Faculty at School of Engineering

Rohit Singh
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: Extn: 235
Embedded Systems Internet of Things Nanoelectronics
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B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering Babu Banarsi Das Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad affiliated with UPTU, Lucknow 2014
M.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering Shiv Nadar University, Gautam Buddh Nagar 2018
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering IIT Indore, Indore
04/19 ? Present
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR
2011 GATE in EC, from MHRD, Government of India
21. Kiran G, Rohan Krishna, Praveen Dwivedi, Pankaj Sharma, and Rohit Singh, Analytical Modeling of MgZnO/ZnO MOSHEMT Based Biosensor for Biomolecule Detection, Micro and Nanostructures, vol. 163, p. 107130, March 2022.
20. Rohit Singh, Amit Kumar Singh, and Sonal Singhal, Physics Experiments using Arduino: Determination of the Air Quality Index, Physics Education, vol. 57, no. 2, p. 025013, March 2022.
19. Akash Patnaik, Neeraj Jaiswal, Rohit Singh, and Pankaj Sharma, Analytical Model for 2DEG Charge Density in ?-(AlxGa1-x)2O3/Ga2O3 HFET, Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 37, no. 2, p. 025002, February 2022.
18. Amit Kumar Singh, Rohit Singh, Kulwant Singh, and Amit Rathi, Optical gain enhancement and wavefunction confinement tuning in AlSb/InGaAsP/GaAsSb heterostructures, The European Physical Journal B, vol. 94, no. 6, p. 123, June 2021.
17. Praveen Dwivedi, Rohit Singh, and Yogesh Singh Chauhan, Crossing the Nernst Limit (59 mV/pH) of Sensitivity Through Tunneling Transistor-Based Biosensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 3233-3240, February 2021.
16. Praveen Dwivedi, Rohit Singh, Brajendra Singh Sengar, Amitesh Kumar, and Vivek Garg, A New Simulation Approach of Transient Response to Enhance the Selectivity and Sensitivity in Tunneling Field Effect Transistor-Based Biosensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 3201-3209, February 2021.
15. Praveen Dwivedi and Rohit Singh, Investigation the impact of the gate work-function and biases on the sensing metrics of TFET based biosensors, Engineering Research Express, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 025043, June 2020.
14. Rohit Singh, Md Arif Khan, Shaibal Mukherjee, and Abhinav Kranti, Role of surface states and interface charges in 2DEG in sputtered ZnO heterostructures, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 2850-2854, July 2018.
13. Md Arif Khan, Rohit Singh, Ritesh Bhardwaj, Amitesh Kumar, Amit Kumar Das, Pankaj Misra, Abhinav Kranti, and Shaibal Mukherjee, Enhanced sheet charge density in DIBS grown CdO alloyed ZnO buffer based heterostructure, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 827-830, June 2018.
12. Ritesh Bhardwaj, Pankaj Sharma, Rohit Singh, Mukul Gupta, and Shaibal Mukherjee, High responsivity MgxZn1-xO based ultraviolet photodetector fabricated by dual ion beam sputtering, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 2744-2750, April 2018.
11. Rohit Singh, Md Arif Khan, Pankaj Sharma, Myo Than Htay, Abhinav Kranti, and Shaibal Mukherjee, Two dimensional electron gases in MgZnO/ZnO and ZnO/MgZnO/ZnO heterostructures grown by dual ion beam sputtering, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 51, no. 13, p. 13LT02, April 2018.
10. Biswajit Mandal, Aaryashree, Rohit Singh, and Shaibal Mukherjee, Highly selective and sensitive methanol sensor using rose-like ZnO microcube and MoO3 micrograss based composite, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 2659-2666, April 2018.
9. Vivek Garg, Brajendra S. Sengar, Vishnu Awasthi, Amitesh Kumar, Rohit Singh, Shailendra Kumar, C. Mukherjee, V. V. Atuchin, and Shaibal Mukherjee, Investigation of dual-ion beam sputter-instigated plasmon generation in TCOs: A case study of GZO, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 10, pp. 5464?5474, February 2018.
8. Mangal Das, Amitesh Kumar, Rohit Singh, Myo Than Htay, and Shaibal Mukherjee, Realization of synaptic learning and memory functions in Y2O3 based memristive device fabricated by dual ion beam sputtering, Nanotechnology, vol. 29, no. 5, p. 055203, February 2018.
?7. Rohit Singh, Md Arif Khan, Shaibal Mukherjee, and Abhinav Kranti, Analytical model for 2DEG density in graded MgZnO/ZnO heterostructures with cap layer, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 3661-3667, September 2017.?????
6. Pankaj Sharma, Ritesh Bhardwaj, Rohit Singh, Shailendra Kumar, and Shaibal Mukherjee, Investigation of formation mechanism of Li-P dual-acceptor doped p-type ZnO, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 111, no. 9, p. 091604, August 2017.
5. Ritesh Bhardwaj, Pankaj Sharma, Rohit Singh, and Shaibal Mukherjee, Sb- doped p-MgZnO/n-Si heterojunction UV photodetector fabricated by dual ion beam sputtering, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 19, no. 14, pp. 1215-1218, July 2017.
?4. Md. Arif Khan, Rohit Singh, Shaibal Mukherjee, and Abhinav Kranti, Buffer layer engineering for high (? 10^13 cm^-2) 2-DEG density in ZnO-based heterostructure, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 1015-1019, March 2017.
?3. Rohit Singh, Pankaj Sharma, Md Arif Khan, Vivek Garg, Vishnu Awasthi, Abhinav Kranti, and Shaibal Mukherjee, Investigation of barrier inhomogeneities and interface state density in Au/MgZnO:Ga Schottky contact, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 49, no. 44, p. 445303, November 2016.
2. Pankaj Sharma, Rohit Singh, Vishnu Awasthi, Sushil K. Pandey, and Shaibal Mukherjee, Detection of a high photoresponse at zero bias from a highly conducting ZnO:Ga based UV photodetector, RSC Advances, vol. 5, no. 104, pp. 85523-85529, October 2015.
1. Sonal Singhal, Rohit Singh, and Amit Kumar Singh, "Design of a Sub-0.4 V Reference Circuit in 0.18?m CMOS Technology", Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 816-817, pp. 882-886, September 2013
1. Md Arif Khan, Rohit Singh, and Shaibal Mukherjee, Review of II-VI Based Compounds for Transistor Applications, invited author of a chapter for the book, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Publisher: Elsevier, ISBN: 9780128035818, 2018.
16. Organised a high-end workshop on "Agricultural Water Management In The Backdrop Of Climate Change Using Remote Sensing, GIS, And IoT Techniques" jointly with Dr. Gopal Das Singhal (Department of Civil Engineering, SNIoE) and Dr. Hitesh Upreti (Department of Civil Engineering, SNIoE) from July 21 to July 27, 2022. Funded by SERB under the Accelerate Vigyan Scheme (Funding Amount = INR 5 Lacs).
?15. Chaired a session at the International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Electrical and Electronic Technologies (ICEFEET 2022) at the Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Patna from June 24 to June 25, 2022.
?14. Chaired a session at the Research Conclave 2022 at IIT Indore from February 10 to February 12, 2022.
?13. Expert/speaker in a one-week e-workshop organized by the Department of Computer Science Engineering, St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Jabalpur, M.P. on ?Internet of Things? from October 25 to October 29, 2021.
?12. Organized talk on "How IEEE can help to advance and shape your career" by Dr. Prabhakar Tiwari, Associate Professor at the Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, on 25 September 2021, Funded and supported by IEEE Young Professionals Committee, UP Section & IEEE BTKIT SBCs Dwarahat.
11. Organized a talk on "Brain-Computer Interface" by Dr. Santosh Singh, Associate Professor, SNU, on 22 September 2021, Funded and supported by IEEE Young Professionals Committee, UP Section & IEEE BTKIT SBCs Dwarahat.
10. Attended a Short-Term Course organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology Bhagalpur on ?Mechatronics, Instrumentation, Intelligent and Bio-inspired Materials-2021? from February 10 to February 14, 2021.
9. Expert/speaker in a one-week e-workshop organized by CoE in Advanced Materials Research, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with FET MJP, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, U.P. on ?Recent Trends in Materials for Next-Generation Applications? from February 1 to February 5, 2021, under the TEQIP-III action plan.
?8. Expert/speaker in Faculty Development Program organized by Rajasthan Technical University, Kota and Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur on ?Next Generation Semiconductor Devices? from December 11 to December 13, 2020, under the TEQIP-III action plan.
?7. Expert/speaker in Continuing Education Programme (CEP) course organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Patna on ?Modern Trends and Developments in Semiconductor microelectronics? from October 9 to October 11, 2020.
?6. Expert/speaker in Faculty Development Program organized by NIT Patna in association with Electronics & ICT Academy on ?Renewable Energy: Research to Industry? from August 22 to September 6, 2020, under National Knowledge Network.
5. Moderator in Webinar organized by Shiv Nadar University on "Internet of Things: An Industry Perspective" on July 30, 2020.
4. Expert/speaker in Webinar organized by Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, NBN Sinhgad School of Engineering, Ambegaon, Pune on "Nanoscale Devices" on July 26, 2020.
3. Expert/speaker in Faculty Development Program organized by NIT Patna in association with Electronics & ICT Academy on ?NextGen Semiconductor Devices for high-end applications? from June 22 to June 27, 2020, under National Knowledge Network.
2. Expert/speaker in Faculty Development Program organized by IIIT Pune in association with Electronics & ICT Academy on ?Nanoscale Devices: Materials to Applications? from November 07 to November 11, 2019, under National Knowledge Network.
?1. Handled the lab session of 5 days Faculty Development Program on "Antenna Trends" at SNU campus in coordination with Electronics & ICT Academy IIT Guwahati from July 01 to 05, 2019 under NKN (National Knowledge Network) Summer Course 2019
Title: Modeling, simulation, and fabrication of MgZnO/ZnO heterostructures for biosensor application
PI: Dr. Rohit Singh
Funding Agency: SERB
Amount Sancioned: ~26 Lacs
Duration: 2.5 years
2. A method of fabricating high two dimensional electron gas density yielding zinc oxide heterostructure
Inventors: Shaibal Mukherjee, Abhinav Kranti, Md Arif Khan, Rohit Singh
Patent Application No. 201721010866, Published, September 28, 2018.
Patent No. 368230, Granted, 31 May 2021
1. A method of fabricating zinc oxide based heterostructure for high electron mobility transistor
Inventors: Shaibal Mukherjee, Abhinav Kranti, Rohit Singh, Md Arif Khan
Patent Application No. 201721007309, Published, September 7, 2018.
Jury member in Anveshana 2022-23 Science and Engineering competition organised by Agastya International Foundation.
NGO Name: Agastya International Foundation
Website: https://www.agastya.org/
Year: 2022