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  2. Dsilva G J and Galande S. # 2024. From Sequence to Consequence: Deciphering the Complex cis-regulatory landscape. J Biosciences 49:46. DOI: 10.1007/s12038-024-00431-0.

  3. Tripathi S.*, Gupta E.*, Galande, S. # 2024. Statins as anti-tumor agents: A paradigm for repurposed drugs. Cancer Reports 7:e2078.

  4. Suresh V. *, Muralidharan, B. *, Pradhan, S. J. *, Bose, M., D’Souza, L., Parichha, A., Reddy, P. C., Galande, S.# and Tole, S.# 2023. Regulation of chromatin accessibility and gene expression in the developing hippocampal primordium by LIM-HD transcription factor LHX2. PLoS Genetics 19(8):e1010874.doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010874.

  5. Gungi, A., Saha, S., Pal, M. and Galande, S. #, 2023. H4K20me1 plays a dual role in transcriptional regulation of regeneration and axis patterning in Hydra. Life Science Alliance, 6(5).

  6. Khare, S.P. *, Madhok, A. *, Patta, I., Sukla, K.K., Wagh, V.V., Kunte, P.S., Raut, D., Bhat, D., Kumaran, K., Fall, C. and Tatu, U., Chandak G.R., Yajnik C. S. #, Galande, S. # 2023. Differential expression of genes influencing mitotic processes in cord blood mononuclear cells after a pre-conceptional micronutrient-based randomised controlled trial: Pune Rural Intervention in Young Adolescents (PRIYA). Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 14: 437–448. doi: 10.1017/S204017442200068X

  7. Pradhan SJ, Reddy PC, Smutny M, Sharma A, Sako K, Oak MS, Shah R, Pal M, Deshpande O, Dsilva G, Tang Y, Mishra R, Deshpande G, Giraldez AJ, Sonawane M, Heisenberg CP#, Galande S#. (2021) Satb2 acts as a gatekeeper for major developmental transitions during early vertebrate embryogenesis. Nat Commun. 12:6094. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26234-7. PMID: 34667153

  8. Shah R, Sharma A*, Kelkar A*, Sengupta K, and Galande S#. 2021. A novel cis regulatory element regulates human XIST in CTCF-dependent manner. Mol Cell Biol, 41(8):e0038220. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00382-20DOI:

  9.  Reddy, PC*, Gungi A*, Ubhe, S, and Galande S# (2020) Epigenomic landscape of enhancer elements during Hydra head organizer formation. Epigenetics and Chromatin Oct 12;13(1):43. doi: 10.1186/s13072-020-00364-6. PMID: 33046126

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  3. Singh V, Gupta K, Singh S, Jain M, Garg R. Unravelling the molecular mechanism underlying drought stress response in chickpea via integrated multi-omics analysis. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 2023; 14:1156606. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1156606.

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  9. Reddy, P.C., Pradhan, S.J., Karmodiya, K., and Galande, S. (2020b). Origin of RNA Polymerase II pause in eumetazoans: Insights from Hydra. Journal of biosciences 45, 8.

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