SNIOE-Dassault Systemes Centre for Excellence:
Spearheading Research, Teaching, Innovation, Design & Entrepreneurship across the university.
The SDC endeavour is a novel academia-industry collaboration for real-life problem-solving, as a venture of SNIOE and Dassault, the pioneering French multinational spanning from aerospace to health. SDC aims to nurture empowered professionals, engineers, scientists, designers, artists or thought-leaders who can anticipate, ideate, shape, and implement the solutions to meet challenges of tomorrow’s world.
Goal: As India is emerging as the third leading world economy, focussed research collaboration with a leading strategic European R&D partner nation as France is indeed desirable. The SDC collaboration is indeed a leading instance of its kind in India. The students/researchers here obtain training and exposure to real-world industrial or translational challenges, for devising innovative practical solutions. A main aim is to usher in a future-ready global workforce with high employability and applicability quotient.
Facilities: SDC has world-class Dassault and other platforms, modelling systems, Biovia suites, VR/AR setups, 3DExperience theatre, and functional spaces, cooperating with various sophisticated labs in SNU.
Key areas: product design, system analytics, enhanced visualization, or healthcare/drug discovery. All the Schools are involved to set up SDC, with Sciences, Engg., Design and Arts groups being heavy users.
Education: A sample of the university courses that utilize SDC facilities:
Science: Computational Physics Molecular Modelling Biophysics Neuroscience & Cognition
Engg. design: CAD Manufacturing Mechanical design, Engg. drawing FEM design
Electronics Radar Engg. Microwave Engg, Circuit design Antenna & propagation
Arts: Interactive Media, Computational media Future course: Sculpture design
Funded Research Projects: A selected list of such projects follows.
Sponsored by agencies:
⧫ Photoconductive antenna as high power emitter, DRDO ⧫ Autonomic Neural Performance estimation, ISRO
⧫ Redesigning of the Traditional Handloom, DSIR. ⧫ Automation of Drum Dumper unit, Berger Nippon.
⧫ OAM Antenna for Higher Order Beam, SERB. ⧫ Molecular analysis of Analysis of mortars, DST.
⧫ National-level Medical Grid Systems, DST. ⧫ Biodegradable coatings for food packaging, SERB.
Sponsored by La Dassault Foundation or HCL:
❖Fluid Transfer Module For Blood Gas Analyser Device. ❖Reinforcement Learning Of Quadruped Robot
❖Optimization of automobile Steering knuckle. ❖Evaluation of thermoplastic composites
❖Solar Thermal System using advanced composites ❖Advanced Automation and Robotics
❖Neuro-Rehab. Therapy for Children with Brain Injury ❖Resistant Ceramic Coatings for Aerospace
Training Courses and Certificate Courses:
►Abacus Engineering Modelling Workshop ► Biovia Materials Science & Engineering Workshop
► Digital Product Visualization for Fine Arts training ►3D Experience based Design Workshop
► Biovia Discovery Studio for Life Sciences (in prep.). ► Simulation Project Training project
Utilization by Students and Faculty:
The centre is a most heavily used multidisciplinary facility in SNU, as utilized by UG, Masters and PhD students, postdocs and faculty. For instance, when checked last at a specific date, the number of users was 4,422.
Outputs of the Centre.
The funded projects grant income is Rs 341 lakhs. A large number of high impact papers, PhD thesis, IPR concepts, machine prototypes, predicted therapeutic molecules, and artistic visualization motifs have been the deliverables.