Women in STEM
Young Thought Leaders in Science Award

On the International Day for Women and Girls in Science (February 11), the university announced the Young Thought Leaders in Science Award. This competition was open to students of class 11 and 12 across India. The entry comprised a 2000-word essay on ‘What I would like to invent and why’. The inventions had to identify an issue with a gender disadvantage and offer a solution.
The winners were:
1st Prize
Jai Adarsh Prasanna & Vishvaa Sathish
Grade 12, CS Academy, Coimbatore
2nd Prize
Vanshika Rustagi
Grade 11, Modern High School International, Kolkata
3rd Prize
Ashish Kumar Savarn
Grade 12, SGVP International, Ahmedabad
Inaugural event of Gender and STEM initiative

On the eve of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science 2024, the inaugural event for the University’s Gender and STEM Initiative was held. It was co-convened by Professor Ananya Mukherjee, and Professor Rohini Godbole, Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore and Distinguished Visiting Professor, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR.
The Guest of Honor was Professor Abhay Karandikar, Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Science & Technology (DST). Professor Quarraisha Abdool Karim, a renowned epidemiologist and President World Academy of Sciences, also spoke at the event.
A panel discussion on the ‘Role that institutions can play in enhancing women’s participation in science’ was also held. The panellists included Professor Ravinder Kaur, Professor Emerita, IIT Delhi, Ms. Deepa Sundara Rajan,
Senior Consultant, Gender and Inclusion, British Council, Dr. Pratibha Jolly, Science and Society Fellow, NASI and Former Principal, Miranda House.
Scholarship for female B.Tech students

Faculty achievements

Dr Rohini Garg, Department of Life Sciences, was featured in Women in STEM: Vanguards of India @ 75, a compendium to acknowledge the contribution fraternity of women scientists and professionals towards the understanding, development of expertise, and growth of the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Dr. Garg has also been featured in the Future Hopes section of “Vigyan Vidushi: 75 women trailblazers of Science,” published by Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology (DST), India. It highlights the areas of 25 Young women scientists from India besides 75 women trailblazers in biotechnology, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, engineering, mathematics.

Professor Bimlesh Lochab and Dr. Sangeeta Sahu, Department of Chemistry, School of Natural Sciences have discovered a sustainable alternative to plastic. The research was published by India Today magazine. The researchers have discovered sustainable polymers that can be reshaped and reused. Derived from industrial waste, these polymers – belonging to the emerging class of vitrimers can be synthesized with minimal technical requirements and help achieve carbon neutrality.

The university awarded renowned physicist Professor Rohini Godbole an Honorary Doctorate for her outstanding contributions to the theory of elementary particle physics and advocacy for women pursuing careers in science and technology during the ninth convocation in 2023.

Ms Sukla Mistry was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for her outstanding professional contribution to the Oil and Gas Sector and as a role model for all women STEM professionals during the 10th convocation ceremony 2024.