16th All India Conference of China Studies (AICCS)

The Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies (CHS) is pleased to partner with the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi for the 16th All India Conference of China Studies(#16AICCS) which will be held from 16 - 18 November 2023 university of Hyderabad

The All India Conference of China Studies is the flagship conference of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi, and aims to generate interest, strengthen research, and showcase advancements made in China Studies in India. The Special Theme this year is "Social Dynamics and Political Responses in China".
At the conference, Prof Rajat Kathuria, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at SNIoE will deliver welcome remarks at the Inaugural Session, and also chair a panel discussion centered around the theme, "Chinese Economy and its Socio-political Ramifications."
The #conference will have a special panel by the Centre for Himalayan Studies, Shiv Nadar IoE on the theme "Surveillance and Control: How the Chinese Party-State Deploys Science & Technology in Tibet and Xinjiang"

To register, please click here: https://bit.ly/46QSbm3

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