Synergizing Immunotherapy and Engineered Microbes for Treating Cancer and Diabetes

Abstract: Immunotherapy presents novel opportunities by harnessing the body’s immune system to combat cancer and regulate autoimmune responses. In cancer, therapies like checkpoint inhibitors enhance immune mediated destruction of tumor cells, while in autoimmune conditions, immunotherapies aim to recalibrate the immune system to prevent harmful tissue attacks. An emerging research frontier is the integration of immunotherapy with engineered microbes to enhance therapeutic outcomes where conventional treatments fall short. Engineered bacteria can stimulate immune responses against cancer cells or modulate immune tolerance to reduce inflammation in diabetes.

My presentation explores the use of pre-clinical mouse models to investigate the synergy of immunotherapy with engineered microbes. I will discuss the use of bacteria producing indole and hydroxyindole to counter cancer and autoimmune diseases and showcase our recent findings on engineered Lactobacillus strains in the treatment of Type-2 diabetes. These studies open new avenues for improving treatment efficacy in cancer, autoimmune disorders, and diabetes..