Faculty at School of Engineering

Susant Kumar Padhi
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: Extn: 633
Environmental Engineering Biological Treatment of Wastewater and Waste Gas Physico-chemical process for Wastewater treatment Air Pollution Control Solid waste management
Know more: Click here
Ph.D IIT Guwahati 2012
M. Tech. Sambalpur University 2009
B. Tech. BPUT, Odisha
12/18 ? Present
Assistant Professor, Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 08/18 12/18
Assistant Professor, Amity University, Noida 08/17 08/18
Project Scientist, TERI, New Delhi 08/09 07/10
Assistant Professor, MITS, Rayagada, Odisha
- Tomar, S.K., Padhi S.K., Dikshit P.K., Yadav, S., Balakrishnan, M. (2023). Effect of hydraulic retention time on biological nutrients removal in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating low-strength drain wastewater. Bioresource Technology Report. (Q1, SCI, Cite Score: 7.8)
- Jhunjhunwala, U, Padhi, S.K.*, Pattanaik, L., Saxena, V., Sharma, D., Kumar, A., Chaudhary, P., Saxena, V. (2023). Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and waste activated sludge for methane production: Evaluation of optimum ratio, microbial analysis, and kinetic modeling. Biomass conversion and Biorefinery. (Q1, SCI, IF: 4.1)
- 2. Dikshit, P.K*., Padhi, S.K., Pattanaik, L., et al. (2023). A Critical Review on Nanotechnological Advancement in Biogas Production from Organic Waste. Biomass conversion and Biorefinery. (Q1, SCI, IF: 4.1)
- Saxena, V., Padhi, S.K.*, Pattanaik, L., Bhatt, R. (2022). Simultaneous removal of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from landfill leachate using an aerobic granular reactor. Environmental Technology and Innovation, 102657. (Q1, SCI, IF: 7.1)
- Saxena, V., Padhi, S.K.*, Dikshit, P., & Pattanaik, L. (2022). Recent developments in landfill leachate treatment: Aerobic granular reactor and its future prospects. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management. (Cite score: 9.3, Q1, SCI)
- Saxena, V., Padhi, S.K.*, & Jhunjhunwala, U. (2021). Treatment of domestic sewage and leachate using a moving bed hybrid bioreactor. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 24, 101998. (Q1, SCI, IF: 7.1)
- Pattanaik, L., Naik, S.N., Hariprasad, P., & Padhi, S.K. (2021). Influence of various oxidation parameter (s) for natural indigo dye formation from Indigofera tinctoria L. biomass. Environmental Challenges, 4, 100157. (Cite score: 3.8, Q2)
- Pattanaik, L., Padhi, S.K., Hariprasad, P., & Naik, S. N. (2020). Life cycle cost analysis of natural indigo dye production from Indigofera tinctoria L. plant biomass: a case study of India. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 1-16. (Q1, SCI, IF: 4.3)
- Padhi, S.K., Gokhale, S., 2017. Treatment of gaseous volatile organic compounds using a rotating biological filter. Bioresource Technology 244, 270-280. (Q1, SCI, IF:11.4)
- Dikshit, P.K, Padhi, S.K., Moholkar, V.S., Process optimization and analysis of product inhibition kinetics of crude glycerol fermentation for 1,3–dihydroxyacetone production, Bioresource Technology 244, 362-370 (Q1, SCI, IF: 11.4)
- Padhi, S.K., Gokhale, S., 2017. Benzene biodegradation by indigenous mixed microbial culture: Kinetic modeling and process optimization. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 119, 511-519. (Q1, SCI, IF: 4.8)
- Padhi, S.K., Gokhale, S., 2016. Benzene control from waste gas streams with a spongemedium based rotating biological contactor. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 109, 93–103. (Q1, SCI, IF: 4.8)
- Padhi, S.K., Gokhale, S., 2014. Biological oxidation of gaseous VOCs–rotating biological contactor a promising and eco-friendly technique. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2, 2085–2102. (Q1, SCI, IF: 7.7)
- Padhi, S.K., Sahu, S.K., Kumari, A., Bharati, S., Ansari, S., 2012. Phytoremediation as an Alternative for Treatment of Paper Industry Effluent by Using Water Hyacinth (Eicchornia crassipes)-A Polishing Treatment. INT Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment 2, 95-99
- Pattanaik, L., Dikshit, P. K., Saxena, V., & Padhi, S. K.* (2021). Valorization of Solid and Liquid Wastes Generated from Agro-Industries. In Urban Mining for Waste Management and Resource Recovery (pp. 129-164). CRC Press
- Jain, R., Pattanaik, L., Padhi, S.K., Naik S.N.*, (2021). Role of Microbes and Microbial Consortium in Solid Waste Management. Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology: Applications for Sustainability, 383-422, Wiley
- Wasnik, S., Pavan, G.S*., & Padhi, S.K. (2022). Replacement of River Sand with Coal Bottom Ash as Fine Aggregate in Cement Mortar. Sustainable Cities and Resilience, pp: 129-139, Springer
- Chaudhary, P. & Padhi, S.K. * (2023). Simultaneous treatment of gaseous toluene and wastewater containing nutrients using an anoxic hybrid bioreactor. RECYCLE 2023, May 18-19 2023, IIT Guwahati, India.
- Saxena, V. & Padhi, S.K*. Removal of organics, nitrogen, and phosphate from landfill leachate at different hydraulic retention times using an aerobic granular reactor: A process optimization. International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Bioresources and Bioeconomy (BSBB- 2022). IIT Guwahati, December 07-11, 2022.
- Saxena, V., Padhi, S.K.*, & Bhatt, R. Simultaneous removal of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from landfill leachate using an aerobic granular reactor. 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Bio & Environmental Engineering (CHEMBIOEN- 2021). NIT Jalandhar, August 20-22, 2021.
- Saxena, V., Padhi, S.K.*, & Jhunjhunwala, U. Co-treatment of domestic sewage and leachate using a moving bed hybrid bioreactor. International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Health (BSAEH-2021), NIT Jaipur, April 04- 08, 2021. (BEST POSTER AWARD).
- Padhi, S.K. and Balakrishnan M. (2018). High critical flux ceramic membrane for use in anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR). Indo-Eu workshop on the recent developments in microbial fuel cell and membrane bioreactor technology, 02-03 Feb 2018 IIT Kharagpur.
- Padhi, S.K. and Gokhale, S. (2016). Performance of rotating biological filter treating mixture of xylene and toluene from waste gas streams. Asia-Pacific conference on biotechnology for waste conversion, 6-8 December 2016, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
- Padhi, S.K. and Gokhale, S. (2016). Performance of rotating biological filter on removal of xylene from waste gas streams. RECYCLE 2016, April 1-2 2016, IIT Guwahati, India. (Best paper award)
- Padhi, S.K. and Gokhale, S. (2015). A hybrid rotating biological filters to control VOC from waste gas streams. Int. Conf. CHEMCON 2015, 27-30 December 2015, IIT Guwahati, India.
- Padhi, S.K. and Gokhale, S. (2015). Optimization and modelling of growth kinetics during benzene biodegradation in batch reactors. Int. Conf. on New Horizons in Biotechnology, 22-25 November 2015, Trivandrum, India.
- Padhi, S.K. and Gokhale, S. (2015). Biodegradation of an indigenous microorganism in a batch reactor. Bio Tech 2015., Int. Conf. on Advances in Biotechnology, IIT Kanpur, 13-15 March 2015
- Simultaneous Treatment of Gaseous BTEX and Wastewater Containing Nitrate and Sulphate by Using an Anaerobic Hybrid Bioreactor for Methane Production, Susant Kumar Padhi (PI), Funding Agency: SERB, Amount: 20 Lakhs, Duration: 2 Years