Bachelor of Design

Bachelor of Design

Bachelor of Design is a 4-year, future-oriented, trans-disciplinary program that uniquely curates knowledge and skills from Social Sciences, Arts, Engineering, and Management into Design. It provides a choice-based streaming system, allowing students to specialise in Experience Design (UI-UX), Product-System Design, and Visual Communication Design.

Vikash Kumar
+91-84484 30531
[email protected]





Program Structure

B.Des. program is structured into 21 core courses, four design projects, three plus elective courses (excluding CCC and UWE courses), and one semester-long industry project.

The first year of the program covers foundational courses in Design along with courses from social sciences covering applied fundamentals of society, culture, psychology, and sustainability. 

The second year of the program furthers foundational courses in Design and technology-related courses, including applied electronics, software, and coding. It also includes a group design project.

The third year of the program is focused on integrated courses like design research, design management, and Design with future technologies. It also includes individual/group design projects in students’ areas of interest. Towards the end of the third year, a student decides if they want to exit with a B. Des. degree or upgrade to the integrated B. Des. – M.Des. Degree.

The fourth year is for choice-based streaming courses in the 7th semester and industry projects in the final semester.

All the courses are generally structured into modules, offering the flexibility of being taught by more than one faculty member. Hands-on exercises, studio-based activities, case studies, seminars, industrial visits, guest lectures etc. are built into most courses to facilitate experiential and practice-based learning. 

To be eligible for the Bachelor of Design (B. Des.) degree award, all the requirements must be fulfilled within 8 to 12 full semesters (with eight semesters being ideal). `Full semester’ refers to the Spring (January to May) and Monsoon (August to December) semesters. A student must complete a minimum of 160 credit points and 2 summer internships of minimum eight weeks. Credit points should be earned from Core Courses (minimum of 82 credits), Elective Courses (minimum 12 credits), Design Project (18 credits), Industry Exposure (06 credits) and CCC and UWE (42 credits), and maintains a minimum CGPA of 6.0. Apart from these academic requirements, there should be no disciplinary actions pending against the student, and he/she obtains ‘no-dues’ clearance from the University administration (Registrar and Finance office).

Note: In the case of exchange programs, a transfer of up to 16 credits is permissible with accredited institutions in India and abroad.