Interpreting Thought, Theory, and Policy in International Relations: A Lecture by Prof. Ian Hall

Join us for a captivating exploration of Indian foreign policy through the lens of renowned international relations scholar, Professor Ian Hall. In this thought-provoking lecture, Prof. Hall will delve into the intricate interplay of thought, theory, and policy that shapes India's global engagement. By examining the beliefs and actions of External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar, Prof. Hall will provide valuable insights into the decision-making processes and strategic objectives that drive India's foreign policy. Don't miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of one of the world's most influential nations.


The field of International Relations – like Political Science more broadly – typically privileges theory over thought and general explanations of behaviour over particular studies of policy. There are some areas, however, where these rules do not hold – notably in foreign policy analysis, which often takes ideas and beliefs more seriously and which focuses attention on the sometimes-convoluted processes by which policies are made and implemented. In this paper, Prof. Hall makes the case for adopting an interpretive approach to foreign policy analysis, which returns thought and theory – and human agency – to a central place in the explanation of behaviour of states. He argues that there are robust means to analyze the beliefs of policymakers and to evaluate their influence on foreign policy. To make this case, Prof. Hall explore the thought, theory, and policy of India's External Affairs Minister, Dr. S. Jaishankar.



Ian Hall is a Professor of International Relations at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia and an Academic Fellow of the Australia India Institute at the University of Melbourne. He is the author of several books and articles on Indian foreign policy and the history of international thought.