Faculty at School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Ravi Nandan Singh
Associate Professor
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
Sociology of death and the dead; Shifting funerary forms; Grief and mourning; Cremation; Medical sociology; Forms of religious and spiritual lives; Morbid Humour; Literary sociology; Philosophy of names; Kinship.
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Ph.D. (Sociology) Jawaharlal Nehru University MPhil (Sociology) Jawaharlal Nehru University MA (Sociology) Jawaharlal Nehru University B.Sc. Honours (Zoology) Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College, University of Delhi
Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi Hindu College, University of Delhi
2007 Selected member of NCERT, New Delhi, translation board for sociology textbooks (2007). 2014 Invited panellist at Last Minute Exercise, a discursive installation project on Death as a matter of the heart or the brain. Hannah Hurtzig/Mobile Academy Berlin, IGNCA, New Delhi (2014). 2011 Fieldwork grant under the European Studies Program, University of Delhi, funded by European Union for ethnographic research on a crematorium in Aarhus, Denmark (2011). 2018 - 2019 Awarded Nostra Aetate Foundation Fellowship, Vatican/Italy (2018-2019).
Singh, Ravi Nandan. COVID-19: Mourning, Knowledge and Improvisation. Society and Culture in South Asia, 7(1), 63?76. (2021) https://doi.org/10.1177/2393861720975160 Singh, Ravi Nandan, Goel, A., Bhattacharjee, N., & Bhattacharyya, U. Sociology of Religion Today: Practices of Thought and Learning. Journal of Human Values, 25(3), 190?201. (2019) https://doi.org/10.1177/0971685819862672 Singh, Ravi Nandan. Many lives of the dead in Banaras: Towards an anthropology of the indefinite social. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 50(1), 27?51. (2016) https://doi.org/10.1177/0069966715615023 Singh, Ravi Nandan. Modes of Processing the Dead: Ethnography of Crematoria. Society and Culture in South Asia, 1(1), 33?55. (2015) https://doi.org/10.1177/2393861714550926
Singh,Ravi Nandan.Dead in Banaras: An Ethnography of Funeral Travelling.United Kingdom:Oxford University Press. (2022) 9780192864284, 0192864289
Singh, Ravi Nandan (Co-Author): Social Science Teaching in Hindi: An Inventory and Analysis of Popular Textbooks at six North Indian Universities. (2010) http://cscs.res.in/dataarchive/textfiles/social-science-teaching-inindia. inventory-and-analysis-of-current-curricular.pdf
Induismo e cremazione. Altri addii in Socrem News. Quadrimestrale Per I Soci Della Societ Per La Cremazione Di Torino. Number 2, Anno XXV, Maggio. (Translated in Italian by Dr. Ana Cristina Vargas from the original in English called Hinduism and Cremation: Other goodbyes.) 2019. Last Minute Exercise, a discursive installation project. For Details of the Project see: Hannah Hurtzig/Mobile Academy Berlin, IGNCA, New Delhi. http:// www.mobileacademy-berlin.com/englisch/2013/dehli.html Transcripts of the talks at http://www.blackmarket-archive.com/ 2014
RAIMed2022: Mobilising Methods in Medical Anthropology. Open pyres and closed morgues: Socialising the pandemic suffering. Royal Anthropological Institute. Online: 2022. Discussant at Cosmopolitics in the Contemporary. Sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. Department of Sociology, Shiv Nadar University. India: 2019. Presented a talk at Shiv Nadar University on One city, many names: Life, death and the dead in Banaras as part of the Department of Sociology, SNUs Wednesday colloquium. Shiv Nadar University, Dadri, UP. India: 2018. Discussant for the panel on Swarms, Crowds and Platforms: Modes of Assembly and Arrangement. AAS (Association of Asian Studies) India conference on Asia in motion: Geographies and Genealogies. Organised by AAS, Ashoka University and Yale University. India: 2018. Collaborated for Grain Media, UK Documentary hosted by Al Jazeera on Winds of Change: Eco-Cremation in India and Green Power on Samso, Denmark. See it here: https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/earthrise/ 2018/05/winds-change-eco-cremation-india-green-powersamso- 180521053748158.html India: 2018 Discussant for the panel on Temples, Priests, Ascetic couples.In ICSSR-JSPS Joint Seminar Programme. Aspects of Religion and Everyday Life with special reference to India and Japan. Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics & International Guest House, University of Delhi. India: 2018. Living and Dead in the shifting shadow of place names. Friday Research Colloquium. Department of Sociology, University of Delhi. India: 2017. Approaching the pedagogy of Family and Intimacy Participant at the Workshop on Teaching Kinship Department of Sociology, University of Delhi. India: 2016. September 2015. Shared gestures and movements between dead and the living: Chirality in Sadat Hasan Mantos Khol do and Thanda Gosht. Dr. Lalita Subbo Memorial Lecture Series, Department of English, Hindu College. India: 2015. What is a Morgue Tuesday Seminar Series. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. India: 2015.
A storied landscape of North India: Toward a conceptual and descriptive map through Hindi literature on kinship Inter disciplinary Innovation Project (2019-2020), Hindu College, University of Delhi in collaboration with the Department of Hindi. Funded by Hindu College. 30000 INR. One Year.