Acquire New-age Skills and Get Your Hands on Lucrative Career Options after B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

Blog / September 03, 2024
B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering is one of the most versatile and diverse engineering disciplines. In addition to physics and mathematics, it includes key elements of aerospace, civil, electrical, chemical, materials science, and bio-engineering. B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering virtually touches each aspect of modern life, from biomedical devices and mobile phones to aircraft and power plants.
Career options after B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering can be found in sales, engineering management, and corporate management. Versatility is a unique advantage in a world undergoing continual economic, industrial, political, and social changes. And mechanical engineers are educated not only to adapt but to define and direct change.
A B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering combines creativity, knowledge, and analytical tools to complete the challenging task of shaping an idea into reality. Therefore, the career options after B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering are broad. The key traits of the mechanical engineering profession are its flexibility, breadth, and individuality.
The career options after B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering are substantially determined by individual choices, which is a unique advantage in a dynamic world. Mechanical engineers today are proficient in working in a wide variety of industries.
Options after B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering are no longer confined to the conventional automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing industries. However, they are also employed extensively in significant emerging areas, including nuclear technology, biomedical technology, robotics, and energy systems. Therefore, rapidly-evolving technologies and economies have made the requirements of graduates with adaptable and vast skill sets in any engineering industry, consulting, and management crucial.
Some career options after B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering are:
Government Jobs
Government organizations like the ministry of defense, DRDO, institutes like IIT and IIsc, national research laboratories, and several state departments have openings for mechanical engineers at numerous posts.
Private Technical Jobs
A private job is usually the most sought-after career option after B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering for most graduates. They take up vocations in several known organizations, through campus placements or off-campus placements. Most engineering graduates are given leading roles in well-known organizations and are placed at high annual packages.
Teaching Jobs
Being experts in mathematics and physics, mechanical engineering graduates can teach high school students. They can also teach engineering subjects at the university level. Students who wish to enter this line of career can take professional courses like B. Ed. or enroll in Ph. D. courses to become teaching assistants at a college or university.
Non-core Jobs
There are specific marketable skills, like data analysis and interpretation, aptitude skills, etc., that engineering graduates gain throughout their education. These skills are highly desirable at leading companies, and students are hired for positions like Analyst, Technical Advisor, etc.
Career Shifts
Another sought-after career option after B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering that the graduates choose is pursuing any other degree to change their career line. Whether graduates want to go into business, finance, or law, they make the best professionals because of their extensive knowledge of core subjects that form the foundation of many considerable professions.
We live in an era of enormous technological advancement, which has produced some of the most distinguished and reputed companies. As a result, many mechanical engineering graduates start and run their enterprises after gaining some experience.
Management Sector
Mechanical engineers can be exceptional managers because of their deep understanding of working mechanisms, industry-focused education, practical knowledge, and ability to work under pressure. In addition, high-tech companies often hire engineers to work in managerial positions.
Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence (Deemed to be a University) - Producing Futuristic Mechanical Engineers
The School of Engineering at Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence (Deemed to be a University) aims to provide an international ambiance in a local setting with engaging and innovative teaching methods, international guest speakers, and key partnerships in research.
The Mechanical Engineering Department at Shiv Nadar IoE offers specialization under four different tracks. The specialization under B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering syllabus at Shiv Nadar IoE includes the following:
- Computational Techniques in Mechanical Engineering
- Production Technology and Industrial Engineering
- Energy Technology and
- Manufacturing and Surface Engineering
In addition, some of the subjects covered under B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering syllabus are:
- Engineering Mathematics
- Engineering Graphics
- Material Science
- Machine Drawing
- Applied Thermodynamics
- I.C. Engines and Gas Turbines
- Control systems
- Automobile Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering and
- Industrial Management
Moreover, Shiv Nadar IoE imparts knowledge that goes far beyond just classroom learning resulting in more than 10% of mechanical engineering graduates going on for postgraduate studies, and some even going straight for doctorate and industry jobs.
Visit the link below to know more about the B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering syllabus, program structure, career options after B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, etc., at Shiv Nadar IoE. Tech.-in-mechanical-engineering