Faculty at School of Engineering

V M Rajesh
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: 91-120-7170100
- Number: Extn: 203
- Development of distributors for multiphase flow uniformity within parallel micro/milli channels.
- Strategies for scaling-out using micro/milli channels.
- Synthesis of chemicals and biofuels utilizing micro/milli reactors.
- Computational Fluid Dynamics analyses on multiphase flows within micro/milli channels.
- Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, 2015.
- M.Tech in Chemical Engineering, VIT University, 2005.
- B.Tech in Chemical Engineering, Madras University, 2003.
- Diploma in Chemical Technology, Swamy Abedhanandha Polytechnic, Thellar, 2000.
- 07/14-Present, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR.
- 01/07-12/08, Lecturer, RajaLakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
- 07/06-12/06, Lecturer, Merit International Institute of Technology, Ooty, Tamilnadu.
- 06/05-06/06, Lecturer, Thirumalai Engineering College, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu.
- DST, SERB Travel Grant (2023): Honored with a travel grant from DST, SERB to present my research work at the BRTX2023 conference in Italy.
- Editorial Board Membership (2021-Present): Serving as an Editorial Board Member for the Elsevier journal, "Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments" since August 2021.
- IIT Delhi Travel Grant (2012): Recipient of a travel grant from IIT Delhi to attend the ISCRE-22 conference in The Netherlands.
- National Science Day Presentation (2013): Selected to present my research work at National Science Day, organized by IIT Delhi.
- "Electrochemical Sensors Based on Flexible Laser-Induced Graphene for the Detection of Paraquat in Water" Authors: S Sain, S Roy, A Mathur, VM Rajesh, D Banerjee, B Sarkar, SS Roy Journal: ACS Applied Nano Materials (Vol. 5, Issue 12, Pages 17516-17525), 2022.
- "Effect of Inlet Contactors of Splitting Distributors for Parallel Microchannels" Authors: S Sain, VM Rajesh, K Gupta, S Sinha Roy Journal: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (Vol. 60, Issue 46, Pages 16682-16700), 2021.
- "Extraction of silica nanoparticles from Rice Husk Ash and its characterization" Authors: A Azhakesan, S Yadav, VM Rajesh Journal: NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2020.
- "Experimental characterization of gas-liquid flows in splitting distributor for parallel micro-channels" Authors: A Tiwari, A Maheshwari, VM Rajesh, KB Singh Journal: Chemical Engineering Journal (Vol. 377, 120602) Citations: 13 Year: 2019.
- "Groundnut shell gasification performance in a fluidized bed gasifier with bubbling air as gasification medium" Authors: D Singh, S Yadav, VM Rajesh, P Mohanty Journal: Environmental Technology (Vol. 40, Issue 24, Pages 3140-3152), 2019.
- "Biodiesel production in micro-reactors: A review" Authors: A Tiwari, VM Rajesh, S Yadav Journal: Energy for Sustainable Development (Vol. 43, Pages 143-161), 2018.
- "Volume-of-fluid simulations of gas-liquid-liquid flows in minichannels" Authors: VM Rajesh, VV Buwa Journal: Chemical Engineering Journal (Vol. 345, Pages 688-705), 2018.
- "Experimental characterization of gas–liquid–liquid flows in T-junction microchannels" Authors: VM Rajesh, VV Buwa Journal: Chemical Engineering Journal (Vol. 207, Pages 832-844), 2012.
Effect of Fluid Properties on Flow uniformity in Parallel Microchannels, Bhalaji M, Rajesh VM and Karan Gupta, Chemical Engineering Journal (Under Preparation).
- International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 27), " EFFECT OF FLUID PROPERTIES ON FLOW UNIFORMITY IN PARALLEL MICROCHANNELS", Bhalaji Moorthy, Karan Gupta, and V M Rajesh, Québec City, Canada from June 11-14, 2023.
- International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 26), " SCALE-OUT STRATEGY FOR FLOW UNIFORMITY USING SPIRAL AND NON-SPIRAL PARALLEL MICRO/MILLI CHANNELS", Devang Patel, Karan Gupta and V M Rajesh, Québec City, Canada from June 11-14, 2023.
- Invited talk on ‘Green bio-aviation fuel from UCO using intensified reactors’. BPCL R&D, Greater Noida, Dec 2022.
- International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 26), "Effect of aspect ratio of meandering parallel microchannels: Experiments and Phase field simulations", Sourav Sain, V. M. Rajesh, and Susanta S Roy, India, New Delhi, Dec 5-8, 2021.
- CAMURE 11 & ISMR 10, "Effect of Inlet mixers on flow uniformity in parallel microchannels", Sourav Sain, V. M. Rajesh, and Susanta S Roy, Italy, Milano, Mar 21-24, 2021.
- International Workshop on Microfluidics, Organized by Shiv Nadar University and DST, India, Feb 24-28, 2020.
- Invited talk for a five-day workshop on "Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics from 1-5 April 2019 at Department of Chemical Engineering, MNIT Japiur.
- Attended workshop on “Experiential & Project-based Learning in Engineering Education: How to make it work” at JKLU from January 11-12, 2019.
- International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 25), "Experimental characterization of gas-liquid flows in parallel microchannels", Appurva Tiwari, Apoorva Maheshwari, and V. M. Rajesh, Italy, Florence, May 20-23, 2018.
- Recent Advancements in Chemical, Environmental and Energy Engineering (RACEE-2018), "Volume-of-fluid simulations of two-phase flows in parallel microchannels", Apoorva Maheshwari, V. M. Rajesh, Karnail B. Singh, SSN, Chennai, Feb 15 – 16, 2018.
- Recent Advancements in Chemical, Environmental and Energy Engineering (RACEE-2018), "Experimental characterization of two-phase flows in splitting distributor for parallel microchannels", Appurva Tiwari, Arson Goyal, and V. M. Rajesh, SSN, Chennai, Feb 15 – 16, 2018.
- 13th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-13), "Volume-of-Fluid Simulations of Gas-Liquid Flows in Splitting Distributors for Parallel Microchannels using OpenFOAM", Apoorva Maheshwari and V. M. Rajesh, Brussels, Belgium, Aug 20-23, 2017.
- Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON), "Volume-of-Fluid Simulations of Gas-Liquid Flows in Parallel Microchannels using OpenFOAM", Apoorva Maheshwari and V. M. Rajesh, IIT Madras and Anna University, India, Dec 27-30, 2016.
- Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON), "Numerical Investigations of Liquid-Liquid Flows in Microchannels using OpenFOAM", Saksham K. Agrawal, Apoorva Maheshwari, and V. M. Rajesh, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati India, Dec 27-30, 2015.
- Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-12), "Numerical Simulations of Gas-Liquid-Liquid Flows in a T-junction Microchannels", V. M. Rajesh and Vivek V Buwa, Crowne Plaza, Times Square Manhattan, New York, NY, Jun 28 - Jul 1, 2015.
- International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP-2014), "Numerical Simulations of Gas-Liquid-Liquid Flows in a T-junction Microchannels", V. M. Rajesh and Vivek V Buwa, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, Dec 11-14, 2014.
- International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 23), "Controlled generation of bubbles and drops in gas-liquid-liquid flows in T-junction microchannels", V. M. Rajesh and Vivek V Buwa, Bangkok, Thailand, Sep 7 -10, 2014.
- International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 22), "Experimental characterization of gas-liquid-liquid flows in T-junction microchannels", V. M. Rajesh and Vivek V Buwa, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2012.
- Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON), "Experimental and numerical investigations of gas-liquid-liquid flows in microchannels", V. M. Rajesh and Vivek V Buwa, Bangalore, India, 2011.
Project 1: Sustainable Maleic Anhydride Production from n-Butane Oxidation
This project, helmed by Principal Investigator Dr. V. M. Rajesh and Co-Principal Investigators Dr. Sanjeev Yadav and Prof. R. P. Chhabra, seeks to revolutionize the production of maleic anhydride through n-butane oxidation. Funded by Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited R&D, the endeavor will involve the design and optimization of parallel millireactors. The approach combines computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experimental techniques, paving the way for eco-friendly chemical processes. Set to run from Aug 2023 to Aug 2025, this initiative aligns with the broader sustainability goals in the field of chemical engineering.
Project 2: Visible Light Induced Removal of 1, 4-Dioxane Contaminant from Drinking Water
In a joint initiative by Dr. Subhabrata Sen and Dr. V. M. Rajesh, this project aims to eliminate 1,4-dioxane contaminant from drinking water through an innovative, energy-efficient microfluidic technology. The research, funded by the Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence as FGIR Grant 2023, employs visible light induction as a key water treatment strategy. Scheduled to be conducted between July 2023 and July 2025, the project has the potential to transform traditional water treatment practices by making them more cost-effective and energy-efficient.
Project 3: Pyrolysis of Oil Extracted Spice Waste and Up-gradation of Bio-diesel Using Novel Catalysts Headed by Dr. Priyanka and Dr. V. M. Rajesh, this project, funded by the Council of Science and Technology, UP, is focused on innovative waste management and sustainable energy development. The project's core concept is the extraction of oil from spice waste, followed by its pyrolysis to generate bio-diesel. This will involve the development and application of novel catalysts to upgrade the production process. The project is a testament to the possibilities of integrating waste management with renewable energy production, promising significant contributions to the field of sustainable energy. The project duration spans from August 2022 to August 2024.
Project 4: FIST Program - Supporting Department Research and Development Activities
This project is a part of the FIST Program, backed by the Department of Science and Technology, India which has granted a fund of 1.1 crore to support research and development activities within the Department of Chemical Engineering at Shiv Nadar Institute of Eminence Deemed to be University. From December 2022 to December 2027, the team members, including Dr. V. M. Rajesh, Dr. Sanjeev Yadav, Dr. Karan Gupta, Dr. Priyanka, and Dr. Yamini Sudha Sistla, will employ this fund in fostering innovation and promoting research and development within the department, thereby contributing to the growth and advancement of the field of Chemical Engineering.
International Collaboration: Dr. Harrson S. Santana, Development of enzymatic microreactors for the commercial-scale production of biodiesel from waste oils, CO-PI, University of Campinas, 2022.
Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production through Millireactors and Olefin Cross Metathesis Pathway
The project's primary goal is to manufacture bio-aviation fuel (BAF) from utilized cooking oil (UCO) feedstock. The process leverages a stack of millireactors along with a fixed-bed reactor to achieve a throughput of 1 to 2 kg/h. Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. V.M. Rajesh and Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI): Dr. Sanjeev Yadav. This project was submitted to CST UP in January 2023
Development of enzymatic microreactors for the commercial-scale production of biodiesel from waste oils, Dr. Harrson S. Santana, University of Campinas, from Dec 2022 - present.