Faculty at School of Natural Sciences

Kamlesh Ganesh Pawar
India Alliance Early Career Fellow
School of Natural Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: Extn: 414
Non-coding RNAs and their function, cP-RNA-seq, T4-PNK-seq, tRNA halves, miRNAs, lncRNAs, lung injury, infection.
Indian Alliance Project: https://lsci.snu.edu.in/research/projects/role-trna-derived-non-coding-r?
Ph.D., Freie Universitat MVSc, NDRI
B.VSc., Mumbai Veterinary College
01/22 - Present
India Alliance Early Career Fellow, Department of Life Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR
2017 - 2021
Postdoctoral research fellow, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA
2016 - 2017
Postdoctoral research fellow, University Hospital Zurich (USZ), Zurich, Switzerland
2010 - 2011
Assistance professor, Bidar Veterinary Collage, Bidar, Karnataka
- 2021 DBT-Wellcome Trust India Alliance Early Career Fellowship (ECF)
- 2021 US National Science Foundation (NSF) Award for 2021 RNA Society Meeting
- 2021 Poster Award from RNA Society for excellence in RNA research
- 2019 Postdoctoral Travel Fellowship from Jefferson College of Life Sciences, USA
- 2015 Selection for summer schools in Germany
a. International summer school of modern methods in infection biology at Julius Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (5 days)
b. SYNMarburg summer school at Marburg (10 days)
c. International summer school on pathogen-host interplay at ZIBI summer school, Berlin (15 days)
- 2012 DAAD PhD Scholarship to pursue a full time PhD in Germany
- 2012 First place in table tennis tournament held at Goethe language institute, Germany
- 2010 Qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by ASRB
- 2010 Nomination of the master's thesis for Best Thesis Award at NDRI
- 2008 Institutional Fellowship and contingency grant for master studies at NDRI
- 2007 Selection for "All India Inter-University Badminton Tournaments"
- 2006 Certificate of merit for the Horse Riding from Amateur Rider's Club, Mumbai
- Pawar K, Shigematsu M. Sharbati, Kirino Y. Infection-induced 5’-half molecules of tRNAHisGUG activate Toll-like receptor 7. PLOS Biology 18 (12), e3000982, 2020.
- Pawar K, Shigematsu M, Loher P, Honda S, Rigoutsos I, Kirino Y. Exploration of CCA-added RNAs revealed the expression of mitochondrial non-coding RNAs regulated by CCA-adding enzyme. RNA Biology 16(12):1817-1825, 2019.
- Shigematsu M*, Pawar K*, Kawamura T, Deshpande D, Kirino Y. Allergen-induced tRNA halves affect cellular focal adhesion in asthma. bioRxiv 815803; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/815803. *equal contribution as first author, 2019.
- Pawar K, C. Hanisch, S. Eliseo Palma Vera, R. Einspanier, S. Sharbati. Down regulated lncRNA MEG3 eliminates mycobacteria in macrophages via autophagy. Scientific reports. 6:19416, 2016.
- Pawar K, J Sharbati, Einspanier R, Sharbati S. Mycobacterium bovis BCG Interferes with miR-3619-5p Control of Cathepsin S in the Process of Autophagy. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 6:27, 2016.
- Pawar K and Kaul G. Toxicity of titanium oxide nanoparticles cause functionality and DNA damage in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) sperm in vitro. Toxicol Ind Health. 30(6):520- 33, 2014. L Hoeke, J Sharbati,
- Pawar K, A Keller, R Einspanier, S Sharbati Intestinal Salmonella typhimurium infection leads to miR-29a induced caveolin 2 regulation. PloS one 8 (6), e67300, 2013.
- Pawar K and Kaul G. Toxicity of Europium Oxide Nanoparticles on the Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Spermatozoa DNA Damage. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine. 5(1):11-17, 2013.
- Pawar K and Kaul G. Assessment of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) sperm DNA fragmentation using a sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) test. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 46(6), 964-969, 2011.
Oral presentations:
- miR-3619-5p mediates Cathepsin S control of autophagy in mycobacterial infection of macrophages. Tagung der DVG-Fachgruppe "Physiologie und Biochemie". Berlin, Germany (2016).
- Mycobacteria escape autophagy by counter regulating long non-coding RNA MEG3. International Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ), Cologne, Germany (2015).
- Poster presentations: CCA-RNA: A novel class of RNA in cancer cells. National Cancer Institute Symposium "RNA Biology 2019". NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA (2019).
- The LncRNA MEG3 regulates autophagy in mycobacterial infection in human macrophages. Noncoding genome EMBO|EMBL symposium. Heidelberg, Germany (2015).
- A novel approach towards finding regulatory microRNAs during phagosomal maturation in infection. FEBS EMBO, Paris, France. (2014)
- Role of tRNA Derived Non-Coding RNAs in Acute Lung Injury (ALI), DBT-Wellcome Trust India Alliance, INR 1.7Cr, 5 Years.