Faculty at School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Sreedeep Bhattacharya
Associate Professor
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
Consumer Culture, Contemporary Visual and Popular Culture, Socio-Technological Conditions of Twenty First Century, Photographic Practices and Theory, Social History of 19C Bengal
2019—: Associate Professor (Sociology) Shiv Nadar University, August, 2019 onwards
2014—2019: Fellow at the Centre for Public Affairs and Critical Theory, Shiv Nadar University
2012 — 2013: Research Consultant at A. B. Design Habit
2007 — 2011: PhD in Sociology, Jawaharlal Nehru University
2006 — 2007: M.Phil. in Sociology, Jawaharlal Nehru University
2004 — 2006: M.A. in Sociology, Jawaharlal Nehru University
2001 – 2004: B.A. in Sociology (Hons), Hindu College, University of Delhi
2016: Received Neel Dongre Grants for Excellence in Photography funded by The India Photo Archive Foundation to participate in a collaborative visual project on recycling. Exhibited in India International Centre, April 1-11.
2016: ‘Matters of Life and Debt’ - A Report Submitted to Reserve Bank of India on Rural Distress and Farmers’ Suicide in Yavatmal and Sangrur.
2015: ‘Re-thinking the Industrial Disputes Act: Labour Relations for New India’, A C-PACT report.
2012: Research Associate for ‘Asian Cities in the Age of Global Modernity’ with National University of Singapore.
2007: Student Fellow, Media Fellowship Programme, Public Service Broadcasting Trust.
2007: ‘Student Stipends for Research on the City’ by Sarai, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies.
- Window-Shopping Humans in a Thrift-Store: What User-Bios tell us about Online Dating, Media Watch, Feb 3, 2025
- Review of Childscape and Mediascape: Children and Media in India. Usha Raman and Sumana Kasturi (eds.) 2023. Orient Blackswan, Economic & Political Weekly, VOL LIX No 41, p46-48
- “Trau(Ma): memories of a vindictive mother”, Families, Relationships and Societies. Vol XX. no XX. 1–19. 2024.
- মুঠোফোন মগ্নতা ও সহজলভ্য সব সরলীকরণ, উদ্বোধন, 2023. P 21-27
- 2022: Poetic Trends: Fetishising the Nature and Pathologising the City, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol LVII. Nos 26 & 27. July 2. P. 88.
- 2020: After the Tourists Depart: Visual Postmortem of a New Tourist Destination, Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 7.1. P 61–78.
- 2020: Book Review—‘Outline of a Prolific Academic Endeavour’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol LV. No. 13. March 28. P 23-25.
- 2019: Unqualified Medical Practitioners: Their Illegal but Indispensable Role in Primary Health Care’, Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 54, Issue No. 5, 02 Feb, p36-44.
- 2018: ‘Afterlife of Things in a Delhi Junkyard: The Liminal Debris of Consumer Culture’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 53, Issue No. 46, 45-51. 24 Nov.
- 2018: ‘Navigating the Anarchy of Debris: Observing the Loss of Material Sovereignty, Cultural Anthropology, November 5. https://culanth.org/fieldsights/navigating-the-anarchy-of-debris-observing-the-loss-of-material-sovereignty
- 2018: Peer Reviewed Images: Image Consuming Selves as Visual Commodities, Society and Culture in South Asia, September 10, 5(1) 1–33, Sage
- 2018: The Waste Land, The Indian Quarterly, Vol 6, Issue 2, 2018, p 21-30
- 2017: Lives in Debt: Narratives of Agrarian Distress and Farmers Suicide in Yavatmal and Sangrur, (Special Article) Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 52, Issue 21, p 77-84, May 27, 2017.
- 2017: Contested Spaces and Resultant Conflicts: Some Aspects of the Agrarian Crisis in India, Review of Market Integration, Vol 7, No 2, 2017 (Sage).
- 2016: Crossing the Line: Caring Across the Borders, Yale Journal of International Affairs, September 29.
- 2016: Dark Colors of Cotton: The Burden of BT, IIC Quarterly, Vol 43, No 2, pp 56 – 69, August.
- 2016: Mind your Language: Their Body, Our Villager, Society and Culture in South Asia, Vol. 2, Issue 2, June 2016 (Sage).
- 2013: River Ending – A visual narrative on degeneration of River Yamuna, Mass Context, 2013, Issue 19 / Fall 13, p 34-51
2020: Consumerist Encounters: Flirting with Things and Images’, Oxford University Press.
- Consuming Themes along with Things’ in Nita Mathur eds. Consumer Culture and Modernity (Routledge, forthcoming, 2025
- 2019: Lives in Debt: Narratives of Agrarian Distress and Farmer Suicides (co-authored with Ajay Dandekar) in Suhas Palshikar, Pulapre Balakrishnan and Nandini Sundar eds. Reading India: Selection of Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 3 1991-2017, p161-181. Tata Trust, EPW and Orient BlackSwan.
2023: Self-Surveillance and Self-Advertisement in the Digital Sphere, Miranda House, April 19
2018: Invited Talk ‘Water and Production of Space’ with WSP and ADPA students, SNU, October 25
2018: Invited Talk ‘Peer Reviewed Images’ at ADPA, SNU, October 4.
2018: Invited Talk “Waste as Matters on the Move” at Terri University, September, 19.
2018: Invited Talk: ‘How to Compose — Workshop on Photography’, at Terri University, October, 9.
2018: Invited Talk: ‘Visual Postmortem of a Lake after the Tourists Depart’ at Centre for Culture Media and Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia, April 10.
2019: ‘2019-CMCI Emerging Voices Conference’, King’s College, London, June 6-7.
2019: ‘Afterlife of Things’, Water-Waste Cognition and Action, May 26-27, IIC, Delhi, organized by SNU & NUIA.
2019: ‘Archiving, or Saving to Forget? Reflections on Remembrance when Memory is Outsourced’, in the two-day Conference on ‘The Idea of the Archive’, March 8-9, held in IIC, organized by Shiv Nadar University.
2018: Invited and funded to present in a workshop titled ‘Assemblage Assembly’ organized by Prof. Bill Brown, University of Chicago, May 31.
2018: ‘Afterlife of Things in the Liminal Debris of Consumer Culture' in the British Association of South Asian Studies, at the University of Exeter, April, 18-20
2018: ‘Pangong’s Viual Postmortem: After the Tourists Depart’ in ‘Image(s) of India’, An International Workshop organized by Association des Jeunes Etudes Indiennes (AJEI) & University of Strasbourg, March 19-21, New Delhi
2017: ‘Peer Reviewed Bodies: Image Consuming Selves as Visual Commodities’ presented in Visual South Asia Conference, University of Dhaka, Department of Anthropology, 10-11 May
2017: ‘Buddha Sells (till it lasts the wash): T-shirt Trajectory of the Renouncer’ in South Asia: Explorations in Popular-Contemporary Buddhist Imageries’ - Two-day International Conference Co-organized by the Department of Sociology, South Asian University, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan, 17-18 March
2016: ‘Aspired' Images of 'Ideal' Bodies’ in a Panel titled ‘Obliterating the Cultural Boundaries: Contemporary Creative Industries’ in Bangkok University Communication Arts International Conference Creative Industries in Asia: Innovating Within Constraints, 1-2 July, Bangkok, Thailand
2015: ‘Mayapuri – The Kingdom of Morphing’ in 'Urban Experiences: Bilbao & Delhi' – a two day International Workshop on exchange of ideas on the process of urban transition, India International Centre, 10-11 March.
2012: ‘New Quests in Sociology: Broadening Intellectual Horizons’, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, South Asian University, New Delhi, August 29.
- ‘brand(e)scape: the changing sur(face) of the city’ in ‘Theorizing Asian Cities through Mediated Forms’ in Indian Institute of Urban Designers and Asia Society, 18-19 December, Bombay.
2010: Weeklong residential conference on Science and Spirituality held in Cortona (Italy) in 2008 and in Hyderabad (India).
Essays in Popular Press
- Fluidity and Flow of Water—A commentary on conceptual convergence on three seminal books on water: Rohan De Souza's Drowned and Dammed; Nikhil Anand's Hydraulic City and Sunil Amrit's Unruly Waters, The India Forum, August 17, 2024
- Requiem for an Ideal Body, OPEN, March 8, 2024
- Perils of Patriarchy, The Wire, March 8, 2024
- How Ram Became the Most Values Political Currency of ‘Naya Bharat’, Outlook, February 17, 2024
- The Paradox of Outsourced Memory in a Digital Age, Outlook, January 7, 2024
- A Proclamation of Polyamory and Promiscuity, Outlook, August 2, 2023
- Grand Kanwar Yatra Scheme of Majoritarian India, Newsclick, July 27, 2023
- New, Instant and Multiple as New Social Principles, Newsclick, July 11, 2023
- Traditional in the Modern, Outlook, May 31, 2023, P 68-70
- Complete-Possession or No-Relation, Outlook, June 4, 2023
- Satyajit Ray’s Devi: Modern Matters and Patriarchal Pacts, Outlook, April 23, 2023
- What is Wrong with our Universities? Outlook, April 2, 2023
- Two Films that Explored Effects of Patriarchy on Men—Sara Akash and 27 Down, Newsclick, March 9, 2023
- The Violence of Parents and Family, Outlook, Jan 14, 2023
- In the Postmodern World, Intimacy has become a Strange Thing, Outlook, Jan 13, 2023. P 22.24.
- Learning to Forget, The Telegraph, July 14, 2022
- Social Science Operates with Multiple Truths, The Hindu, May 17, 2022
- Cityscapes and identities: What advertisements, images tell us about commodities and consumers, The Scroll, May 13, 2022
- Teachings in/of Covid-time, Mainstream, May 6, 2022
- Story in pictures, The Telegraph, April 25, 2022
- Hijab ban: How the claim of ensuring uniformity is actually being used to divide Indians, Scroll, March 15, 2022
- Beauty and the Beast, The Telegraph, February 17, 2022
- How Real is the Image? How Futile is that Question? OPEN, February 12, 2022
- Tagore's Version of Atmanirvar and Akmashakti, Mainstream, January 22, VOL LX No 5, 2022
- Commodities as Trophies: How Advertisements Valorise the Elite, The Wire, November 18, 2021
- Wear Che Guevara, Johnny Walker and Gandhi on your T-shirts, but it says nothing about you, The Print, October, 31, 2020
- India: A Million Lockdowns, Rock Buttom Healthcare, Newsclick, June 24, 2020
- Gender Dimensions of Living Alone and Covid-19, Newsclick, June 1, 2020
- Locking Down in Privilege. Asiavillenews, May 26, 2020
- Working from Home while being Watched from Home. Newsclick, May 18, 2020
- Unmasking the Array of Brands: Consumerist footprint on a preventive shield. OPEN. May 17, 2020.
- Return of the High Times: The Long Lines of Lack of Control, OPEN, May 6 2020
- Mass Movement VS Vast Stagnancy: The guilt of the middle class as we witness the mass movement of the migrants across India, Asiavillenews, May 6, 2020
- Can Covid Change the Way We Date and Mate, OPEN, April, 24, 2020
- Adapting, Adjusting and Evolving with a Virus, NewsClick, April 29, 2020
- Balcony of Big Things: The Theatrics of Light and Sound-Shows, OPEN, April 15, 2020
- Parasite VS Parasite OR Parasite VS Host? FORSEA (Forces of Renewal Southeast Asia), April 13, 2020
- Why Social Distancing is a Distant Dream. NewsClick, March 29, 2020
- Why JNU is being Disciplined and Punished, NewsClick, Jan 19, 2020
- Why Kabir isn’t Cool, NewsClick, July 26, 2019
- Mistaking Media(ted) Democracy for the Real Thing, The Wire, Apr 07, 2019
- The Branding of Indian Education, The Wire, March 13, 2019
- Image Campaigns and the Darkness of 'Achhe Din', The Wire, Jan 26, 2019
- The Futility of Imposing Expiry Dates on Vehicles, OPEN, December, 10, 2018
- Pangong Postmortem: After the Tourists Depart, OPEN, April 2, 2018
- A Harvest of Distress, OPEN, June 26, 2017, Vol 09, Issue 25, 2017, p36-40
- The self in the self(i.e.), OPEN, Feb 2016, Vol 08, Issue 8, 2015, p14-17
- Can’t Stop Drooling – How the Erotification of the popular media is changing urban desires, OPEN, August 18, 2015.
- Mock, Mock! Who’s Calling? The ironies of outsourcing and the aspirations of an individual, OPEN, Vol 7, Issue 29, July 27, 2015, P 42-45
- Left Out, Left behind, Left in Between, OPEN, Vol 7, issue 22, June 7, 2015, p 30-33
Od-Eds in Bengali
চিত্তবিনোদনকারী বাড়াবাড়ি, Anandabazar Patrika, October 8, 2024.
পুরুষের তন্ত্র, আরেক রকম (Arekrakam), March 16-31, 2024.
নবরামায়ণ: রামনাম সত্যের রাজনীতি, আরেক রকম (Arekrakam), February 1-15, 2024.
নিয়ন্ত্রণকারী পরিবারের প্রকৃতি, আরেক রকম (Arekrakam), December 16-31, 2023.
ক্ষমতার স্থিতিই যখন লক্ষ্য, Anandabazar Patrika, December 7, 2023.
জাতিগণনায় ভয় পান কারা, Anandabazar Patrika, October 27, 2023
- বেক্তিগত-প্যানপ্টিকন, আরেক রকম (Arekrakam), July 16-31, 2023
- বিবর্তনের আশ্চর্য গতি, Anandabazar Patrika, June 02, 2023
- মধ্যেমেধার যজ্ঞ, Anandabazar Patrika, May 28, 2023
- নমনীয়তা ও সরলীকরণ যখন জনপ্রিয়তার কারণ, আরেক রকম (Arekrakam), April 1-15, 2023
- যেখানে অচেনা মানুষই পণ্য, Anandabazar Patrika, March 25, 2023
- মুঠোফোনে মগ্ন, একা, Anandabazar Patrika, December 23, 2022
- আমি রূপে তোমায় ভোলাব, Anandabazar Patrika, July 16, 2022
- অমৃতকালের নয়া চিহ্ন বুলডোজার, এই সময়, May 12, 2022
- বোরখা নিয়ে কেন এত শিরঃপীড়া?, এই সময় (Ei Samay), March 17, 2022
- নিজেকে দেখি, নিজেই দেখাই, Anandabazar Patrika, February 23, 2022
- 'আত্মনির্ভরতা' ও 'আত্মশক্তি'র এই এক নতুন বিকৃত রূপ: দেওয়ালে পিঠ ঠেকে গেলে, Anandabazar Patrika, October 14, 2021
- উফ! এতো ইকো-ফ্রেন্ডলি কবিতা, Arek Rakam, Vol 9, issue 19, p16-30, October 1-15, 2021
- কী, কত বনাম কেন, কী ভাবে, Anandabazar Patrika, July 5, 2021
- সাত বছরে রাষ্ট্র যা যা পেল, Anandabazar Patrika, June 1, 2021
- আর কতো আত্মসমীক্ষা কমরেড, এই সময় (Ei Samay), May 13, 2021
- তুমি মোর পাও নাই পরিচয়, Anandabazar Patrika. May 8, 2021
- বাংলা ভাষা বিপন্ন, প্রশ্ন হল, কেন? এই সময় (Ei Samay), March 11, 2021
- স্কুল বন্ধ, পড়ুয়ারা কতটা শিখছে, এই সময় (Ei Samay), January 21, 2021
- সমাজবদ্ধতার দায় থেকে মুক্তি, Anandabazar Patrika, June 15, 2020
- ‘দূরে থাকো’ বললেই কি চলে, Anandabazar Patrika, March 27, 2020
- ঘরের পাশে আগুন, ভয় করছে, Anandabazar Patrika, February 27, 2020
- বিকট ফুর্তি হলে তবে না পর্যটন, Anandabazar Patrika, December 14, 2019
- ঘাটের কাছে গল্প বলে পাটের কল - আরেক রকম (Arekrakam), Vol 7, Issue 11, 1-15 November, 2019 (p36-38)
- এই ‘পৌরুষ’ই তা হলে জনপ্রিয়? Anandabazar Patrika, July 25, 2019
- “'নমো-বুলি' বনাম 'মনের কথা'”, আরেক রকম (Arekrakam), Vol 7, Issue 9, 25-26, May 1, 2019
- ‘হাতুড়ে’ ডাক্তার ছাড়া চলবে না - Anandabazar Patrika, April 12, 2019
- ইস্কুল তথা রিয়াল এস্টেট - Anandabazar Patrika, March 2, 2019.
- রাষ্ট্র যখন ভোগবাদের সারথি - Anandabazar Patrika, December 15, 2018.
- স্বল্পস্থায়ী হও আমার শরীরে, আরেক রকম (Arekrakam), Vol 6, 23, 33-35. Dec 1, 2018
- ভ্রমরকে ঘরে ফিরতে হয় কেন? Anandabazar Patrika, June 27, 2018
- ঘাটের কাছে গল্প বলে পাটের কল - এই সময় (Ei Samay), June 1, 2018
- বাবুদের ভ্রমণ এবং এত্তা জঞ্জাল - এই সময় (Ei Samay), April, 2018
- প্রাণপনে সরবে পৃথিবীর জঞ্জাল? - এই সময় (Ei Samay), February 20, 2018
- ঋণ মকুব নয়, বরং কিস্তিতে শোধ করার ব্যবস্থা হোক - Anandabazar Patrika, July 23, 2017