Financial Aid

To apply for financial aid from Shiv Nadar University, please check the appropriate box in your application form.

Once you receive an offer of admission, you will receive another form to fill in additional details. The financial aid committee of Shiv Nadar IoE will make a decision on your financial aid application, and the decision of the committee will be final and binding.

All applicants are required to submit the following documents with their financial aid form:

  1. Income Tax Returns of all earning members of the family
  2. Address Proof
  3. Bank Account Statements of all family members
  4. School Fee Receipt(s) of the applicant for grade XII
  5. School Fee Receipt(s) for the applicant’s sibling
  6. Details of Financial Asset(s) owned by the family
  7. Company’s Income Tax Returns and Bank Statements (in case any earning member of the family owns a Business)