Faculty at School of Natural Sciences

Ipsita Mandal
Assistant Professor
School of Natural Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
Graduation, Aug 2002 - Jun 2005, B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics, with Mathematics and Chemistry as subsidiaryJadavpur University, Kolkata, IndiaAggregate Percentage: 84.5; Rank: 2; First-division with Distinction;Highest scorer in subsidiary subjects
Post-Graduation , Aug 2005 - Apr 2008 Integrated M.Sc.-Ph.D. ProgrammeHarish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI), India(Affiliated to: Homi Bhabha National Institute)Aggregate Percentage: 84.7
- 05/2023-Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR
- 12/2020 to 05/2023: Associate Professor, The Henryka Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN), Poland
- 08/2019 to 11/2020: Associate Professor, University of Stavanger, Norway
- 01/2018 to 07/2019: Visiting Scientist (at the level of a Visiting Assistant Professor), Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, USA
- 10/2017 to 01/2018: Guest Scientist, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
- 12/2016 to 09/2017: Assistant Professor in Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP), India
- 09/2016 to 12/2016: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Basel, Switzerland
- 12/2013 to 08/2016: Postdoctoral Researcher, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada
- 09/2011 to 08/2013: Postdoctoral Scholar-Employee, University of California Los Angeles, USA
Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Mh_ppcQAAAAJ&hl=en
- Transport properties in non-Fermi liquid phases of nodal-point semimetals Ipsita Mandal and Hermann Freire Invited review article submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matter.
- Identifying gap-closings in open non-Hermitian systems by Biorthogonal Polarization Ipsita Mandal J. Appl. Phys. 135, 094402 (2024) e-Print: arXiv:2401.12213 [quant-ph]
- Direction-dependent conductivity in planar Hall set-ups with tilted Weyl/multi-Weyl semimetals Rahul Ghosh and Ipsita Mandal J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 36, 275501 (2024) e-Print: arxiv:2402.10203 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Non-Hermitian generalizations of the Yao-Lee model augmented by SO(3)-symmetry-breaking terms Ipsita Mandal arXiv:2403.02322 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Stable non-Fermi liquid fixed point at the onset of incommensurate 2kF charge density wave order Ipsita Mandal e-Print: arXiv:2401.00506 [cond-mat.supr-con]
- Andreev bound states in Josephson junctions of semi-Dirac semimetals Ipsita Mandal Physica B: Condensed Matter 683, 415918 (2024) e-Print: arXiv:2401.00506 [cond-mat.supr-con]
- Andreev bound states in superconductor-barrier-superconductor junctions of Rarita-Schwinger-Weyl semimetals Ipsita Mandal Phys. Lett. A 503, 129410 (2024) e-Print: arXiv:2312.16164 [cond-mat.supr-con]
- Electric and thermoelectric response for Weyl and multi-Weyl semimetals in planar Hall configurations including the effects of strain Rahul Ghosh and Ipsita Mandal Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 159, 115914 (2024) e-Print: arXiv:2310.02318 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Thermoelectric response in nodal-point semimetals Ipsita Mandal and Kush Saha e-Print: arxiv:2309.10763 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Generic deformation channels for critical Fermi surfaces in the collisionless regime Kazi Ranjibul Islam and Ipsita Mandal
To appear in Annals of Physics e-Print: arXiv:2304.04720 [cond-mat.str-el] - Symmetry and Higher-Order Exceptional Points Ipsita Mandal and Emil J. Bergholtz PHYS. REV. LETT. 127, 186601 (2021)
e-Print: arXiv:2103.15729 [physics.optics] - Anatomy of plasmons in generic Luttinger semimetals Jing Wang and Ipsita Mandal e-Print: arXiv:2303.10163 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Transmission and conductance across junctions of isotropic and anisotropic three-dimensional semimetals Ipsita Mandal
e-Print: arXiv:2302.10078 [cond-mat.mes-hall] - Signatures of two- and three-dimensional semimetals from circular dichroism Ipsita Mandal To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. B
e-Print: arXiv:2302.01829 [cond-mat.mes-hall] - One dimensional magnetism in synthetic Pauflerite, β-VOSO4 Diana Lucia Quintero-Castro, Gøran J. Nilsen, Katrin Meier-Kirchner, Angelica Benitez-Castro, Gerrit Guenther, Toshiro Sakakibara, Masashi Tokunaga, Chidozie Agu, Ipsita Mandal, Alexander A. Tsirlin Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 045003 (2023) e-Print: arXiv:2212.08473 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Enhanced eigenvector sensitivity and algebraic classification of sublattice-symmetric exceptional points Kang Yang and Ipsita Mandal Phys. Rev. B 107, 144304 (2023) e-Print: arXiv:2211.08449 [quant.ph]
- Floquet transmission in Weyl/multi-Weyl and nodal-line semimetals through a time-periodic potential well Sandip Bera, Sajid Sekh, and Ipsita Mandal Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 535, 2200460 (2023) e-Print: arXiv:2209.11747 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Boundary logarithmic corrections to the dynamical correlation functions of one-dimensional spin-1/2 chains Imke Schneider, Ipsita Mandal, Polina Matveeva, Dominik Strassel, and Sebastian Eggert Phys. Rev. B 106, 155104 (2022) e-Print: arXiv:2208.00019 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Magneto-optical conductivity in the type-I and type-II phases of multi-Weyl semimetals Shivam Yadav, Sajid Sekh, and Ipsita Mandal Physica B: Condensed Matter 656, 414765 (2023) e-Print: arXiv:2207.03316 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Valley-polarized nematic order in twisted moiré systems: in-plane orbital magnetism and non-Fermi liquid to Fermi liquid crossover Ipsita Mandal and Rafael M. Fernandes Phys. Rev. B 107, 125142 (2023) e-Print: arXiv:2202.04630 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Magneto-transport signatures in periodically-driven Weyl and multi-Weyl semimetals Shivam Yadav, Serena Fazzini, and Ipsita Mandal Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 144, 115444 (2022) e-Print: arXiv:2203.04281 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Raman response and shear viscosity in the non-Fermi liquid phase of Luttinger semimetals Ipsita Mandal and Hermann Freire J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34, 275604 (2022) e-Print: arXiv:2201.04045 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Zero Sound And Plasmon Modes For Non-Fermi Liquids Ipsita Mandal Phys. Lett. A 447, 128292 (2022) e-Print: arXiv:2108.09480 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Robust marginal Fermi liquid in birefringent semimetals Ipsita Mandal Phys. Lett. A 418, 127707 (2021) e-Print: arXiv:2107.07145 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Magnus Hall Effect In Three-Dimensional Topological Semimetals Sajid Sekh and Ipsita Mandal Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137, 736 (2022) e-Print: arXiv:2111.05322 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Magnetotropic Response in Ruthenium Chloride Ipsita Mandal Acta Physica Polonica A 140(5), 372-378 (2021) e-Print: arXiv:2111.05429 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Robust quantum transport at particle-hole symmetry Ipsita Mandal and Klaus Ziegler Europhysics Letters 135, 17001 (2021) e-Print: arXiv:2106.03313 [cond-mat.dis-nn]
- Circular dichroism as a probe for topology in three-dimensional semimetals Sajid Sekh and Ipsita Mandal Phys. Rev. B 105, 235403 (2022) e-Print: arXiv:2105.05272 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Thermoelectric and thermal properties of the weakly disordered non-Fermi liquid phase of Luttinger semimetals Hermann Freire and Ipsita Mandal Phys. Lett. A 407, 127470 (2021) e-Print: arXiv:2104.07459 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Floquet scattering of quadratic band-touching semimetals through a time-periodic potential well Sandip Bera and Ipsita Mandal J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33, 295502 (2021) e-Print: arXiv:2103.05335 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Tunneling of multi-Weyl semimetals through a potential barrier under the influence of magnetic fields Ipsita Mandal and Aritra Sen Phys. Lett. A 399, 127293 (2021) e-Print: arXiv:2012.15567 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Transport in the non-Fermi liquid phase of isotropic Luttinger semimetals Ipsita Mandal and Hermann Freire Phys. Rev. B 103, 195116 (2021) e-Print: arXiv:2012.07866 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Correlated Insulators in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Ipsita Mandal, Jia Yao, and Erich J. Mueller Phys. Rev. B 103, 125127 (2021)
e-Print: arXiv:2008.13752 [cond-mat.str-el] - Critical Fermi surfaces in generic dimensions arising from transverse gauge field interactions Ipsita Mandal Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043277 (2020) e-Print: arXiv:2006.10766 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Transmission in pseudospin-1 and pseudospin-3/2 semimetals with linear dispersion through scalar and vector potential barriers Ipsita Mandal Phys. Lett. A 384, 126666 (2020) e-Print: arXiv:2004.14749 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Tunneling in Fermi Systems with Quadratic Band Crossing Points Ipsita Mandal Annals of Physics 419, 168235 (2020)
e-Print: arXiv:2004.06134 [cond-mat.mes-hall] - Effect of interactions on the quantization of the chiral photocurrent for double-Weyl semimetals Ipsita Mandal Symmetry 12(6), 919 (2020) e-Print: arXiv:2002.10480 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Sign of viscous magnetoresistance in electron fluids Ipsita Mandal and Andrew Lucas Phys. Rev. B 101, 045122 (2020)
e-Print: arXiv:1908.04886 [cond-mat.str-el] - Symmetry-breaking signatures of multiple Majorana zero modes in one-dimensional spin-triplet superconductors Arnab Barman Ray, Jay D. Sau, and Ipsita Mandal Phys. Rev. B 104, 104513 (2021) e-Print: arXiv:1907.10626 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Order parameter dynamics of the non-linear sigma model in the large N limit Sebastian Gemsheim, Ipsita Mandal, Krishnendu Sengupta, and Zhiqiang Wang Eur. Phys. J. B 93, 40 (2020) e-Print: arXiv:1906.05306 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
- Electric Field Response In Breathing Pyrochlores Ipsita Mandal Eur. Phys. J. B 92, 187 (2019) e-Print: arXiv:1904.07251 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Quench, thermalization and residual entropy across a non-Fermi liquid to Fermi liquid transition Arijit Haldar, Prosenjit Haldar, Surajit Bera, Ipsita Mandal, and Sumilan Banerjee Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013307 (2020) e-Print: arXiv:1903.09652 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Thermopower in an anisotropic two-dimensional Weyl semimetal Ipsita Mandal and Kush Saha Phys. Rev. B 101, 045101 (2020) e-Print: arXiv:1811.04952 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Search for plasmons in isotropic Luttinger semimetals Ipsita Mandal Annals of Physics 406, 173 (2019) e-Print: arXiv:1810.06574 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Emergence of topological Mott insulators in proximity of quadratic band touching points Ipsita Mandal and Sebastian Gemsheim Condens. Matter Phys. 22(1), 13701 (2019) e-Print: arXiv:1808.03560 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Non-Fermi liquid at the FFLO quantum critical point Dimitri Pimenov, Ipsita Mandal, Francesco Piazza, and Matthias Punk
Phys. Rev. B 98, 024510 (2018) e-Print: arXiv:1711.10514 [cond-mat.str-el] - Majorana Kramers pairs in Rashba double nanowires with interactions and disorder Manisha Thakurathi, Pascal Simon, Ipsita Mandal, Jelena Klinovaja, and Daniel Loss Phys. Rev. B 97, 045415 (2018) e-Print: arXiv:1711.04682 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
- Critical scaling of the mutual information in two-dimensional disordered Ising models P. V. Sriluckshmy and Ipsita Mandal
J. Stat. Mech. 043301 (2018) e-Print: arXiv:1711.02352 [cond-mat.dis-nn] - Fate of superconductivity in three-dimensional disordered Luttinger semimetals Ipsita Mandal Annals of Physics 392, 179 (2018) e-Print: arXiv:1710.08428 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Interplay of Coulomb interactions and disorder in three dimensional quadratic band crossings without time-reversal symmetry and with unequal masses for conduction and valence bands Ipsita Mandal and Rahul M. Nandkishore Phys. Rev. B 97, 125121 (2018) e-Print: arXiv:1709.06580 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Majorana fermions in finite-size strips with in-plane magnetic fields Vardan Kaladzhyan, Julien Despres, Ipsita Mandal, and Cristina Bena Eur. Phys. J. B 90, 211 (2017) e-Print: arXiv:1611.09367 [cond-mat.supr-con]
- Scaling behaviour and superconducting instability in anisotropic non-Fermi liquids Ipsita Mandal Annals of Physics 376, 89 (2017) e-Print: arXiv:1609.00020 [cond-mat.str-el]
- UV/IR Mixing In Non-Fermi Liquids: Higher-Loop Corrections In Different Energy Ranges Ipsita Mandal Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 278 (2016) e-Print: arXiv:1608.06642 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Superconducting instability in non-Fermi liquids Ipsita Mandal Phys. Rev. B 94, 115138 (2016) e-Print: arXiv:1608.01320 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Super-GCA connection with tensionless strings: Addendum to "Super-GCA from N=(2,2) super-Virasoro" Ipsita Mandal
Phys. Lett. B 760, 832-834 (2016) e-Print: arXiv:1607.02439 [hep-th] - Hyperscaling violation at the Ising-nematic quantum critical point in two dimensional metals Andreas Eberlein, Ipsita Mandal, and Subir Sachdev Phys. Rev. B 94, 045133 (2016) e-Print: arXiv:1605.00657 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Geometrical mutual information at the tricritical point of the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model Ipsita Mandal, Stephen Inglis, and Roger G. Melko J. Stat. Mech. 073105 (2016) e-Print: arXiv: 1604.02464 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
- Cold atoms in U(3) gauge potentials Ipsita Mandal and Atri Bhattacharya Condens. Matter 1(1), 2, (2016) e-Print: arXiv: 1603.08526 [cond-mat.quant-gas]
- Super-GCA from N = (2, 2) Super-Virasoro Ipsita Mandal and Ahmed Rayyan Phys. Lett. B 754, 195-200 (2016) e-Print: arXiv: 1601.04723 [hep-th]
- Counting Majorana bound states using complex momenta Ipsita Mandal Condens. Matter Phys. 19(3), 33703 (2016) e-Print: arXiv:1503.06804 [cond-mat.mess-hall]
- Exceptional points for chiral Majorana fermions in arbitrary dimensions Ipsita Mandal Europhysics Letters 110, 67005 (2015) e-Print: arXiv:1503.03839 [cond-mat.mess-hall]
- Exceptional point description of one-dimensional chiral topological superconductors/superfluids in BDI class Ipsita Mandal and Sumanta Tewari Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 79, 180 (2016) e-Print: arXiv:1502.03110 [cond-mat.mess-hall]
- Pairing in half-filled Landau level Zhiqiang Wang, Ipsita Mandal, Suk Bum Chung, and Sudip Chakravarty Annals of Physics 351, 727 (2014) e-Print: arXiv:1408.6860 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Ultraviolet/infrared mixing in Non-Fermi Liquids Ipsita Mandal and Sung-Sik Lee Phys. Rev. B 92, 035141 (2015) e-Print: arXiv:1407.0033 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Higher angular momentum pairing from transverse gauge interactions Suk Bum Chung, Ipsita Mandal, S. Raghu, and Sudip Chakravarty Phys. Rev. B 88, 045127 (2013) e-Print: arXiv:1305.3938 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Amplitude mode of the d-density-wave state and its relevance to high-Tc cuprates Jay D. Sau, Ipsita Mandal, Sumanta Tewari, and Sudip Chakravarty Phys. Rev. B 87, 224503 (2013) e-Print: arXiv:1207.6834 [cond-mat.supr-con]
- Majorana Zero Modes in a Quantum Ising Chain with Longer-ranged Interactions Yuezhen Niu, Suk Bum Chung, Chen-Hsuan Hsu, Ipsita Mandal, S. Raghu, and Sudip Chakravarty Phys. Rev. B 85, 035110 (2012) e-Print: arXiv:1110.3072v2 [cond-mat.str-el]
- Logarithmic Corrections to N=4 and N=8 Black Hole Entropy: A One Loop Test of Quantum Gravity Shamik Banerjee, Rajesh Kumar Gupta, Ipsita Mandal, and Ashoke Sen JHEP 11, 143 (2011) e-Print: arXiv:1106.0080 [hep-th]
- Black Hole Microstate Counting and its Macroscopic Counterpart Ipsita Mandal and Ashoke Sen Class. Quant. Grav. 27, 214003 (2010); Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 216 (1), 147 (2011) e-Print: arXiv:1008.3801 [hep-th]
- Supersymmetric Extension of GCA in 2d Ipsita Mandal JHEP 11, 018 (2010) e-Print: arXiv:1003.0209 [hep-th]
- GCA in 2d Arjun Bagchi, Rajesh Gopakumar, Ipsita Mandal, and Akitsugu Miwa JHEP 08, 004 (2010) e-Print: arXiv:0912.1090 [hep-th]
- Supersymmetry, Localization and Quantum Entropy Function Nabamita Banerjee, Shamik Banerjee, Rajesh Gupta, Ipsita Mandal, and Ashoke Sen JHEP 02, 091 (2010) e-Print: arXiv:0905.2686 [hep-th]
- Supersymmetric Extension of Galilean Conformal Algebras Arjun Bagchi and Ipsita Mandal Phys. Rev. D 80, 086011 (2009) eprint: arXiv:0905.0580 [hep-th]
- On Representations and Correlation Functions of Galilean Conformal Algebras Arjun Bagchi and Ipsita Mandal Phys. Lett. B 675, 393-397 (2009) eprint: arXiv:0903.4524 [hep-th]
- Black Hole Hair Removal Nabamita Banerjee, Ipsita Mandal, and Ashoke Sen JHEP 07, 091 (2009) ePrint: arXiv:0901.0359 [hep-th]
- Conformal Nonlinear Fluid Dynamics from Gravity in Arbitrary Dimensions Sayantani Bhattacharyya, R. Loganayagam, Ipsita Mandal, Shiraz Minwalla, and Ankit Sharma JHEP 12, 116 (2008) ePrint: arXiv:0809.4272 [hep-th]
- Critical properties of spherically symmetric black hole accretion in Schwarzschild geometry Ipsita Mandal, Arnab K. Ray, and Tapas Kumar Das Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 378. 14001406 (2007) eprint: astro-ph / 0702733
Spring 2008, HRI: Quantum Field Theory (Course Instructor: Prof. Sumathi Rao)
Fall 2010, HRI: Mathematical Methods (Course Instructor: Prof. Tirthankar Roy Choudhury)
- Spring 2017, IIT-KGP: First year B.Tech. Laboratory
- Fall 2017, IIT-KGP: Classical Mechanics I
- Fall 2017, IIT-KGP: First year B.Tech. Laboratory
- Spring 2019, Cornell University: Senior Teaching Associate for PHYS 2214 Physics III: Oscillations, Waves and Quantum Physics
- Fall 2019, University of Stavanger: Classical Mechanics (Masters level, Course code: FYS500)
- Spring 2020, University of Stavanger: Statistical Physics and Solid State Physics (Bachelor and Masters studies, Course code: FYS310)
- July 2022, IFJ PAN: Basic tools to study quantum matter (Masters, PhD students, post-PhD researchers)
- Monsoon 2023, Shiv Nadar I.O.E.: Fundamentals of Physics I (First year Undergraduate, Course code: PHY103)
- Monsoon 2023, Shiv Nadar I.O.E.: Review of Classical Mechanics (First year PhD Research Scholar, Course code: PHY506)
- Monsoon 2023, Shiv Nadar I.O.E.: Quantum Mechanics (First year PhD Research Scholar, Course code: PHY508)
- Monsoon 2024, Shiv Nadar I.O.E.: Quantum Phases of Matter (Fourth year Undergraduate, Elective course)
- Monsoon 2024, Shiv Nadar I.O.E.: Review of Classical Mechanics (First year PhD Research Scholar, Course code: PHY506)
- Monsoon 2024, Shiv Nadar I.O.E.: Quantum Mechanics (First year PhD Research Scholar, Course code: PHY508)
- Referee for Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Europhysics Letters, Physica E, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Physics Letters A, SciPost, New Journal of Physics, Canadian Journal of Physics, Journal of mathematical physics, Annalen der Physik (Berlin), Annals of Physics (New York), Scientific Reports, The Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, Communications Physics, European Physical Journal - Applied Physics, Modern Physics Letters B
- Reviewer of a scientific proposal for the ERC (European Research Council) Starting Grant 2020 (Step 2)
- External Reviewer of the MSc thesis of Ushakov Ivan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, in 2020
- External Reviewer of the PhD thesis of Anirban Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Kolkata, India, in 2020
- External Evaluator at the University of Malta, in the selection process of its annual internal research proposals in 2022
- Expert for evaluation of proposal submitted under European Commission’s MSCA-PF-2023 call
- In 2001, I was selected by the CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) as one of the CPYLS (CSIR Program in Youth for Leadership in Science) scholars. In 2005, I secured Rank 8 in All India Joint Entrance Screening Test for admission in a PhD / Integrated PhD program in Physics, India; and Rank 24 in All India Joint Admission Test for MSc (JAM) for admissions to MSc / MSc-PhD programs at the Indian Institutes of Technology, India.
- I have completed research mentor training through “Building Mentoring Skills for an Academic Career” workshops offered by Cornell University in Spring 2019.
- I have completed the NyTi peer-to-peer mentoring programme of the University of Stavanger during 2019-2020, which aims to provide teaching-related peer-based support to ensure that new colleagues get off to a good start as university teachers, and that their students receive the best possible teaching as soon as possible. Participation in the programme contributes to qualifying as a university teacher.
- I am a laureate of the Polish Prime Minister’s Award in 2022 for highly rated achievements, which were the basis for conferring the degree of Habilitated doctor.
(link: https://ifjpan.bip.gov.pl/postepowania-w-sprawie-nadania-stopnia-doktora-habilitowanego/dr-ipsita-mandal.html) – https://www.ifj.edu.pl/en/news/2023/23-01-04/ and https://www.gov.pl/attachment/d972bc56-d0b9-43e4-bf69-0fe66a393e41 - I was a Plenary speaker at the XLVIII Congress of Polish Physicists, held in Gdańsk during September 1-7, 2023.
Contributions to Diversity and Outreach:
- I was a member of the Women in Physics group in Cornell University during 2018-2019.
- I was part of the Perimeter Institute outreach team (2014-2016) during the public lectures, which involved answering the questions of the audience.
- I was a member of the UCLA Women of Physics and Astronomy group during 2011-2013.
I was appointed as a Nordita Corresponding Fellow in Nordita (Stockholm) from 01-07-2020 to 30-06-2023.
I have won fundings for the following grant proposals:
- PRELUDIUM BIS-2, 2020 Awarded in April 2022 Period of research: April 2022 to March 2026 [Terminated in April 2023 due to leaving Poland] Total funding: PLN 450,180 Funding agency: Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN), Poland Grant reference: 2020/39/O/ST3/00973 Principal investigator: Ipsita Mandal Project title – TOTEM: Topology, Transport, and Effects of Non-Hermiticity
PRELUDIUM BIS-3, 2022 Awarded in April 2022 Period of research: March 2023 to February 2027 [Terminated in Oct 2023 due to leaving Poland] Total funding: PLN 455,060 Funding agency: Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN), Poland Grant reference: 2021/43/O/ST3/00099 Principal investigator: Ipsita Mandal Project title – SCHEME: Superconductivity in hybrids of magnets and metals - Ramanujan Fellowship Awarded in January 2024 Period of research: July 2024 to June 2029 Total funding: INR 11,900,000 Funding agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), India Grant reference: RJF/2023/000046 Principal investigator: Ipsita Mandal Project title – SIQMA: Strongly Interacting Quantum Matter
- Senior Fellowship under the 2023/2024 Marie Skłodowska-Curie FRIAS COFUND Fellowship Programme (FCFP) at the level of W3 professorship link: https://www.frias.uni-freiburg.de/en/people/fellows/mandal-ipsita Awarded in February 2023 Period of research: January 2024 to June 2024 Total funding: Salary for 6 months at the level of W3 professorship and research visit allowances amounting to 2700 EUR Funding agency: Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 754340 Principal investigator: Ipsita Mandal Project title – NEWFIS: New Frontiers For Interaction-Induced States
I received financial support for extended research visits from the host institutes as follows:
- September 30 to October 12, 2015 – Visitor at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai, India, under the PI- IMSc partnership program.
- May 10 to July 16, 2017 – Visitors Program of the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
- October 01 to November 02, 2018 – Participant of the Kavli Institute For Theoretical Physics program “Chaos and Order: from Strongly Correlated Systems to Black Holes”, Santa Barbara, USA.
- November 23 to December 08, 2019 – Visiting Scientist at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai, China.
- September 01 to November 30, 2020 – Guest Scientist with a German Research foundation (DFG) stipend at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- May 01 to May 31, 2022 – Guest scientist at the University of Cologne at Institute for Theoretical Physics, under the framework of the Collaborative Research Center 183 (CRC183), which is funded by the DFG.
- June 01 to June 30, 2022 – Visiting scientist at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of ETH Zurich, under the visitors program of Pauli Center for Theoretical Studies.
- August 01 to October 31, 2022 – Visitors Program of the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
I have been awarded the Ramanujan Fellowship by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), India, in Jan 2024.
Invited seminars / talks in internationally established conferences and international advanced schools, universities and research institutes: 135
Selected talks/seminars:
- Novel phenomena from collective motion of quantum particles April 29, 2024, FRIAS Colloquium, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies [https://www.frias.uni-freiburg.de/de/veranstaltungen/frias-kolloquium/frias-kolloquium-Mandal]
- New Frontiers for Interaction-Induced States September 04, 2023, Plenary Talk, XLVIII Congress of Polish Physicists, Gdańsk
[https://event.mostwiedzy.pl/event/14/] - Correlated States in Triangular Moiré Superlattices June 26, 2022, Recent developments in strongly-correlated quantum matter, Nordita
- Non-Fermi liquid at the FFLO Quantum Critical Point April 29, 2019, CNLS 39th Annual Conference, Santa Fe
- UV/IR Mixing in Non-Fermi Liquids February 20, 2015, Progress and Applications of Modern Quantum Field Theory, Aspen Center for Physics
- Renormalization Group Analysis of a Non-Fermi Liquid System May 01, 2014, 4 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Physics Symposium