
The School offers a platform where research, teaching, and creative activities go hand in hand to enable students to become engaged critical thinkers. The hallmark of research and teaching in the School lies in its multidisciplinary character. We provide opportunities for students to engage in research along with faculty. Through various teaching programs, the School aims to produce leaders for the 21st century who will push the boundaries of what is possible and enlarge the visions of a just society through their work.

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The English major provides a thorough introduction to the essential genres and intellectual movements within the discipline and the opportunity to conduct sustained research in a specific area in the senior year.

The Department of History and Archaeology seeks to impart rigorous training in the methods and theoretical approaches from the undergraduate level, and encourages students to think and write creatively. 

The B.Sc. (Research) program is one of its kind in India and is designed to be comparable to internationally acclaimed programs, and combines rigor in training with flexibility in choice. The core strength of the program is drawn from the faculty members who are active researchers in their respective fields. The program allows students to pursue their interests in Economics and related subjects after completing their foundation and core courses.

The Department of Finance, Accounting and Control (School of Management and Entrepreneurship) and The Department of Economics (School of Humanities & Social Sciences) has taken the lead to jointly offer the first-ever inter-disciplinary program involving multiple schools at the University. It leverages the inter-linked departments' strengths in training and developing the students to succeed in the highly competitive world of Money and Finance.

The Department applies and tests historical and theoretical insights generated within the discipline, and draws on heuristics from the humanities and allied social and behavioral sciences to help students think more imaginatively about a range of global collective action problems.

The Department focuses on the contemporary in conversation with established new and classical, theoretical, and pedagogical traditions. By emphasizing critical empiricism central to the fieldwork, archival, and ethnographic traditions of sociology and social anthropology, the curriculum explores intersections, ruptures, and continuities that form the essence of contemporary life.

Bachelor of Design is a 4-year, future-oriented, trans-disciplinary program that uniquely curates knowledge and skills from Social Sciences, Arts, Engineering, and Management into Design. It provides a choice-based streaming system, allowing students to specialise in Experience Design (UI-UX), Product-System Design, and Visual Communication Design.

The M.A. in English is designed to combine rigor with creativity. It takes students through significant moments in English literary history and world literature, and incorporates critical and cultural theory, translation, creative writing, and visual theory courses.

Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence announces the launch of a 2-year MA in Rural Management program, beginning 1st September 2023. This is a one-of-a-kind multidisciplinary program, the like of which does not exist anywhere else in the country.

The Department of Economics at the Shiv Nadar University would like to announce that admissions into the M.Sc. (Economics) programme are now open for the academic year 2022-23. The two-year Master's program in economics is a top-tier postgraduate program in economics in India. The admitted students will receive training within a healthy research environment, supported by faculty members working at the forefront of research in their respective fields.

The Department of Art, Media and Performance (AMP) provides a dynamic, intensive, and interdisciplinary MFA program in contemporary art practice, encompassing a wide range of courses in art history, art theory, photography, moving image, painting, sculpture, mixed media, among others.

The areas of expertise of faculty members in the Economics Department include development economics, economic growth, environmental economics, game theory and information economics, industrial organization, labor economics, macroeconomics, political economy, and public economics.

The English Department's doctoral program comprises coursework and the completion of an 80,000 to a 100,000-word thesis. The Department is equipped to offer expert supervision in a range of areas. All admitted Ph.D. students are offered a stipend that enables them to carry out their research without financial stress.

The Department offers Ph.D. programs in both History and Archaeology. The Department emphasizes critical engagement, rigorous use of the sources, and the ability to generate data to undertake innovative and creative research into past societies. Candidates can submit proposals for researching any aspect of History, subject to the expertise of the current faculty. Proposals on the Archaeology of the South Asian past, with an emphasis on field archaeology and Museum and Heritage Studies, are welcome.

The Doctoral program at the Department provides research scholars an excellent opportunity to acquire and consolidate diverse skills in the disciplines/fields of international relations, political thought, governance, and development.

The Department of Sociology is establishing itself as a center of research and envisions a vibrant doctoral program that is alive to the plurality of South Asian cultures and societies, and welcomes comparative analyses from field sites around the world.

This jointly-taught MA between SOAS and Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence (Shiv Nadar IoE) in Delhi is one of the only programmes to focus on global sociology and specifically on the global sociology of cities and urban life-worlds.