Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction (SCXRD)

Make:- Bruker
Model:- D8 Venture
Year of Installation: 2014


Highly intense X-ray source 6×10116×10^11 X-ray/mm2 flux density

Photon II 14 photon counting detector with mixed mode technology

Sealed tube IμS 2.0 Molybdenum (Mo) and Copper (Cu) X-ray sources

4-circle diffractometer (2θ, χ, φ, and Ω)

APEX4 software

Oxford Cryostream 700 series for variable temperature experiments ranging between 100 to 353K.

Operational Modes

Unit cell determination

Full data collection

Charge density data collection


Unit cell determination

Molecular structure determination, bond-lengths, bond angles, site ordering, conformation, & configuration

User Instruction

All users must submit the requisition form

External users must apply through email first for seeking permission from the faculty and instrument in charge, then make payment by scanning the QR code, & share the receipt before sending samples

SCXRD charges

Type of Experiments

Turn Over Time

(Per structure)

Academic Institutions

Industry Users

Full structural analysis report for 10 hours at low/high temperature

1 week



Full structural analysis report for 10 hours at room temperature

1 week



Cell check and data collection at low temperature for 10 hours

3-4 days



Cell check and data collection at room temperature for 10 hours

3-4 days



Unit cell parameters

3 days



Contact Person

Faculty in-charge: Prof. Parthapratim Munshi ([email protected])
Contact Person: Dr. Chanreingam L ([email protected])