Faculty at School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Rajeswari S. Raina
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: 418
My research interests are in the interface between economic development and the environment. I work on the sustainability and resilience of social and natural systems, substantive economics for a new planetary order, and science technology and society studies (STS) of agrifood systems. While these are located in inter-and trans-disciplinary theoretical frameworks, with alternative normative framings, I draw significantly from Veblenian institutional economics, international political economy, ecological economics, critical international relations theory, complexity studies and sustainability science. My recent research and publications, individually and as part of networks on agrarian studies and post-growth thinking, are on state-science relationships in Indian agriculture, post-growth agriculture, and the knowledge politics of sustainability transitions in local and national systems. I am currently finishing a book on the science and economics of Indian agriculture. Select sponsored research projects address the structural injustice of international innovation systems, international use and abuse of science, the contemporary history of state-science-civil society relationships, and sub-national knowledge-policy changes for sustainable agrifood systems.
Know more: Click here
- Ph.D. (Economics) Centre for Development Studies (CDS) Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala University
- M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics and Marketing Management Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
- B.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Trichur
- Pre-Degree Course in Physics, Chemistry and Biology Government College for Women, University of Kerala, Trivandrum
2016 - 2017
- Professor and Head of the Department, International Relations and Governance Studies in School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR
11/92 1992 - 2016 09/16
- Principal Scientist, National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies, (NISTADS)
06/05 2005 - 2009 11/09
- Senior Fellow, Centre for Policy Research Dharma Marg, Chanakyapuri 01/87 1987 01/87 Agricultural Officer, Grade II, Kerala Agricultural Extension, Project (KAEP) Office, Palghat Division, Department of Agriculture, Government of Kerala,
07/17 - Present
- Professor, Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar University
- Re-elected Vice President of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (in Dec. 2021).
- Appointed member of the Special Committee of the Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, from April 2022-March 2025.
- Elected member, of the International Science Council (ISC) Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific, of the International Science Council (ICSU), November 2018- November 2019.
- TN Khoshoo Memorial Award 2018
- The theme of this year's award is Women in Sustainability which recognizes the exceptional contribution of women in sustainability research. (Award and lecture on the 19th of November 2018, Satish Dhawan Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore).
Rajeswari S. Raina and Rishabh Kachroo, 2024. “Post-growth agrifood systems: Towards an emancipatory politics”, Review of International Studies (https://doi.org/10.1017/S0260210524000408)
Raina, R.S., Mishra, S., Ravindra, A., Balam, D., Gunturu, A. 2022. Reorienting India's Agricultural Policy: Millets and Institutional Change for Sustainability, Journal of Ecological Society, Vol 34 (1): 1-15.
Rajeswari S. Raina 2021. “Conserving Economics for Biodiversity: Reflections on “The Dasgupta Review,” Ecology, Economy and Society – the INSEE Journal. Vol 4 (2): 13-19.(https://doi.org/10.37773/ees.v4i2.464)
Rajeswari S. Raina and Keshab Das 2021. Whither Rural India? The Developmental State and Labour at the Margins, in PadminiSwaminathan and Uma Rani (Ed.s) State Capital Nexus: Implications for Labour, Anveshi Broadsheet on Contemporary Politics, March 2021, pp.9-12.
Rajeswari S. Raina and DebanjanaDey 2020. “How we know Biodiversity: Institutions and Knowledge-Policy Relationships,” Sustainability Science, Vol. 15: 975-984. (https://rdcu.be/b3txq)
Julien-Francois Gerber and Rajeswari Raina 2018. “Post-Growth in the global South? Some Reflections from India and Bhutan” Ecological Economics, (online version: Gerber, J.-F., Ecological Economics (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.02.020- print version May2018)
Rajeswari S. Raina. 2016. “Water Governance Reform: A hopeful starting point”, Economic and Political Weekly, December 2016. Vol.51 (52): 38-40.
Rajeswari S. Raina and DebanjanaDey 2016. “The Valuation Conundrum: Biodiversity and Science-Policy Interface in India’s Livestock Sector,” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 51 (47): 70-78.
Rajeswari S. Raina 2022. “Not Weathered: Towards Learning and Change”, Review of Agarwal, R. and Goyal, O. (Ed.s) “Weather Report: The Crisis of Climate Change” (IIC Quarterly Winter 2019-Spring 2020) in The Book Review, Vol. 46 (2): 4-5.
Rajeswari S. Raina 2019. Report: “A Report on the Fifteenth Conference of International Society for Ecological Economics,” Ecology, Economy and Society – the INSEE journal. Vol.2 (1): 169-172. January 2019 (https://ecoinsee.org/journal/ojs/index.php/ees/article/view/67)
Rajeswari S. Raina 2017. Review of Green Signals: ecology, growth and democracy in India by Jairam Ramesh (2015), in Indian Economic Review, November 2017. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s41775-017-0008-5)
UNEP 2023. Cleo Verkjuil, Rajeswari S. Raina, Robert T. Watson (Co-Leads).
Ploy Achakulwisut, Michael Carter, Varun Deshpande, Dolapo Enahoro, Shayna Fertig, Carsten Gerhardt, Jonathan Green, Ndaindila Haindongo, Mario Herrero, Ana Maria Loboguerrero, Daniel Mason-D’Croz, Tsakani Ngomane, Katie Noble, Oscar Rueda, Laura Scherer (Authors). “What’s Cooking? Exploring the potential environmental, health, social, and animal welfare implications of novel meat and dairy alternatives,” UNEP Frontiers- Special Issue. UNEP: Nairobi (https://www.unep.org/resources/whats-cooking-assessment-potential-impacts-selected-novel-alternatives-conventional)
Rajeswari S. Raina and Keshab Das (Eds.) 2020. Inclusive Innovation: Evidence and Options in Rural India. Springer: Heidelberg/Delhi (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9788132239277).
Julien-Francois Gerber and Rajeswari S. Raina (Eds.) 2018. Post-growth thinking in India: Towards Sustainable Egalitarian Alternatives, Orient BlackSwan: Hyderabad.
Raina, R. S. (Ed.) 2015. Science, Technology and Development in India: Encountering Values. Orient BlackSwan: Hyderabad.
Book Chapters:
Rajeswari S. Raina 2024 Agriculture and the development burden, in Knut A. Jacobsen (Ed.) (Second Edition) Routledge Handbook of Contemporary India, Routledge: London and New York. Pp.107-127.
Rajeswari S. Raina 2023. Post-growth Agriculture: Institutional Learning for Development Cooperation and Aid, in GIZ and PEGNET (Ed.) Beyond Growth? Alternative Models for Economic Development. An Explorative Reader. GIZ (GmBH) and PEGNET: Berlin. pp.64-86 (https://www.giz.de/fachexpertise/downloads/giz2023-en-BGR-7-chapter.pdf)
Rajeswari S. Raina (2021) Science, Technology, and Policy for Sustainable Development. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Özuyar P.G., Wall T. (eds) No Poverty. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69625-6_39-1
Rajeswari S. Raina and Keshab Das. 2020. Inclusive Innovation: Changing Actors and Agenda, in Raina and Das (Eds.) Inclusive Innovation: Evidence and Options in Rural India. Springer: Heidelberg/Delhi, pp. 3-30.
Rajeswari S. Raina. 2020. Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Nurturing the Institutional Sine Qua Non for the Informal Sector, in Raina and Das (Eds.) Inclusive Innovation: Evidence and Options in Rural India. Springer: Heidelberg/Delhi, pp 203-230.
Keshab Das and Rajeswari S. Raina 2020. Inclusive Innovation: Realizing the Options. in Raina and Das (Eds.) Inclusive Innovation: Evidence and Options in Rural India. Springer: Heidelberg/Delhi, pp. 255-270.
Rajeswari S. Raina 2017. Knowledge Futures: Democratic values and learning capacities for sustainability,” in Ashish Kothari and K J Joy (Eds.) Alternative Futures: India Unshackled, Authors Upfront: New Delhi pp. 480-496.
Rajeswari S. Raina. 2016. Science for a new agricultural policy, in C. Ramasamy and K . R. Ashok (Eds.) Vicissitudes of Agriculture in the Fast Growing Indian Economy, Academic Foundation: New Delhi. pp. 252-266.
Rajeswari S. Raina 2015. Knowing and Administering Food: How do we Explain Persistence? In Reddy C. S. (Ed.) Food Security and Food Production – Institutional Challenges in Governance Domain. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne. pp.11-43.
YuliaEgorova, Rajeswari S. Raina and KamminthangMantuong, 2015. An Analysis of the GM Crop Debate in India, in Phil Macnaghten and Susana Carro-Ripalda (Eds) Governing Agricultural Sustainability –Global lessons from GM crops, Earthscan- Routledge, London. Pp. 105-135.
Rajeswari S. Raina 2015. Institutional Rigidities and Impediments – Agricultural research and GM crops in India, in Phil Macnaghten and Susana Carro-Ripalda (Eds) Governing Agricultural Sustainability –Global lessons from GM crops, Earthscan- Routledge, London. Pp. 212-219.
Rajeswari S. Raina 2015. “Technological and Institutional Change: India’s Development Trajectory in an Innovation Systems Framework”, in Shome, P. and Sharma, P.(Ed.s) Emerging Economies – Food and Energy Security, and Technology and Innovation, Springer: New Delhi. Pp. 329-352.
Rajeswari Raina 2017. Report of the Symposium on SDGs, Knowledge and Democracy: Reimagining Purposes and Opportunities, Submitted to ICSSR (NRC) and DST-SERB, report of the Symposium organizedby SNU and JNU (CSSP) in Shiv Nadar University, 16-17 January 2017.
Rajeswari Raina and Richa Kumar. May 2017. Summary Report “India’s Soils: Science-Policy-Practice Interfaces for Sustainable Futures,” submitted to the Department of Science and Technology, report of the Conference on India’s Soils, organized by IIT Delhi, Shiv Nadar University, WASSAN and RRA- Network, in 26-28 February 2017.
Report of the Consultation on “Strategies for Managing Droughts-Need for Aligning Science and Public Policy” organized by CSIR-NISTADS, SPWD, DSF and RRA Network, in CSIR-NISTADS, on 3rdJune 2016.
Rajeswari S. Raina 2015. “Food for thought: Policy Options for India’s Food Processing Industry,” ISTIP Policy Bulletin No. 11. CSIR-NISTADS: New Delhi. August 2015.
Rajeswari S. Raina, A. Ravindra, M V Ramachandrudu, and S. Kiran, 2015.“Reviving Knowledge: India’s Rainfed Farming, Variability and Diversity, IIED Briefing Paper, August 2015, IIED: London (http://pubs.iied.org/17307IIED.html?k=india)
“Berlin Memorandum on Sustainable Livelihoods for Smallholders”, Input for the Conference “Setting the Course for a World Without Hunger – North-South Dialogue on the Role of the G7”, prepared as part of a collaborative team, of scientists, civil society organizations and policy makers, from India, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Germany, Bolivia and Peru (www.welthungerhilfe.de) and presented to the German Parliamentarians and other stakeholders in the Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Berlin, 4th February, 2015.
Rajeswari Raina. “Knowing and Governing India’s Rainfed Agriculture”, The Hindu Business Line, 14th July 2024.( https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/agri-business/knowing-and-governing-indias-rainfed-agriculture/article68400138.ece)
Rajeswari Raina. “More cop-out than transition,” 5th June 2024, published in 360info.org (10.54377/42f0-3a3e) https://360info.org/more-cop-out-than-transition/
Rajeswari S. Raina. “Why we must think of ‘Post-growth’” in The India Forum, 6th September 2023. (https://www.theindiaforum.in/economy/why-we-must-think-post-growth)
- “Attacks on Africans insult Lucy’s womb” The Statesman, June 9th 2016.
- “Vitalstatistix and the SDGs” The Statesman, Tuesday, September 29th, 2015.
- (www.epaper.thestatesman.com/c/6698442)
- “Put small holders centre-stage: Call for G7 support to end world hunger and poverty,” by Rajeswari S. Raina, in the Alternative, March 11, 2015.(see www.thealternative.in/society/)
Panellist in BBC – the Real Story, on India’s Pollution Problem, aired on 8th November 2019. (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csyddt).
- Invited lecture (online) on “Post-growth Agriculture: Institutional Learning for Development Cooperation and Aid” (based on the chapter in GIZ, PEGNET (Eds.) 2023. Beyond. Growth? Alternative Models for economic Development. An explorative Reader. GIZ (GMBH) and PEGNET: Berlin. Pp.64-85. (https://www.giz.de/fachexpertise/downloads/giz2023-en-bgr-7-chapter.pdf)) organized by GIZ, PEGNET, 2nd July 2024.
- Invited speaker at the high level Roundtable on "Steering science, technology and innovation (STI) towards the SDGs" moderated by Tomasso Ciarli (UNU Merit and SPRU) based on the STRINGS Report produced by UNDP and UKRI (2022), at the 2024 annual meeting of the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), 21st June 2024.
- Invited lecture (online) on “Understanding Interactions for Sustainability: Technologies, Environment and Development in India” as part of the lecture series “Dialogues on Development”, organized by the Bahai Chair of Studies in Development at Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, 12th June 2024. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sj3ys_prHk)
- Invited panelist at the second Agroecology Economies webinar series on “How to Finance an Agroecology Transition: Innovations in Accessible and Affordable Credit Systems for Grassroots-led Enterprises” 30th May 2024. (https://www.youtube.com/live/QxBjZkj49bE)
- Invited reviewer of the report, RCRC 2023. The State of Rural Vulnerability Report 2022, Responsible Coalition for Resilient Communities (RCRC), and lead discussant on “How these issues/trends have been measured and how else can they be measured.” At IIM Ahmedabad, 10th May 2024.
- Delivered the Keynote Address titled “Post-growth Thinking for the Environmental State,” at the “International Conference on Degrowth, Postgrowth or Reinventing Life: Prospects and Projects” proposed and sponsored by the M.S. Merian - R. Tagore International Centre for Advanced Studies (ICAS) organized by CSDS Delhi and Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR, at the inaugural session in CSDS Delhi, 20th September 2022.
- “From Un-Sustainable Consumption to Sustainable Production-Consumption Systems”, as part of a three part Webinar Series on “How to Talk about Sustainable Consumption in the Global South?” Organized by the Future Earth Knowledge and Action Network on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production.15th September 2021.
- Discussant at the session on “Strengthening the interface between women’s knowledges and science” at the dialogue on Women’s Agency and Gender Equity in Food Systems: A UNFSS Independent Dialogue: Asia and Africa, organized by Norwich Institute for Sustainable Development (NISD), Bharat KrishakSamaj, RythuSadhikaraSamstha (RySS) and TIGR2ESS, 10th June 2021.
- “Multifunctional agriculture in the rainbow economy” presentation made at the RySS-CIRAD-FAO (UN) Foresight Study “AgroEco2050”, organized by the RySS (RythuSadhikaraSamstha) and A.T.E Chandra Foundation, at the 5th Virtual Expert Workshop on the 27th April 2021.
- Invited lecture delivered to the faculty and students in the School of Economics, at the Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science, Coimbatore on “The Economics of Sustainable Agriculture in India,” 27th January 2021.
- Invited lecture delivered (online) as part of the 50th Foundation Year lecture series, at the Centre for Development Studies (CDS) Trivandrum, on “Institutions and the Evolution of Indian Agriculture”, 29th January 2021.
- Panelist in the Prakash Gole Memorial Discussion Series, on “Food sufficiency, nutrition deficiency and distributional inefficiency: What does it mean in an ecological context?” Organized by the Friends of Ecological Society and Ashoka Trust for Research on Ecology and Environment (ATREE), 26th November 2020. (https://www.facebook.com/ecologicalsociety/posts/1419004961767336)
- Panelist in the Session on “Relevance of post-growth thinking to Global South” at the Seminar-cum-Workshop on “Development cooperation in a post-growth era" organized by the Institute for Future-fit Economies, Bonn. 30th October 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtHvmPbNFQg
- Panelist in the Session on “Reflections: Making change happen,” (3rd Sept.) at the ISEE (International Society for Ecological Economics) Conference on Economy and livelihoods after Covid-19 - A global on-line symposium of the International Degrowth Network and the International Society for Ecological Economics. September 1-4, 2020, University of Manchester, UK.
- Keynote Address, “Policy Incongruence as Problem: Climate Change and a Possible Paradigm Shift in Indian Agriculture,” at the National Seminar on Agriculture in India: Problems, Policies and Prospects, BJB Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar, 29th February 2020.
- Address to Economics Faculty, “Economics and Environmental Decision Making: Post-growth Thinking”, at the MESMAC International Conference 2020, on Applying Theory: Paradigms, Practices and Faultlines, at Muslim Education Society (MES) College, Mampad, Calicut, 15th January 2020.
- Keynote Address “Countering ‘Unthinkingness:’ Beyond Number of Women for Excellence in and Relevance of Science” at the Keynote Address at the National Seminar on “Role of Women Scientists in Developing Science and Society in India,” organized by the Asiatic Society, in the Vidyasagar Hall, ASIATIC SOCIETY, Kolkata, 13-14th January 2020.
- Chaired and conducted the Seminar on “Milk and Dairy in India’s Development Path: Lessons, Challenges and Perspectives,” organized by a team of French scholars from SupAgro, CIRAD, CSH, ENSFEA and INRA, at the India International Centre (IIC), 17-18 December 2019.
- Invited lecture on “The Accused Accursed: Farmers and the Evolution of Indian Agriculture,” at the CSH (French, Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities), New Delhi, 5-7pm, 16th December 2019.
- Invited presentation on “Challenges of soil restoration and management: need for community participation,” at National Consultation on “Invest on Land for Life: Policy Framework for Land Degradation Neutrality in Rainfed Areas Post UNCCD COP14”, organized by the National Rainfed Areas Authority (NRAA), Government of India, in collaboration with the GIZ (Germany) and RRA Network (Hyderabad), at the NASC Complex Lecture Hall, 23rd September 2019.
- Invited to speak at the Inaugural session of “Researching Rural India: Contemporary Challenges to Contextualizing Women’s Lives,” the Vina Mazumdar Memorial Fund- Research Scholars Workshop at the Centre for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS), New Delhi 18th September 2019.
- Invited speaker, in the expert panel “Technology Intervention for Restoration of Land to Sustainable Livelihoods in Partnership with Community,” Jointly organized by SEED (Science for Equity, Empowerment and Development) Division and VigyanPrasar, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), COP 14, at the India Expo Mart, Noida. Sept 12th, 2019.
- Invited to launch and discuss the book by Oxford University Press: “Democracy in the Woods: Environmentalism, Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania and Mexico,” by Prakash Kashwan, (OUP, 2017) in Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD). 14th August 2019.
- Invited panelist at the Faculty Workshop on Pedagogy and Innovations in Teaching Economics, Jindal School of Government and Public Policy, Jindal Global University, Sonepat, 29th July 2019.
- Discussant, invited to the T2 Lab Workshop and Exhibition on “Urban Water System in Gurgaon- Pathways to Sustainable Transformation,” organized by the Transdisciplinary research Centre for Sustainability Studies, JNU, Department of Science and Technology (govt of India), STEPS Centre, Sussex, International Social Science Council, and Centre for Technology and Development, with the Gurgaon Water Forum, in SwantantrataSenaniZilaParishad Hall, Civil Lines, Gurgaon, Sept 29th-30th 2018.
- Invited panelist at the Seminar on Pedagogy and Practice of Public Policy in India, organized by the Jindal School of Government and Public Policy, at Jindal Global University, Sonepat, 28th July 2018.
- Invited speaker at the Panel Discussion on India’s Science Policy: Ready for 2020?, at the Nature India Conclave, organized by Nature, in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, April 16, 2018.
- Invited lecture delivered “Water Cognition: HOW we know water” at the Summer School on
- Rejuvenation of Alappuzha Canals: Through Decentralised Solid and Liquid Waste Management organized by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Bombay, and Kerala Institute for Local Government, Alleppy, 21-22 May 2018.
- Invited lecture, “Beyond numbers: Gender concerns, excellence and relevance of science in India” at the Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges for Women in STEM, Kurukshetra University, 24th-25th January 2018.
- Invited Lecture, “Understanding and Using Science Diplomacy: Lessons from the Institutionalisation of Soft Power in India,” lecture delivered at the ITEC Capacity Building Programme on Science Diplomacy, organized by RIS, in RIS, New Delhi.18th January 2017.
- Invited to moderate and chair the plenary panel on “Water and Justice” – presentations by Peter May (Senior Scientist, University of Maryland, USA) and MokgadiMonamati (Senior Resource Specialist, Botswana), at the International Society for Ecological Economics, 2016 Conference on Transforming the Economy: Sustaining Food, Water, Energy and Justice, at the University of the District of Columbia, Washington D.C., 27-29 June 2016.
- Invited by the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSS) Department of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi to develop, teach and evaluate a course on science policy and development policy (November 2015). Taught the course “Policy Sciences and Science Policy” second semester (Jan-May) 2016, in IIT Delhi.
- Member Expert Committee for a New Initiative in “Technology application for livelihood improvement of Scheduled Caste Population (Talim-Sc)” under the Science for Equity, Empowerment and Development (SEED) programme of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. New Delhi, for the period Jan 2013 – 2016.
- Invited to lecture to the CICALICS Academy and review research papers prepared by Ph. D. students and Joint Lecture, with Prof. GuShulin and Prof Susan Cozzens, on “Inclusive Innovation – Current Trends and Future Research” for Ph.D. students, at the CICALICS Academy, National Institute of Innovation Management (NIIM), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 28-30 August 2016
- Organized a thematic presentation on “Substantive Economics and Agroecological Experiments: Changing Knowledge-Policy Contents and Relationships” with 20 papers (in four sessions) at the 17th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), on Economies for Life, at Santa Marta, Colombia, 26-28 October 2023, in collaboration with Marie Derville (University of Toulouse), Antje Linkenbach (Erfurt University), and Leon Avilla (University of Mexico).
- “A Substantive Lens: Agroecological Transformations and the ‘Role of Economics’ in Analyzing the Environmental Challenges” at the17th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), on Economies for Life, at Santa Marta, Colombia, 26-28 October 2023.
- “The Scientific International: The Green Revolution and Changes in the Organization and Conduct of Science,” at the Inter-Institutional Seminar on “The Green Revolution: A Global Perspective on its 80th Anniversary” organized by Environmental Geography Research Center- National Autonomous University of Mexico, The Colegio Mexiquense AC., Research Institute Dr. José María Luis Mora (as a virtual international conference, every 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 16th August 2022 to 10th October 2023) on the 14th of March 2023.
- “Sustainable and Democratic Development: S&T for SDGs?” paper co-authored with Rishabh Kachroo (PhD student) presented at the National Workshop on Science, Technology and Democracy, organized in and sponsored by CSDS, Delhi, 8th-9th December 2022.
- “Time, Work and the Dynamic Rural Economy” at the National Virtual Conference Revving Up the Rural Non-Farm Economy: Potential and Strategies, organized by Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR) and the ICSSR, October 14-15, 2022.
- Presentation “On Reading a Science Policy Document” at the (webinar) workshop on STIP 2020 and the Future of Scientific Research in India, organized by the Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 11th March 2021. (online)
- Panelist in the discussion on “An America Rest- The Global Implications of the US Presidential Elections,” organized by the Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar University, 21st January 2021.
- Panelist in the Session on “Reflections: Making change happen,” (3rd Sept.) at the ISEE (International Society for Ecological Economics) Conference on Economy and livelihoods after Covid-19 - A global on-line symposium of the International Degrowth Network and the International Society for Ecological Economics. September 1-4, 2020, University of Manchester, UK. (online)
- Speaker in the Panel Discussion 2: "Role of STI for Aatmanirbhar Bharat, Fostering Public-Private linkages for promoting Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem", at the Nav Bharat Nirman (NBN) - Building of the New India: IISF 2020 (India International Science Festival), organized by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. 24th December 2020. (online)
- Speaker in the Panel on Substantive considerations of Post-Growth development, for the Open Economics Forum at SOAS, London, 15th December 2020. (online) (The OEF in SOAS is a subgroup of the wider global network Rethinking Economics, which promotes global economics curriculum reform).
- “Agricultural sciences, technology and administration – centralization and consolidation as a policy process problem” paper presented at the session on “Making Inclusive, Localised Policy Processes and Strategies” in the NRAS Conference “Beyond Productivity and Populism: Reimagining India’s Agricultural and Rural Policies,” in IIT Delhi, 26-28 September 2019.
- Invited lecture on “Malnutrition and Asia in the Global Food Regime,” at the Department of International Relations, at Ashoka University, Sonepat. 3rd April 2019.
- “Millets and Meanings of Agriculture,” lecture delivered on 13th February, at the Winter School on Changing Grounds: Dynamics of Culture ad Livelihood, organized by IIT Delhi, University of Groningen, Frobenius Institute, 11-15 Feb 2019.
- “People first: institutions and technologies in a post-growth society,” Keynote address, delivered at the 3rd MESMAC International Conference on “People First: Man, Machine and Milieu” organized by MES College, Mampad, Calicut, Kerala, 15th-17th January 2019.
- “The Metabolism of Agro-Ecological Systems: Reforming Institutions and the Sciences in India”, presented at the XV Congress of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) 2018, on Ecological Economics and Socio-Ecological Movements: Science, Policy and Challenges to Global Processes in a Troubled World, organized by the ISEE, the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana and the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, in Puebla, Mexico, 10-12 September 2018.
- “Knowledge politics and the intermediate regime: A State Nutrition Programme in India“ – co-authored with Srijit Mishra, A. Ravindra, Dinesh Balam and PurviThangaraj, presented at the International Seminar on The Role of Technology in Democratic Politics in the 21st Century, organized by the Delhi Science Forum and India Cultural Forum, at the India International Centre, New Delhi, 9th-10th July 2018.
- “Rainfed agriculture: Policy erasure of social and ecological complexity,” paper presented at the National Conference on Cross-disciplinary Applications of Complex Networks, orgnized by the Department of Mathematics, Shiv Nadar University, 22-24 March 2018.
- “India’s Soils, Social-Ecological Systems and the Development Juggernaut,” at the Workshop on Development Corridors and the Sustainability Challenge: Land, Water, Livelihoods, organized by the Omia Kumar Das Institute for Social Change and Development, Guwahati, 6-7 March 2018.
- “Science, Technology and Innovation in Agriculture: Policy Research Demands and Capacities,” at the Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (WSTIP), organized by DST- Centre for Policy Research, IISc Bangalore, and National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, in IISc, 11th-13th December 2017.
- “A Question of Framing: Co-operation between informal sector and isles of excellence”, at the Symposium on Innovation for Inclusive Development, organized by the SIGCI, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, 26th-28th November 2017.
- “Institutions and Knowledge: The Sciences in India's Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition” at the Workshop on Rethinking the Social Contract of Science, organized by Dialogue, journal of the INSA, in JNU Convention Centre , JNU. 28th October 2017.
- “Agricultural Ecology- A Policy or Knowledge-Policy-Practice Continuums”at the UK-India Conference, on Ecology in Agriculture: Perspectives from UK and India, organized by the British Ecological Society, UK, in Darwin House, London, 12th-14th Sept'17.
Institutional Changes for Rural Innovation: The Civic Space and the State in India, the 1980s through 2010s . Principal Investigators: Keshab Das (GIDR, Ahmedabad) Rajeswari S. Raina (Shiv Nadar IoE, Delhi NCR) Research project sponsored by Ford Foundation, NY, USA. Grant: 95,000 US$ Project Duration: 2 years (1st September 2020 to 31st August 2022- extended to March 2023)
Consultancy research project “Financing the Agroecological Transformation of Agri-food Systems”, as part of the programme on “Public Development Banks and the Sustainable Development Goals” coordinated by the Global Development Network. PIs: Prof. Rajeswari S. Raina (SNU, Delhi NCR) and Prof. Tara Nair (GIDR, Ahmedabad). Sponsored by the AgenceFrancaise de Developpement (AFD), Paris . Consultancy grant: 24,000 Euros . Duration: March-July 2022.
Consultancy project to author a chapter (tentatively titled “Post-growth opportunities: Towards a new Agrarian Social Metabolism”) for the Reader titled “Beyond growth? Alternative models for economic development”. Sponsored by GIZ Sector Project Sustainable Economic Development (SV NaWi), commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Competence Centre on Economic Policy and Private Sector Development within the GIZ Sectoral Department (FMB) are cooperating with the Poverty, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet). Duration: May – October 2022, Amount: Rs. 4,40,000
Projects completed:
Millet-based Nutrition Programmes: Theoretical Challenges and Policy Problems in Rainfed Agriculture . Principal Investigator: Prof. Rajeswari S. Raina, Co-PI: Prof. Srijit Mishra (former Director NCDS, Bhubaneswar, now with IGIDR Mumbai) Collaborative research project - with NCDS, Bhubaneswar, and WASSAN, Hyderabad. Sponsored: ICSSR Major Research Programme, hosted and conducted by NCDS, Bhubaneswar. March 2017 to February 2019 – extended to March 2020.
Academia Engagement on Decentralized Sanitation. Principal Investigator- Rajeswari Raina, with Sreedeep Bhattacharya (C-PACT, SNU). Consultancy Project, sponsored by: National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) hosted in SHSS, SNU.Project Budget= Rs. 8,00,000. September 1st 2018 to March 31st 2019.
Social and Agro-Ecological Livelihoods (SEAL) models and support systems. Project Leader (SNU) – Rajeswari S. Raina, Research partners from Department of Mathematics and Department of Economics, Shiv Nadar University and Department of Mathematics. Sponsored: Foundation for Ecological Security (Anand), April 2017-December 2017.
Elected Vice President of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics (ISAE), in 2021.
Member Advisory Committee/Expert Committee (i) FAO-Government of Andhra Pradesh programme on Natural Farming 2019-2022. (ii) Nominated member of the NCNF (National Coalition on Natural Farming) in 2021.
Elected member RCAP, Regional Committee Asia-Pacific of the International Science Council (ISC) 2018-2019; participated in two meetings of the ISC.
TN Khoshoo Memorial Award 2018 – The theme of this year’s award is ‘Women in Sustainability’ which recognizes the exceptional contribution of women in sustainability research. (Award and lecture on the 19th of November 2018, Satish Dhawan Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore).
Member, ISEE Board, International Society for Ecological Economics, 2016-2018 (http://www.isecoeco.org/about/officers-committees)
Member, Programme Advisory Committee, KIRAN Scheme (Mobility scheme for women scientists), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. January 2017- 2020.
Secretary, and Member of the Executive Committee of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) 2014-2016. (www.ecoinsee.org)
Member, Governing Board of the Society for Promotion of Wasteland Development (SPWD), New Delhi (2016-19), and Member, Governing Board of Sahjeevan (a women’s collective, natural resource management and agrarian development) in Kuchchh region, Gujarat (2015-18).
Member, Expert Advisory Committee on Innovation, Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development (iSTED) of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India: New Delhi 2016-18.
Member of the Expert Committee (EC) for approval and review of Core Support programme under the Technology Advancement for Rural Areas (TARA) Scheme of the SEED Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India (2016-19).
Member of Research Advisory Board of Development Alternatives (DA), a civil society organization working on eco-solutions for people and planet, in New Delhi (2015-18).
Member of an expert group on “Curriculum and Teaching Resources Support” constituted by CSE, New Delhi, to equip teachers handling the “Environmental Sciences” compulsory course (UGC mandate) for undergraduate students in India (since March 2015). Helped organize the “Knowledge Conclave” for the Green Educators Network of CSE, 28-29 Jan 2016.
Member of the Board and Executive Committee of SRUTI – Society for Rural Urban and Tribal Initiative, New Delhi, since 2014 (www.sruti.org.in)