Faculty at School of Management and Entrepreneurship

Paromita Goswami
Ph.D., Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences, Pilani
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: 278
- Number: 91-120-3819100
Teaching Interests
Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Gender Violence and Social Marketing for Social Change, Retail Management
Research Interests
Sexual Violence and Consumption, Sustainable Menstruation and Social Entrepreneurship, Clinical Depression from Critical Marketing Perspective, Religious Violence and Social Marketing of Peace, Psychographics and Youth Consumption, Effect of big retail on small retail, Green Consumption of Apparel
Know more: Click here
Ph.D., Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences, Pilani
- 2019-Present, Professor of Marketing and Social Innovation, School of Managent and Entrepreneurship, Shiv Nadar Institute of Eminence (Deemed to be University), Delhi-NCR
- 2013-2019- Associate Professor of Marketing, Shiv Nadar Institute of Eminence (Deemed to be University), Delhi-NCR
- 2012-2013-Diector of Insights and Realization, TMRC Research and Strategy Pvt. Ltd.
- 2011-12-American Association of University Women (AAUW) Post-Doctoral Fellow, University Centre for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- 2009-2012- Associate Professor of Marketing, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar
- 2007-2009-Assistant Professor of Marketing, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar
- 2006-2007- Faculty Member, ICFAI Business School, Kolkata
- 1999-2006-Lecturer of Management, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata
- 1996-1999-Director, James T. Kent Homeo Lab Pvt. Ltd.
2011 - 2012
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Pittsburgh
- Das A., Roy Chaudhuri H., Goswami P. (2022), ‘The Catharsis of Male Consumption Discourses: Reimagining Masculinity in India’, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 57, Issue 1, http://doi.org/10.1111/joca.12475 (ranked A as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 3.0)
- Roy P.S., Goswami P. (2020), ‘Integrating Social Enterprise and Social Marketing with Shadow Framework: A case for Peacebuilding’, Journal of Social Marketing, Emerald Vol 10, Issue 2, pp 153-178 (ranked B as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 3.5)
- Cherrier H., Goswami P. & Ray S. (2018), ‘Social Entrepreneurship: Creating value in the context of institutional complexity’, Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, Vol. 86, pp 245-258 (ranked A as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 11.2)
- Varman R., Goswami P., and Vijay D. (2018), ‘The Precarity of Respectable Consumption: Normalizing Sexual Violence Against Women’, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol 34, Issue 11-12, pp 932-964 (ranked A as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 5.2)
- Goswami P. (2010), ‘Subhiksha: To Make-over or Not to Make-over’, Journal of Case Research, Vol. 1, Issue 1, http://www.ximb.ac.in/~jcr/subhiksha.pdf.
- Goswami P., Mishra M.S. (2009), ‘Would Indian Consumers Move from Kirana Stores to Organized Retailers When Shopping for Groceries?’, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, an Emerald Publication, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp 127-143 (ranked A as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 6.1)
- Goswami P. (2008), ‘Is the Urban Indian Consumer Ready for Environment-Friendly Apparel?’, International Journal of Green Economics, an Inderscience Publication, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp 411-426 (ranked C as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 1.1)
- Goswami P. (2008), ‘Is the Urban Indian Consumer Ready for Clothing with Eco-labels?’, International Journal of Consumer Studies, a Wiley-Blackwell Publication, Vol. 32, Issue 5, September, pp 438–446 (ranked A as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 7.0)
- Roy S., Goswami P. (2007), ‘Structural Equation Modeling of Value- Psychographic Trait- Clothing Purchase Behavior: A Study on the Urban College-goers of India’, Young Consumers, an Emerald Publication, Vol.8 (4), pp 269-277 (ranked B as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 4.1)
- Goswami P. (2007), ‘Psychographic Segmentation of the College-goers of Kolkata’, IIM Bangalore Management Review, March, Vol. 19, No.1, pp 41-51 (ranked B as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 4.0)
- Roy S., Goswami P. (2007), ‘Psychographics and its Effects on Purchase Frequency: A Study of the College-goers of Kolkata, India’, Decision (Journal of IIM Calcutta), January-June, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp 63-93
- Goswami P. (2007), ‘Apparel Shopping Orientation of Urban Indians-A Study on Kolkata’, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4, April, pp 25-33 (ranked C as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 2.1)
- Goswami P. (2007), ‘Apparel Shopping Behavior of Urban Indian College-goers’, ICFAI Journal of Management Research, Vol. VI, No. 4, April, pp 57-72, also included in the book Apparel Industry and Retailing in India: Insights and Experiences (2008), Eds Kaur T. and Ramachandran S., Icfai University Press, pp 112-130
- Goswami P. (2007), ‘Customer Satisfaction with Service Quality in the Life Insurance Industry in India’, ICFAI Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. V, No.1, March, pp 25-30; also included in the book Life Insurance in India: Trends and Developments (2008), Ed Alagiri D., Icfai University Press, pp 113-120
- Goswami P. (2007), ‘Exploring the Apparel Purchase Behavior of Urban Indian College-goers: A Qualitative Study’, Management and Labour Studies, Journal of XLRI, Vol. 32, No. 1, February, pp 87-99 (ranked C as per ABDC ranking, Scopus Indexed with CiteScore 2021 0.9).
- Goswami P. (2006), ‘Customer Perception of Coffee Chains: A Comparative Study of Barista and Cafe Coffee Day’, ICFAI Journal of Consumer Behavior, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 44-58; also included the book Ed Sen S. (2007), The Non- Alcoholic Beverage Industry-An Overview, ICFAI Books, pp 104-121.
- Goswami P. (2006), ‘Media Usage Behavior of the College-goers of Kolkata in the Era of Globalization: A Psychographic Study’, ICFAI Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. V, No.3, pp 80-102.
- Goswami P., Chaudhuri A. (2020), ‘How far is Marketization responsible for the Epidemic Growth of Clinical Depression: A Study in Kolkata, India’, in (eds) Chaudhuri H.R. and Belk R. W. ‘Marketization: Theory and Evidence from Emerging Markets’, Springer, pp 285-307
- Goswami P. (2017), Marketing Peace: Deconstructing Christian-Muslim Narratives of God, Salvation and Terrorism, Peace Studies: Edges and Innovation Series, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom (foreword by Professor Gerald Zaltman of Harvard Business School) (http://www.cambridgescholars.com/marketing-peace)
- Goswami P., Mishra M.S. (2009), ‘Workplace Blues in Urban India’, in ‘Gender Bias: Issues and Perspectives’, ed Sen S., ICFAI University Press, pp 115-124
- Goswami P. (2009), ‘Would Kiranas Survive?’, in ‘Grocery and Wet Retailing’ ed Mishra M.S., ICFAI University Press, pp 98-108.
Sreeram S., Ray S., Goswami P. (2020), ‘Eco-femme Cloth Pads: Reaching Rural Women’, Ivey Publishing, https://www.iveycases.com/ProductView.aspx?id=112296
- Goswami P. (2022), ‘How do we #breakthebias when we try to sell butter (or beard-cream) using Ukraine-Russia war framing?’, https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/features/how-do-we-breakthebias-when-we-try-to-sell-butter-or-beard-cream-using-ukraine-russia-war-framing-8221661.html/amp. Last accessed 20 March 2022
- Goswami P, Chaudhuri A. (2022). The social factors behind overprescription in India, https://www.newsroom.co.nz/the-social-factors-behind-overprescription, last accessed 1 February 2022
- Goswami P. (2020), ‘On Menstrual Hygiene Day, it’s time to think of women like Vasundhara who has never seen a sanitary pad in her life’,
- https://yourstory.com/herstory/2020/05/menstrual-hygiene-day-strategies?fbclid=IwAR0QiE5dICVnVJCGd0az9RwFYgi8y0-aAp7xuoKbScxxF2itKTWfzAtiWqk, last accessed 29 May 2020
- Goswami P. (2015), ‘Will deferred placements boost entrepreneurship?’, Indian Management, June issue, pp 98-102.
- Goswami P. (2023), ‘Can Sustainability Development be driven by Social Marketing and Consumer Movements?’, Plenary Speaker at the International Conference on Business, Innovation and Sustainability in Digital Era organized by Alliance Ascent College (affiliated to Alliance University, Bangalore) held in hybrid mode on 27 May 2023; four students presented their class projects on Sustainability Development Goals and Social Marketing from Spring 2023: Sadhika Uppal BMS2024 on Inclusive Learning Environment for Menstruating Students: A Gender Equity Perspective; Trishanjali Dwivedi MBA 2024 on Why do female janitors have meals in bathrooms? A Campaign for Dignity and Inclusion; Pranitha Muthurajan MBA2024 on Promoting Sustainable Menstruation to SNIoE Group D Female Staff; Ria Kachchal BMS 2025 on Project Himayah: Management of Single-use Plastic generated by Vendors on the University Campus
- Goswami P. (2023), ‘Can Social Marketing be used by Social Entrepreneurs?’, an online session in the 6 day Online Short Term Course on Entrepreneurship Development organised by the Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta under the UGC-HRDC of University of Calcutta on February 23, 2023
- Goswami P. (2021), ‘Clinical Depression and Marketization by Big Pharma and Professional Coaching Chains’ invited talk at a panel on Marketization chaired by Firat F, with panelists Appau S., Belk R.W., Zerebecki B. Opree S.J., Belbak A.G., held at the 16th Biennial ISMD Conference held at IIM Trichy on 17 December 2021
- Proposed and Chaired a panel on Can Business Provide a Platform for Inclusivity and Doing Good? at Alliance Management Studies International Conference on Social Challenges and Business Responses held on 29-30 January 2021 with three papers authored by students and developed from projects that were part of course-work:
-Dwivedi D., Chandel M., Singh S. (2021), ‘An Exploratory Study of Gay Consumers’ Homosexual Identity and their Consumption Behaviour of Colour Cosmetics’
- Dwivedi D., Gogia D., Kumaresan N. (2021), ‘Branding of less known Heritage Sites- A case of Khirki Mosque’
- Priyadarshini E.A., Mishra R., Akshita V, Shruthi K. (2021), ‘Project Imagine - A Case of Overcoming ‘Hybrid Tensions’ through Business Model Innovation’
- Goswami P. (2019), ‘How can Social Marketing Projects be designed for Bihar’, invited sessions for students and faculty of Development Management Institute, Patna on 24-25 January 2019
- Goswami P. (2016), ‘(Almost) Nothing Digital about It’, invited talk as Consortium Faculty at 3rd AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium hosted by IMT Ghaziabad, 7-9 January 2016
- Goswami P. (2015), ‘She is a rural educated woman, so she earns. I am an educated urban woman, so I choose to not earn: The Indian Story’, invited refereed contribution to the online platform of UN Women dedicated to woman’s economic empowerment, http://www.empowerwomen.org/en/multimedia-center/iamwoman/think-pieces, last accessed 15 November 2015
- ‘Developing an UG course on Academic Excellence’, presented as a part of the team developing the online module of the course, meant for all SNU UG students, and proposed to be made available to other Indian Universities as a part of the as a part of the European Union sponsored project E-QUAL (Enhancing Quality, Access & Leadership of Undergraduate Education in India), in collaboration with King’s College, London; Bologna University, Italy; as well as Indian partners Ambedkar University, Delhi; Jadavpur University, Kolkata; and University of Hyderabad on 7-8 August 2014
- ‘How it is to be a girl and woman in India’, Panelist at the Gender Equality Collaboratory at 23rd Annual Social Marketing Conference: Idea Beyond Borders to held at Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, Sponsored by University of South Florida, held on 20-21 June 2014
- ‘Pack your brand with power of ZMETR and Ztory™,’ addressed students of IIM Raipur as a part of Corporate Talk Series on 23 August 2013
- ‘An Introduction to ZMET®+Insights Transfer Process with Case Studies’, Guest Lecture for Executive PGP Batch at IIFT Delhi on 23 September 2012
- ‘You are as I see you: Exploring Muslim-Christian Relationship in USA through Ethnography and ZMET’, Sponsored by Consortium for Educational Resources on Islamic Studies at University of Pittsburgh, USA on 19 June 2012
- ‘An Exploration of the Christian Muslim Relationship in USA using ZMET and Social Marketing Implications thereof’, at Walker College of Business, Appalachian State University, Boone, USA on 20 April 2012
- ‘Publishing Doctoral Work’, at the Research Training Series of Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar, in 2007, http://www1.ximb.ac.in/RW.nsf/pages/R5.13, last accessed on 12 October 2011