The curriculum at SDC emphasizes project-based learning that combines the knowledge and expertise of faculty and industry professionals. The aim is to facilitate innovative research-driven solutions that are the need of the hour for both industry and society.
One of the first such projects undertaken by the SDC is in collaboration with Gurugram-based NGO, Humanitarian Aid International (HAI), in the area of Disaster Management.
The project involves Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR faculty namely Prof. Jyoti Sharma, Dr. Prem Pandey, Dr. Ramesh Gupta and Dr. Niteesh Sahni. They will be working in close collaboration with Founder & CEO HAI, Mr. Sudhanshu S. Singh and President HAI, Dr. N.M. Prusty.
The objective of the project is to develop a logical, quick and effective framework of Disaster Assessment. This is a 3-phased project that deploys AI/ML techniques to extract information about infrastructure damage and population displacement using drones and satellite imagery.