Faculty at School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Subhashim Goswami
Associate Professor and Head
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: 91-120-7170100
- Number: 360
Research/Art Intervention, Visual Practices and New Media, Visual and Material Culture, Art and Design intervention of the contemporary, Theatre for toddlers, Ethnographic Film-Making. Writing Studies.
Know more: Click here
Ph.D. Dept. of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
M.Phil. Dept. of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
M.A. Dept. of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
B.A. (Hons.) Sociology Hindu College, University of Delhi
- October 2017 till date – Faculty, Dept. of Sociology, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence.
- June 2014 till December 2014 & July 2015 till May 2018– Visiting Faculty, Dept. of English, Shiv Nadar University.
- January 2016 till April 2017 – Guest Faculty, Dept. of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi.
- October 2006 to April 2011 - Co-founded and worked for Frame Works Research and Media Collective, a collaborative research and media firm which used interdisciplinary practices like ethnographic research and contemporary art to explore development issues and social processes
Joint Recipient of the Wenner-Gren Workshop Grant 2019. Conducted a workshop titled "Cosmopolitics in the Contemporary" 22-23 July 2019 at Shiv Nadar University, India. Wenner-Gren grant to attend the ASA 2019 Conference at University of East Anglia, UK. Recipient of the IEG-ICSSR Doctoral fellowship 2012-14
- Joint Recipient of the Wenner-Gren Workshop Grant 2019. Conducted an international workshop titled “Cosmopolitics in the Contemporary” 22-23 July 2019 at Shiv Nadar University, India.
- Wenner-Gren grant to attend the ASA 2019 Conference at University of East Anglia, UK.
- Recipient of the IEG-ICSSR Doctoral fellowship 2012-14
- Being and Becoming: Men in a Matrilineal Society. Society and Culture in South Asia. (Forthcoming).
- Hearing Images, Seeing Sounds: Disturbance as Pedagogy. Teaching Anthropology: A Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 2022. Vol. 11 Issue 2. Pp 24-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22582/ta.v11i2.624
- The Unwittingly Willful State Subject: Travelling and Testing in the Terrain of Threat. Society and Culture in South Asia. 2021 Vol. 7 Issue 1. pp. 155-162. https://doi.org/10.1177/2393861720977704
- The Making of an Object as “Discontinuous Improvements” In International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences. Vol 3. (8): August 2016
- “The Anthropologist from the South: The Frontier beyond Radical Alterity” In Pinheiro, Claudio and Peggy Levitt (eds.) Southern Attitude in the Social Sciences: Pathways toward a Renewed Professional Ethos. International Sociological Association. Co-authored with Vinicius Kauê Ferreira and Tuhina Ganguly (Forthcoming)
- “The Ethnographic Object: A Composite at Play” In Arif, Yasmeen (ed.) Event and Everyday: Empiricisms and Epistemologies. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan. (Forthcoming).
- Knowing and Representation: Unraveling Contexts through Images and Conversations In Bandyopadhyay Mahuya and Ritambhara Hebbar (eds.) 2016. Towards a New Sociology in India: New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan.
- Weaving Films, Shooting Cotton: The Cinema Making Fabric of Malegaon In Dutta Madhushree, Kaushik Bhaumik and Rohan Shivkumar (eds.) 2013. Project Cinema City. New Delhi. Tulika Books
- Enterprising Women, Supportive Men: Micro Credit Networks in the North-East In Chopra, Radhika (ed.) 2007. Reframing Masculinities: Narrating the Supportive Practices of Men. New Delhi: Orient Longman.
- No Less than Me: Working on Disability In Chopra, Radhika (ed.) 2007. Reframing Masculinities: Narrating the Supportive Practices of Men. New Delhi: Orient Longman.
- Working on Mental Health with the Community. 2005. Ashadeep, Guwahati. National Library of Medicine. NLM ID: 101494817 (Workbook Resource Manual)
Book Reviews:
- Gatt, Caroline (ed.) The Voices of the Pages. 117 pp., maps, figs, illus., bibliogr. Aberdeen: Univ. of Aberdeen; knowingfromtheinside.org., 2017. Open access (pdf) in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 2023. Vol 29 (2). Pp. 484. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9655.13944
- Mathur, Nayanika. 2017. Paper Tiger: Law, Bureaucracy and the Developmental State in Himalayan India. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press. Review in January 2017 in Allegralaboratory.net (http://allegralaboratory.net/review-paper-tiger-law-bureaucracy-and-the-developmental-state-in-himalayan-india/ )
- Richardson, Diane and Steven Seidman (eds.). 2002. Handbook of Lesbian and Gay Studies. London: Sage. Review in January 2005 issue of The Book Review
Goswami, Subhashim. An Oral History of the COVID 19 Crisis: An unchartered territory of travelling through an unperceived threat. Firstpost, April 15, 2021. https://www.firstpost.com/living/an-oral-history-of-the-covid-19-crisis-an-uncharted-territory-of-travelling-through-an-unperceived-threat-9402661.html
- Invited as a panellist for the seminar “Theatre for Children: Content, Intent, Rationale” organised by Ranga Shankara Theatre, Bengaluru as a part of the AHA International Theatre Festival for Children, 29-30 June, 2022
- Invited to Head Start Educational Academy, Bengaluru to conduct two workshops: “Research for the Arts” 16 – 21 November 2022 for Art department teachers. And “Introspection and Dialogue on the Humanities School curriculum” 19 November 2022 for all Humanities and Social Science teachers.
- Invited to deliver two consecutive year lecture and seminar on “Difference, Hierarchy and Inequalities” as a part of the course SABV 260 Socio Cultural Diversity and Social Inequalities in Social Work by the Department of Social Work, Institute of Welfare and Participation, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway. 24 March 2023 and 4 April 2022.
- Invited to deliver a lecture “Field, Archive, Ethnography: The fundamentals of Sociological Research” for young faculty and research scholars’ online certificate course on Academic Writing, Research Methodology and New Frontiers of Research for Humanities and Social Sciences, organised by IQAC and English Department, Hansraj College, University of Delhi, 7 – 29 January 2022.
- Invited to deliver a lecture titled Ethnographic Research for Research Scholars and Young Faculty at the “Seven Day Workshop on Research Methodology” for Media and Communication Studies and Social Sciences oraganised by the Centre for Culture Media and Governance. Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi. 12th December 2019.
- Invited to deliver a talk Resonating Bodies: Artistic Research in Academia organised by Centre for Writing Studies. O. P. Jindal Global University. 2 June 2020.
- Invited Panelist for Site, Context and Time: Evolving Practices in the Performing Arts. Serendipity Arts Festival, Goa. 19 December 2018.
- Invited to deliver a lecture titled Ontological Concerns in Research for Research Scholars and Young Faculty at the “Seven Day Research Methodology Workshop” under the Centre for Potential Excellence in Particular Area (CPEPA) program. Centre for Culture Media and Governance. Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi. 13th December 2017.
- Invited Guest Lecture for Sociology students at Ashoka University, Sonipat. Ethno/Graphy – A Writing up of the Field. 16th September 2017.
- Co-organizing the webinar series titled 'Emerging Critiques from the South', organized by SEPHIS (South-South Exchange Program for Research on the History of Development) in association with the Department of Sociology, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi – NCR, 11 March 2022 onwards.
- Co-Convener of the Panel Dematerialization and Immateriality: the impact of intangibility in pedagogy and ethnography at the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth Annual Conference, ASA 2021: Responsibility, Online 29 March – 1 April 2021, University of St. Andrews, UK.
- Co-convener of the panel (Re)distributing Anthropological Knowledge at Distribute 2020: A Biennial Conference of the Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA) and Society for Visual Anthropology (SVA). May 7-8-9. 2020.
- Anthropology and Theatre for Toddlers at the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth ASA 2022 conference Anthropology Educates 14 March – 7 November 2022
- Anthropologist in Absentia: Ethnography sans the ethnographer at the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth Annual Conference, ASA 2021: Responsibility, Online 29 March – 1 April 2021, University of St. Andrews, UK
- Anthropology as Interlocution: An Ethnography of the Seen and the Heard at the European Association of Social Anthropology 16th Biennial Conference, 20-24 July 2020. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Inside and Outside the Bus: Politics of Perception through Wheels on Streets at the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth Annual Conference, 3 -6 September 2019, University of East Anglia., Norwich, UK.
- Epistemic movement of Ethnography to Method at the IUAES Inter-Congress 27th – 31st August 2019, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland.
- Conceptualising the Ethnographic Object at the Cosmopolitics in the Contemporary, International Workshop sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, Shiv Nadar University, 22-23 July, 2019.
- The Making of an Ethnographic Object – Improvisation in Discontinuity at the Association of Social Anthropologist of Aotearoa/New Zealand Annual Conference December 2018. Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand
- Writing as interlocution: An ethnography of the seen and the heard at the Reflections on Writing Conference, Ashoka University. 27th-28th April 2018
- Capturing the Emergent Object: A play of the Formulaic at the Deleuze and Guattari International Conference, Chennai. 16th-17th February 2018.
- Ethnographic Object –An Event-ing of the Everyday at the “Event and Everyday: Empiricisms and Epistemologies” workshop. Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. 23rd-24th March 2017
- Thinking through Readings for Writing at the Project E-Qual Workshop, a two day Teacher training workshop on Critical Thinking in Writing Pedagogy, Shiv Nadar University. 18th February 2016.
- Conducted a workshop titled “Ethnography as Emergence” at the IUAES Inter-Congress 27th – 31st August, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland.
- Conducted a lab on Research Methodology through body and movement at the Association of the Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth Annual Conference - ASA 2019, 3rd -6th September, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
- Conducted one-day Academic Writing Workshop for Masters student. School of Law, Governance and Citizenship. Ambedkar University, Delhi. 20th September 2017.
- Academic Writing Workshop, key resource person, organised by the Sociology Department, Hindu College for students of sociology from various undergraduate colleges in Delhi University. August 2015.
- One-day Academic Writing Workshop for Literary Society, Hindu College. 5th October 2015
- Academic Writing Workshop for M.Phil. and Ph.D. students at the Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. 18th March 2016.
- Academic Writing Workshop for class XI students of Head Start Educational Academy, Bangalore. August 2016
- Mentor training workshops for Master’s student mentors at the Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics. 2016-17.
- ML-05-B-6055/ documentary (Frame Works)
ML-05-B-6055 is a biographical portrait of a bus and its everyday significance for people in rural Meghalaya. The film looks at how these wooden buses are made, their functionality, systems that exist around them and the associations and attachment that people have for their bus (2008) https://vimeo.com/143049843
- Panchayat se Nyaya Tak (From Panchayats to Justice) /documentary (SUTRA/UNIFEM)
Panchayat se Nyaya Tak looks at how Nyaya Panchayats in Himachal Pradesh could be instrumental in implementing the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. This film is intended to advocate with policy-makers and make them aware of the current structural and functional inadequacies of Nyaya Panchayats (2007-08)
- Koi Na Aaya Akela (No One Has Come Alone) /documentary (Frame Works)
In March 2008, 3000 women from Ekal Nari Shakti Sangathan, a Single Women’s Federation in Himachal Pradesh marched to Shimla to put forward their demands before the government. Following their march over three days, Koi Na Aaya Akela explored the larger issues that single women face in their everyday lives (2008)
- I Do…I Learn / documentary (Career Launcher Educational Foundation)
A film that looked at alternative pedagogical practices in schools in rural Andhra Pradesh (2009)
Installation Art
- Disconnect (Khoj/IIC)
Disconnect was an audio-video-text installation that brought together Zariyein II and Zariyein III. It was mounted for public viewing at Khoj Studios in October 2009 and at the India International Centre in February 2010. http://khojworkshop.org/project/disconnect
Theatre Productions
- Bends and Flows (Director). Country’s first theatre for toddlers play, staged in International Theatre festivals at Bangalore and Delhi. Produced and supported by Head Start Montessori House of Children, co-supported by National School of Drama, Rangashankara Theatre Bangalore and Max Mueller Bhavan.
- Dinner is at 8. (Director) Theatre for Toddler Productions produced by Head Start Montessori House of Children. Staged at International Theatre Festival for Children in Bangalore and Delhi. Invited to perform and stage it at the Serendipity Arts Festiva, Goa 2018.
- Gasha (Dramaturg) Play produced by Indian Ensemble. Winner of the META Theatre Award for Best Play. 2013.