Faculty at School of Engineering

Sumedha Moharana
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: Extn: 296
Piezoelectric Impedance Based Structural Health Monitoring , Smart Materials, Modeling Of Piezo-Elasto Dynamic Interaction and Shear Lag Effect
Know more: Click here
Ph. D (Civil Engineering) Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 2006
M.Tech (Structural Engineering) Biju Patanaik University of Technology, Odisha 2004
B.E (Civil Engineering) Biju Patanik University of Technology Odisha
06/13 ? Present
Assistant Professor, Shiv Nadar University, Dadri
Moharana, S. and Sevugaperumal Arun, V., 2022. Piezo impedance-based monitoring of loosening of bolts: Experimental and numerical study. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 33(8), pp.1056-1071.
Moharana, S., Bhalla, S. and Munjwani, S., 2022. Vibration-based pre-emptive detection of plate buckling using piezo-transducers. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 7(3), pp.1-16.
Banerjee, T. and Moharana, S., 2022. Monitoring thermal defects in rail and rail joints using piezo impedance-based structural health monitoring (PISHM). Engineering Research Express, 4(1), p.015014.
Moharana, S. and Gupta, P., 2022. Performance of lime calcined clay cement-an experimental and microstructural evaluation. Architecture, Structures and Construction, pp.1-14.
Moharana, S., 2021. Investigation of a continuum shear lag model as an indicator for the damage detection in Piezo-Elasto dynamic structure. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 9(7), pp.1755-1768.
Moharana, S. and Bhalla, S., 2019. Development and evaluation of an external reusable piezo-based concrete hydration-monitoring sensor. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 30(18-19), pp.2770-2788.
Moharana, S. and Bhalla, S., 2015. Influence of adhesive bond layer on power and energy transduction efficiency of piezo-impedance transducer. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 26(3), pp.247-259.
Moharana, S. and Bhalla, S., 2014. A continuum based modelling approach for adhesively bonded piezo-transducers for EMI technique. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51(6), pp.1299-1310.
Parida, L. and Moharana, S., 2023. Monitoring Loading Effects of Construction Steel Structure Using Piezo Transducer for Electromechanical Impedance Techniques. In Recent Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Structures (pp. 371-380). Springer, Singapore.
Gargepuram, S., Subash, S. and Moharana, S., 2021. Pore Evaluation and Distribution in Cement Mortar Using Digital Image Processing. In Advances in Non-destructive Evaluation (pp. 125-131). Springer, Singapore.Moharana, S. and Vishala, V., 2020. Thermal and Optical Investigation of Lime Mortar for Repetitive Thermal Loading. In Smart Cities?Opportunities and Challenges (pp. 245-255). Springer, Singapore.
Bhalla, S., Moharana, S., Talakokula, V. and Kaur, N., 2017. Piezoelectric materials: applications in SHM, energy harvesting and biomechanics (p. 352). Chichester, UK:: Wiley.
1. Moharana, S. (2020) "Introduction to Modelling Piezo-Structure Systems" Invited talk, E-workshop on futuristic sensing technologies for civil mechanical and instrumentation engineers, 16th May 2020 (Webinar)
2. Moharana, S. (2020) " ?Development and potential use of the piezoelectric sensor for monitoring of cement concrete hydration and strength" Invited talk, 3rd International Conference on Health Monitoring of Civil & Maritime Structures, 3rd-4th June 2021 | Edinburgh, UK. (Fulllength Paper, Invited talk), Postponed due to pandemic.
3. Moharana, S. (2018), ?Bio-ready materials for sustainable infrastructure? Invited talk, University Institute of Engineering & Technology, MDU, 31st May 2018, Rohtak.
4. Moharana, S. and Bhalla S (2018) ?Application And Suitability of Electro-Mechanical Impedance (EMI) Technique Civil Structural Health Monitoring? Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bratislava, 14th June 2018
5. Bhalla S., Moharana, S., Talakokula, V. and Kaur, N. (2017), ?piezoelectric materials: applications in SHM, energy harvesting and bio-mechanics?, Invited talk, Workshop on Concrete and Structures, 10-11 August, New Delhi.
6. Moharana, S. (2016), ?Non-destructive evaluation techniques for Civil structure?, Invited talk for Power Management Institute Under Civil GETs of Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Nigam Limited, 13th Oct. 2016.
7. Moharana, S. and Bhalla, S. (2016), ?Structural system identification and monitoring using piezoelectric sensor for global mode? Invited talk for faculty development program at Govt. Engineering College Amravati, 12th Dec. 2016, India.
8. Bhalla, S., Suresh, R., Moharana, S., Talakokula, V., Kaur, N. and Naskar, S. (2015), ?Multi-disciplinary applications of piezo-sensors: structural health monitoring, bio-mechanics and energy harvesting?, Invited talk, National Conference on Recent Advances and Future Prospects on Civil Engineering 2015, Bhubaneswar.
9. Moharana, S. (2014), ?System identification and Structural Health Monitoring? Civil Engineering Symposium (Convenor and Host Prof. Alper ILKI), Department of civil engineering Istanbul technique University? Keynote on 17th June, 2014.
10. Moharana, S. (2014), ?Achieving Sustainability through Energy Efficiency, Environmental Monitoring and Structural Health Monitoring? Keynote Workshop on GREEN BUILDING, 7th Nov. 2015, IIT Delhi.
11. Moharana, S. (2013), ?Modelling of shear lag effect of piezo-elastodynamic structure interaction?, Workshop on Experimental Structural Dynamics, Structural Health Monitoring and Non-Destructive Evaluation using Smart Materials, Invited talk IETE, New Delhi, October 26th, 2013.
Conference papers
Lukesh Parida, Sumedha Moharana and Sourav Kumar Giri, ?Detection and Prediction of Bond Degradation for Piezo Impedance based Structural Health Monitoring (PISHM) Using Hybrid Deep Learning Model?, In 4th?Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition (SICE) 2022, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.
Lukesh Parida and Sumedha Moharana, ?Flexural Bond Strength Measurement of reinforced concrete structure Using Piezo Impedance-Based SHM (PISHM): A Review?, In 4th?Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition (SICE) 2022, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.
Lukesh Parida and Sumedha Moharana, ?Strength evaluation and prediction of cement concrete by deep learning classification using non-destructive test results?, In NDE 2021-conf. & Exhibition, 9-11 Dec 2021, Bengaluru, India (NDE-2021) and submitted to springer nature.
Banerjee, T., Kumar, A. and Moharana, S., 2021, June. Thermal and residual strain measurement due to gradual and repetitive thermal loading in rails and rail joints using ESG. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
1. Sanjay, K. and Moharana, S. (2020) "Non-Destructive Evaluation and Monitoring Cement Concrete-An Experimental Approach" CoMS 2020 Construction Materials for a Sustainable Future, 15th to 17th April 2020, Bled, Slovenia. RILEM Conference, (Full -length paper accepted but postponed for Covid-19)
2. Banerjee, T. and Moharana, S. (2019), ?Monitoring and diagnosis of thermal expansion of rails and rail joints using piezoelectric sensors for electro-mechanical impedance technique?, NDE2019, December 5-7, 2019, Bangalore, India. (Full-length paper, Oral presentation)
3. Moharana, S. and Deepak, V. (2019) "One-Dimensional Modelling of Piezo-Structure Interaction for DeBonding Configuration using Electro-Mechanical Impedance (EMI) Techniques" 7th International Youth Conference on Energy 2019, 3rd July-7th July 2019, Bled Slovenia (Full length and peer-reviewed paper)
4. Moharana S and Vishnu S A (2019) "Condition Health Monitoring Of a Suspension Strut Cap/ Upper Strut Mount Using Piezoelectric Sensor for Electro-Mechanical Impedance Technique" SMART 2019, IX ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, A. Benjeddou, N. Mechbal and J.F. De? (Eds), 8th July-11th July 2019, Paris, France. (Full length and Peer-reviewed)
5. Gupta P and Moharana S (2019) " Clinkering of Calcium Sulfoaluminate (CSA) Cement using industrial waste and experimental characterization of its microstructural properties during early hydration" 3rd International Conference on Calcined Clays for Sustainable Concrete, 15th to 17th of October 2019, IIT Delhi (Extended Abstract)
6. Moharana, S. and Bharat, S. (2017), ?Bio induced Strength enhancement of Recycled Coarse Aggregates? ASCE INDIA CONFERENCE 2017,12 - 14 December 2017 | NEW DELHI, INDIA. Under theme Urbanization Challenges In Emerging Economies, Moving Towards Resilient Sustainable Cities and Infrastructure. (full paper).
7. Bhalla, S. and Moharana, S. (2016), ?Coupled field analysis for piezo structure interaction for electro-mechanical impedance technique using multi piezo actuation system. CSHM-6 Structural Health Monitoring of New and Ageing Infrastructure. (Belfast, Northern Ireland). Workshop. May 26 and 27, 2016.
8. Moharana, S and Garg, B. (2016) ?Nondestructive evaluation of cement composite under sulphate attack,? Proceedings of Fifth International Symposium on Life -Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE2016, Edited by Prof. Jaap Bakkar and Prof. D M Frangpool, 16-19th Oct. 2016, TU Delft Netherland. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781315375175
9. Moharana, S. (2016), ?Monitoring human bone health for different stages of osteoporosis for non-bonded configuration? Fifth International Symposium on Life -Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE2016, 16-19th Oct. 2016. (poster).
10. Moharana, S. and Bhalla, S. (2015) ?Modelling Of Shear Lag Effect For Piezo-Elstodynamic Structure For Electro-Mechanical Impedance Technique,? SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, California USA, 8 March 2015 to 12 March 2015. (Presented oral). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2084266
11. Moharana, S., Bhalla, S., Srivastava, S., Suresh, R., Kaur, N., Gupta, A. (2015), ?Application Of Structural Health Monitoring Technologies To Bio-Systems: Current Status And Path Forward? SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego, California USA, 8 March 2015 to 12 March 2015. (Presented oral). DOI: 10.1117/12.2084399
12. Goel, S. and Moharana, S. (2015), ?Electro-Mechanical Impedance Technique based Monitoring of Concrete Health using Piezo Transducers,? 2nd RN Raikar Memorial Intl. Conference & Banthia-Basheer Intl. Symposium on Advances In Science & Technology Of Concrete, Vol. 5, pp. 72-77.
Experimental and Numerical Study Of Adhesive bond/Debond Effect on Electromechanical
Coupling Behavior Of Piezo-elastodynamic Structure
In-situ Material characterization and Non-destructive testing of Construction Materials for the buildings of Shiv Nadar School, Gurgaon and Noida.
Agency- HCL technologies