Quantum Condensed Matter Theory

I am a theoretical physicist, mainly interested in quantum condensed matter with a focus on strongly correlated electron systems.

My research topics include unconventional (high-temperature) superconductivity, strange metallic behaviour (non-Fermi liquids), two-dimensional layered heterostructures, Majorana zero modes, semimetals, topological phases, geometrical mutual information, disorder effects, transport properties, and non-Hermitian systems. My overall vision, guiding my past and current work, is that the study of various strongly interacting quantum phases of matter will ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of strongly coupled systems (e.g. high-temperature superconductors and strange metals). My research projects are constantly evolving with time, keeping this broader vision in mind, and focussing on my interest and expertise in strongly correlated electron systems.

My main strength lies in analytical calculations, supplemented by small-scale numerics. As a theoretical physicist, I am able to move into new areas quickly. I am very flexible and open-minded, and I always make an effort to explore new research areas and techniques lying beyond my repertoire. I believe that such an outlook is essential, as condensed matter physics is an experimentally driven field, and one has to work in a way so that the projects catch up with the latest developments and experimental discoveries.

Associated Faculty

Ipsita Mandal

Assistant Professor

School of Natural Sciences