Faculty at School of Management and Entrepreneurship

Shruti Sardeshmukh
PhD in Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY, USA
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- 2008 PhD in Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY, USA (Dissertation title: “Successor Development in Family Firms”)
- 1997 MBA (PGDM) Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
- 1995 Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) Bombay (Mumbai) University
Other qualifications
- 2019 SA Defence Industry Leadership Program
- 2023 Harvard Business “Teaching with Cases”
- 2009 Associate Professor-University of South Australia Adelaide Australia
- 2008 Assistant Professor-Ball State University Muncie IN USA
Current projects:
- Gender in STEM and Entrepreneurship
- Startups and SMEs in Defence and Space Industry
- Migrant entrepreneurship
- Academy of Management
- Indian Academy of Management
- C Cregan, C Kulik, S Perera, and Sardeshmukh S R (forthcoming) When time is running out: A growth curve analysis of older workers’ retirement intentions Journal of Organizational Behavior (ABDC A*)
- Gould J, Kulik K. and Sardeshmukh S R (forthcoming) Gender diversity targets and trickle-down effects: The role of internal champions Australian Journal of Public Administration (ABDC A) [Co-authored with a doctoral student]
- Huang B, Sardeshmukh S R, Benson J and Zhu Y (2023) High performance work systems, employee creativity and organizational performance in the education sector International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(9), 1876-1905 [ABDC A Impact factor 5.546]
- Manoharan M, Gross M .J and Sardeshmukh S R (2021) Antecedents and Outcomes of a Culturally Diverse Workforce in Hotels. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 45(8), 1383-1416[ABDC A Impact factor 3.816]
- Sardeshmukh S R, Goldsby M, & Smith R M (2021) Emotional exhaustion as an antecedent of entrepreneurial exit intentions: a two country study Journal of Small Business Management 59:4, 544-574 [ABDC A, Impact factor 3.120]
- Perera S, Sandhu S & Sardeshmukh S R (2019) Charted courses and meandering trails: pathways to success in academia Academy of Management Learning and Education 18(2),153-185. [ABDC A* Impact factor 3.274]
- Manoharan A, Gross M, & Sardeshmukh S R (2019) Informal diversity management practices and their effectiveness: In the context of ethnically diverse employees in hotels International Journal of Hospitality Management 82, 181-190 [ABDC A* Impact factor 4.465][Co-authored with a doctoral student]
- Smith R M, Sardeshmukh, S R, & Syed, I (2019). Building self-efficacy for entrepreneurial careers: New resource skill. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 29 (3), 1-15.
- Lee C, Hallak R, & Sardeshmukh, S R (2019). Creativity and innovation in the restaurant sector: Supply-side processes and barriers to implementation. Tourism Management Perspectives, 31, 54-62. [ABDC B Impact factor 2.485] [Co-authored with a doctoral student]
- Gould J A, Kulik C T, & Sardeshmukh S R (2018) Trickle-down effect: The impact of senior women on organizational gender diversity Human Resource Management 57(4), 931-945. [ABDC A* Impact factor 2.934] [Co-authored with a doctoral student]
- Gould J A, Kulik C T, & Sardeshmukh S R (2017) Gender diversity from the top: the trickle-down effect in the public sector Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 56(1), 6-30. [ABDC B, Impact factor 0.891] [Co-authored with a doctoral student]
- Sardeshmukh S R, & Vandenberg R J. (2017) integrating moderation and mediation: a structural equation modeling approach Organizational Research Methods, 20 (4) 721-745 [ABDC A*, Impact factor 6.551]
- Das D, Kwesiga E, Sardeshmukh S R & Juma N. (2017) Negotiating Foreignness: Identity Strategies in Mitigating Liability of Foreignness for Immigrant Owned Organizations New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 20, 1-16.
- Lee C, Hallak R & Sardeshmukh S R (2016) Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Restaurant Performance: A Higher-Order Structural Model Tourism Management, 53 215–228 [ABDC A*, Impact factor 6.012] [Co-authored with a doctoral student]
- Lee C, Hallak R, & Sardeshmukh S R (2016). Drivers of success in independent restaurants: A study of the Australian restaurant sector. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 29, 99-111. [ABDC B Impact factor 2.496] [Co-authored with a doctoral student]
- Smith R M, Sardeshmukh, S R & Combs G M (2016) Understanding gender, creativity, and entrepreneurial Intentions Education + Training, 58(3) 263 – 282
- Lee, C, Hallak R, & Sardeshmukh S R (2016) A qualitative study of innovation in the restaurant sector Anatolia, 27(3) 367-376. [ABDC B] [Co-authored with a doctoral student]
- Kulik C. T., Tovale B., Sardeshmukh S R, & Perera S. (2015) Can we still be friends? The role of exit conversations in facilitating post-exit relationships Human Resource Management, 54(6) 893–912. [ABDC A*, Impact factor 2.934]
- Perera, S, Sardeshmukh S R & Kulik, C T (2015) In or out: Job exits of older workers Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 53(1), 4-21. [ABDC B, Impact factor 0.891]
- Ashok M, Gross M, & Sardeshmukh S R (2014) Identity-conscious Vs identity-blind: hotel general managers use of formal and informal diversity management practices International Journal of Hospitality Management, 41, 1-9[ABDC A*, Impact factor 4.465] [Co-authored with a doctoral student]
- Sardeshmukh S R & Srinivasan V. (2014) ICT and work family balance: context of Indian software services Labour and Industry , 24 (1), 40-54 ABDC B
- Smythe J & Sardeshmukh S R (2013) Fathers and daughters in family business Small Enterprise Research, 20 (2), 98-109 [Co-authored with an honours student]
- Neck C, Sardeshmukh S R, Goldsby M, Godwin J & Houghton J (2013) Self-Leadership: A cognitive resource for entrepreneurs Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 26(5): 463-480.
- Sardeshmukh S R, Sharma D, & Golden T (2012) Impact of telework on exhaustion and job engagement: a job demands and resources model. New Technology, Work and Employment, 27 (3), 193- 207.
- Sardeshmukh S R, & Corbett, A. C. (2011). The duality of internal and external development of successors: opportunity recognition in family firms. Family Business Review, 24(2), 111-125. [Q1 ABDC A]
- Sardeshmukh S R, & Smith-Nelson, R. (2011). Educating for an entrepreneurial career: developing opportunity recognition ability. Australian Journal of Career Development, 20(3), 47-55.
- Ensley, M D, Pearson, A W, & Sardeshmukh S R (2007). The negative consequences of pay dispersion in family and non-family top management teams: an exploratory analysis of new venture, high-growth firms. Journal of Business Research, 60 (10), 1039-1047. [ABDC A]
- Sardeshmukh S R, O’Connor A, & Smith R (2020) Incubating start-ups in entrepreneurial ecosystems: a multilevel perspective on entrepreneurial resources. In Research Handbook on Start-up Incubation Ecosystems, (Eds. Novotny, A., Clausen, T., Rasmussen, E., & Wiklund, J.) Edward Elgar.
- Sardeshmukh S R & Smith R M (2017) Eyes wide shut: differential influences of gender in innovation in organisations in Research Handbook on Gender and Innovation ( Eds. Alsos A G, Hytti U, Ljunggren E) Edward Elgar
- Sardeshmukh S R (2013) Sustainable entrepreneurship in family businesses in Sustainable Business Emerging Research on The Principles and Practice of Business Under Sustainability Principles (Ed. G Wells) Edward Elgar Cheltenham, UK
- Sardeshmukh S R & Smith Nelson R (2012) Opportunity recognition in Encyclopaedia of New Venture Management (Ed. M Marvel) SAGE
- Sardeshmukh S, Opie, M, Mackay, W & Oak, M (2020) Innovative financing solutions: for scaling up space and defence start-ups and SMES (Prepared for SA Chief Entrepreneur’s Office and NAB Australia)
- Statsenko, L, Sardeshmukh, S & Jayasinghe, R (2020), Building resilient and secure local manufacturing supply chains for the south Australian Defence industry, Defence SA, Australia.