam Buddha Nagar -201314 (U.P.).Project ID- CST/D-1182 vide sanction letter no. 29/08/2022
- B.Tech Project from CST, U.P. (Council of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of U.P.) under CST, UP ENGINEERING STUDENTS' PROJECT GRANT SCHEME 2019-20.
- Student Name K.S.Muthukarupan, S Santhosh Eashwar, Vr.Subramanian
- Project Topic Performance enhancement of solar photovoltaic module with applications of phase change materials and nano-fluids (In list, Serial Number -22, Project ID-64)
- Student Name Monesh S., AshwinShankar, S.Ezhilarasan
- Project Topic Performance evaluation of Hybrid Solar Dryer integrated with PCM for day-night working (In list, Serial Number 33, Project ID-69)
- Gaucrete: A composite of Cow Dung, Clay, and Hydrated Lime (Granted)
Working as Scientific Advisor (voluntarily, giving ideas to make farmer's life better and economically strong) at UDBHAV NGO recognized by NITI AAYOG. (URL-https://www.udbhava.org/)