Research Labs
Excellence is achieved in the University through pedagogical training, perseverance, and extraordinary research. Pushing the boundaries of research, the School of Engineering houses state-of-the-art cutting-edge research labs. From the Organic and Flexible Electronics Lab and Nanoelectronics Computation Lab, the School is home to most of the 155 labs in the University. Each of these facilities is based on the specializations of the School’s faculty drawn from the best universities in India and abroad.

Concrete Laboratory
Introduction/background of laboratory The concrete testing laboratory contains equipment and facilities for testing different construction materials like concrete, cement, fine aggregates, coarse...

River Hydraulics Laboratory
India being endowed with a vast river network; primary settings is conducive for growth of inland water transport (IWT). The navigation logjams could be nullified by providing low-cost,...

Agricultural Water Management Laboratory
Agricultural water accounts for more than 85 % of the total fresh water usage in India and more than 70% globally. Considering the present status of stressed fresh water resources, which will only...

Civil Engineering Computing Laboratory
The Department of Civil Engineering has a UG and PhD curriculum to create strong focus on emerging and disruptive technologies such as Machine Learning (ML), and Remote Sensing (RS) along with core...

Experimental Soil Mechanics Lab
Soil is a multiphase natural material which consists of solid, liquid, and gas. Nearly all the civil engineering structure - building, embankment, dam, underground structures, bridge, earth...

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
The Fluid Mechanics Lab serves as a pivotal arena where students dive into the intricacies of fluid behavior, with a primary focus on pressure-driven flows, particularly in pipe systems. This...

Geoinfomatics Laboratory
Geoinformatics is a scientific field that includes the use of emerging techniques such as remote sensing, GIS, and spatial data analysis. These emerging techniques are being widely used for the...

Intelligent Geosystems Laboratory
Intelligent Geosystems Laboratory at SNIoE is focused to strengthening the state-of-the-art knowledge and cutting-edge technologies for intelligent sensing and data analytics for geotechnical...

Hydraulic Engineering
In the realm of hydraulic engineering, understanding the principles governing gravity flow is paramount. The Hydraulics Lab serves as a crucible for students to delve into the intricate dynamics of...

Transportation Engineering Laboratory
Transportation engineering materials play a crucial role in ensuring the durability, safety, and sustainability of roads, bridges, and other infrastructure elements. The laboratory focuses on the...

Water Management Field Laboratory
Water Management Field Laboratory, at Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, focuses on the investigation of different aspects and issues related to water and its availability such as flood &...

Water Resources Engineering Computational Lab
The Computational Lab stands at the forefront of technological innovation, utilizing advanced computational tools to address pressing challenges in water management. From simulating river dynamics...

Advanced Materials and Building Energy (AMBE) Lab
Energy is central to achieving India's development ambitions. Rapid urbanization fuelled by high economic development and setting up of “Smart cities” are expected to continue to drive up the...

Strength Of Material (SOM) Laboratory
The Strength of Material (SOM) laboratory contains equipment and facilities for testing different properties of materials as per relevant standards. The laboratory is equipped with universal...

Stimulation Lab (Process Control, Modelling and Simulations Lab)
This lab is associated with Numerical modelling and simulations, CFD analysis and process control related research work. Several Research Projects are going on in this lab: CFD study of free...

Sustainability & Polymer Laboratory
The research activities of “Sustainability and Polymer Lab” are broadly aligned to address global climate challenges. The “sustainability” objective focuses on reducing carbon footprint of...

Computational and Theoretical Soft Matter
The research focus of the Computational and Theoretical Soft Matter Lab lies at the interface of computational modeling of soft matter systems, solvation thermodynamics, interfacial phenomena and...

Biomass conversion Laboratory
This lab is well equipped for thermochemical conversion of biomass and waste into bioenergy/biofuels in all the three forms; solid (Bio-char), liquid (Bio-oil), and gas (Syngas). The upgradation of...

Polymer Materials Research Lab
The group carries out research in membranes, coatings and thin films using polymers, composites, blends, biomaterials and nanomaterials. We use Molecular Dynamics simulations to analyse gas...

Microfluidics Lab
Dr. V. M. Rajesh's Microfluidics Lab stands as a premier research hub, furnished with state-of-the-art facilities. The lab is dedicated to harnessing the potential of microfluidic technologies to...

Energy and environmental sustainability Laboratory
The focus of Energy and Environmental sustainability research group lies in the investigation of ecological technologies to create energy efficient and clean environment. The current focus is on...

Complex Fluids Lab
The lab is dedicated towards investigating complex fluid flow instabilities that affect the quality and performance of final polymeric products. Particularly, the recent activities are dedicated...

Intencity Lab (Process Intensification and Safety Lab)
This lab is associated with the research work in the areas of Process Intensification and Process Safety. Several Projects which are undergoing currently in this lab: a. Study on Micromixing and...

Soft matter lab (SM Lab)
SM lab is research laboratory in Department of Chemical Engineering, SNIOE. Our research focus on self-assembly of microparticle, microfluidics, micro-nano fabrication, inkjet printing technique,...

Electronics Laboratory - II
Electronics Laboratory - II caters to undergraduate teaching labs for Basics of Electrical and Electronics Circuits, Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Analog Electronics, etc. Following is...

Electronics Laboratory - I
Electronics Laboratory - I caters to undergraduate teaching labs for Basics of Electrical and Electronics Circuits, Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Analog Electronics, etc. Following is...

Nanoelectronics Computation Laboratory (N.C.L.)
The Nanoelectronics Computation Laboratory (N.C.L.) facilitates running TCAD simulations at a transistor level and also simulations related to VLSI on-chip interconnects. TCAD stands for Technology...

Organic and Flexible Electronics Laboratory
With a focus on organic semiconductor materials and devices relevant to large-area and flexible electronics, we investigate the relationship between structure, processing, device structure, and...

AI and ML Laboratory
The lab focuses on the recent advances in sub-areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI and ML). The major thrust areas of current research include Image and Video Content...

Cybersecurity Laboratory
The lab focuses on studying algorithms and systems that protect the security and integrity of computer systems, the information they store, and the people who use them. The major thrust areas...

IoT and Wireless Laboratory
Internet of Things (IoT) will see millions of devices (sensors, smartphones, wearable devices, RFIDs, vehicles, etc.) connect and exchange information via the Internet. Anything smart, be it Smart...

Nanomaterials Synthesis/Characterization Laboratories
Nanomaterials synthesis and characterization labs are led by Dr. Dipak Maity, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. This lab largely focuses on the synthesis and development...

Disaster Management Laboratory
Our research group at the Disaster Management Laboratory strives to develop innovative approaches and utilize advanced computational technologies to revolutionize societal resilience to natural...

Environmental Engineering Laboratory
The Environmental Engineering Laboratory is fully equipped with relevant equipment and sensors for monitoring water and wastewater qualities including concentration levels of total...

Air Quality Laboratory
The Air Quality Laboratory is a fully equipped lab with relevant equipment and samplers for monitoring ambient air quality including concentration levels of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon...

Mechatronics Laboratory
Mechatronics is a field that lies at the intersection of Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, Electronics engineering, and Computer science. The Mechatronics Laboratory has facilities...

Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory
Advanced manufacturing processes (AMP) deals with the use of innovative/cutting-edge technologies for the development of efficient and reliable products at affordable cost for meeting the demands...

UG Lab - Chemical Engineering Computational Lab
The lab provides hardware and software facilities to B.Tech., M.Tech., and Ph.D., students to learn various chemical engineering-related software and computational techniques. The lab also...

UG Lab - Process Control Lab
The Process Control Laboratory has several modules to teach various aspects of control theory ranging from simple mercury manometer to flow-control, pressure control modules. Over 30 students can...

UG Lab - Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory
The Lab consists of several pieces of equipment to teach students about various types of reactors such as Batch Reactor, Continuous Stirred Reactor (CSTR), and Plug Flow Reactor (PFR) and their...

UG Lab - Mass Transfer Laboratory
The lab introduces undergraduate students to the most important separation equipment in the process industry and provides hands-on training in the proper operation of these units. This helps in not...

UG Lab - Unit Operations Laboratory
The Unit Operations Lab consists of several equipment for various unit operations such as crushing, milling, filtration etc.

Reinforcement learning of quadruped at SE
Reinforcement learning is a form of machine learning algorithm that continuously learns by interacting with the environment. In this project, a quadruped robot learns to walk from its...

Numerical modelling, simulation and CFD
The department is actively modeling and simulating various chemical processes and operations. The CFD modeling of various challenging areas, like the coupled problem of polymerization in flow...