Faculty at School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Siddharth Mallavarapu
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: 614
Enduring research interests encompass disciplinary histories of International Relations (IR) with a special focus on India; theories of IR and the broader politics of knowledge, especially in relation to the global South, international organizations, international law and world politics, contemporary global governance dilemmas and institutional design, comparative political thought and theory, cognition and IR, Indian foreign policy and heuristics in the social sciences and allied fields. I am willing to supervise students in the following research areas:
- Politics of knowledge
- Disciplinary histories of International Relations
- International Organizations
- International Law and World Politics
- Comparative political thought and theory
- Cognition and International Relations
Know more: Click here
- Ph.D. Jawaharlal Nehru University: 2004
- M.Phil. Jawaharlal Nehru University 1996-1998
- MA in Politics (Specialization in International Relations), SIS Jawaharlal Nehru University 1994-1996
- BA in Economics, Political Science and Sociology St.Joseph's College, Bangalore 1991-94
- Senior Fellow, SCRIPTS, Cluster of Excellence, Berlin International College of Research and Graduate Training (BIRT) May 2023 to August 2023. .
- Appointed in March 2021 as one of the Editors in Chief for the Global Social Challenges Journal launched by the Bristol University Pres
- Invited as Visiting Research Professor at the Wissenschaft Zentrum Berlin (WZB) from May 25th to July 5th, 2019.
- Invited as editorial board member from 1 July 2018 to 31, December 2021 for the journal Global Perspectives (specifically for the section on Global Change and Sustainability Transformations: Technology-Society Interfaces) published by the University of California Press.
- Invited as a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Germany.
- 2016 Visiting Professor at Sciences Po, Paris. Offered lectures in March 2016 on Theorizing Security in Asia. 2013 - 2014
- Kate Hamburger Senior Fellow (June to August 2013 and May to July 2014) at the Centre for Global Cooperation, Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
- Shenggen Fan, Julie Thompson Klein, Siddharth Mallavarapu, Bronwen Morgan, Sue Scott and David Simon, ‘Addressing the global social challenges of our time’, Global Social Challenges Journal, vol. 1 • 2–7 • © Authors 2022; Online ISSN 2752-3349 • https://doi.org/10.1332/ELVJ2982 Accepted for publication 25 March 2022 • First published online 10 May 2022.
- “ ‘After Fragmentation’: A Perspective from the Global South”, (2020) 9:2 Global Constitutionalism, pp.424-436
- ‘The World as Viewed from China: Theorizing Governance, Leadership and Relationality in the 21st Century’, China Report, 2020; Vol.56, No.1, pp.129-138.
- ‘Getting Asia Right’, Research Journal Social Sciences, 2016 (24: 1 & 2), pp.1-26.
- ‘Hoffnung auf eine gerechtere Weltordnung’ APuZ Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 63. Jahrgang · 50–51/2013 · 2. December 2013, pp.9-13 (Translated from the original English version to German)
- ‘Democracy Promotion Circa 2010: An Indian Perspective’, Contemporary Politics, Vol.16, No.1, March 2010, pp.49-61.
- ‘Development of International Relations Theory in India: Traditions, Contemporary Perspectives and Trajectories’, International Studies, Vol.46, No. 1&2, 2009; pp.165-183
- ‘Globalization and the Cultural Grammar of Great Power Aspiration’, International Studies, Vol.44, No.2, 2007; pp.87-102
- ‘O Lugar Importa: O Ensino Das Relações Internacionais Na Índia’, Relações Internacionais, (15) September 2007, pp.35-45 (Translated from English to Portuguese).
- ‘Postcolonialism, International Law and the Nuclear Question’ International Studies, Vol.37, No.2, 2000, pp.129-142 (Appeared under the category ‘Notes and Comments’).
- Banning the Bomb: The Politics of Norm Creation (New Delhi: Pearson Longman, 2007)
- Kanti P.Bajpai and Siddharth Mallavarapu (ed.) India, the West, and International Order (Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2019).
- Kanti P.Bajpai and Siddharth Mallavarapu (ed.) International Relations in India: Bringing Theory Back Home (New Delhi: Orient Longman, 2005).
- Kanti P.Bajpai and Siddharth Mallavarapu (ed.) International Relations in India: Theorizing the Region and Nation (New Delhi: Orient Longman, 2005).
- B.S.Chimni and Siddharth Mallavarapu (ed.) International Relations: Perspectives for the Global South (New Delhi: Pearson, 2012).
Book Chapters
- ‘Universal Ethics in the 21st Century: Which Sensibilities Matter?’ Imme Scholz, Lilian Busse, Thomas Fues (eds.) Transboundary Cooperation and Global Governance for Inclusive Sustainable Development. (Baden Baden: Nomos, 2022) 185-9.
- ‘Imperialism, International Law and War: Enduring Legacies and Curious Entanglements’ in Lothar Brock and Hendrik Smith ed. The Justification of War and International Order (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), pp.45-64
- ‘Comparative Political Theory’ in Leonardo Morlino, Dirk-Berg Schlosser and Bertrand Badie ed. Handbook of Political Science: A Global Perspective (London: Sage, 2020), pp.13-29
- Introduction’ (with Kanti P.Bajpai) in Kanti P.Bajpai and Siddharth Mallavarapu ed. India, the West, and International Order (Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2019), pp.1-50
- ‘Why Octavio Paz matters’ in Jenny Edkins ed. Routledge Handbook of Critical International Relations (London and New York: Routledge, 2019), pp.214-228
- ‘India’s National Security: A Constructivist Account’ in Sumit Ganguly, Nicolas Blarel and Manjeet S.Pardesai ed. The Oxford Handbook of India’s National Security (New Delhi: OUP, 2018), pp.60-76
- ‘The Sociology of International Relations in India: Competing Conceptions of Political Order’ in Gunther Hellmann ed. Theorizing Global Order (Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 2018), pp.142-171
- ‘The Exclusion Problem and the Need for Legitimacy’ (with me as second author and Konstanze Jüngling as first author) in Harald Müller and Carsten Rauch ed. Great Power Multilateralism and The Prevention of War (Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2018), pp.160-174
- ´The Many Lives of Afghanistan: Reassessing Disciplinary International Relations’ in Rajen Harshe and Dhananjay Tripathi ed. Afghanistan Post 2014: Power Configurations and Evolving Trajectories (New Delhi: Routledge, 2016), pp.33-49
- ‘Cognizing Cooperation: Clues and Cues for Institutional Design’ in Dirk Messner and Silke Weinlich ed. Global Cooperation and the Human Factor in International Relations (London: Routledge, 2016), pp.246-265
- ‘Colonialism and the Responsibility to Protect’ in William Maley and Ramesh Thakur ed. Theorizing the Responsibility to Protect (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp.305-322
- Theorizing India’s Foreign Relations’ in Srinath Raghavan, David Malone and C.Rajamohan ed. Handbook on Indian Foreign Policy (Oxford University Press, 2015), pp.35-48
- ‘Securing India: Gandhian Intuitions’ in Kanti Bajpai, Saira Basit, and Venkatshamy Krishnappa, ed., India’s Grand Strategy: History, Theory, Cases (New Delhi: Routledge, 2014), pp.258-284.
- ‘Introduction’ (with B.S.Chimni) in Chimni and Siddharth Mallavarapu ed. International Relations: Perspectives for the Global South (New Delhi: Pearson, 2012), xiii-xxiv
- ‘Theories of International Relations’ in B.S.Chimni and Siddharth Mallavarapu ed. International Relations: Perspectives for the Global South (New Delhi: Pearson, 2012), pp.3-21
- ‘Indian Thinking in International Relations’ in B.S.Chimni and Siddharth Mallavarapu ed. International Relations: Perspectives for the Global South (New Delhi: Pearson, 2012), pp.22-38
- ‘Contextualizing Rule in South Asia’ in Arlene B.Tickner & David L.Blaney ed. Thinking International Relations Differently, (London: Routledge, 2012), pp.139-160
- ‘Democracy Promotion Circa 2010: An Indian Perspective’, Contemporary Politics, Vol.16, No.1, March 2010, pp.49-61
- ‘The Normative Politics of Regime Formation: Human Rights in the South Asian Context’, in E.Sridharan ed. International Relations Theory and South Asia (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011), pp.346-368
- ‘Engaging the Idea of Global Citizenship’ in Chandra Chari ed. Superpower Rivalry and Conflict: The Long Shadow of the Cold War on the 21st Century (London: Routledge, 2010), pp. 233-242
- ‘Development of International Relations Theory in India: Traditions, Contemporary Perspectives and Trajectories’, International Studies, Vol.46, No. 1&2, 2009; pp.165-183
- ‘Globalization and the Cultural Grammar of Great Power Aspiration’, International Studies, Vol.44, No.2, 2007; pp.87-102
- ‘The Template of Globalization and the Making of Indian Foreign Policy’ in Fábio Villares (et.al) ed. India, Brazil and South Africa: Perspectives and Alliances (Sao Paulo: UNESP, 2006), pp.197-253
- ‘Introduction’ in Kanti P.Bajpai and Siddharth Mallavarapu International Relations in India: Bringing Theory Back Home, (New Delhi: Orient Longman, 2005) pp.1-16
- ‘States, Nationalisms and Modernities in Conversation: Problematizing International Relations in India’ in Kanti P.Bajpai and Siddharth International Relations in India: Bringing Theory Back Home, (New Delhi: Orient Longman, 2005), pp.39-70
- ‘A Mandate for Nuclear Prudence: International Court of Justice on Nuclear Weapons’ in M.V.Ramana and C.Rammanohar Reddy (ed.) Prisoners of the Nuclear Dream, (Delhi: Orient Longman, 2003), pp.245-269
- 'The Importance of Rebecca Solnit', The Wire, 4 August 2021. Siddharth Mallavarapu,
- Ambivalent Legacies of the Indian Council of World Affairs, Book review for The Wire on 26 June 2021.
- In a pandemic, the idea of a university? Hindustan Times, 14 June 2021.
- Featured in E-International Relations on 27 May, 2018. Siddharth Mallavarapu,
- 'Deciphering the Grammar of Climate Change', The Wire, 11 July 2017.
- ´Confronting Death: Doctors on Mortality?, Himal Southasian, online: 27 April, 2016. Last accessed on 14 June, 2016. Siddharth Mallavarapu, 'Telling it Like it is - Sartre, Beauvoir and the Highs and Lows of Existentialism' The Wire, 30 June 2016.
- Keynote address at Jadavpur University titled "Navigating a world between orders: an Indian Perspective" delivered on 25 April 2023.
- Presentation titled ´Making Sense of Europe in Revisionist International Law Historiography: A View from the Postcolony´at the Dahrendorf-Ashoka Conference themed´Irritations of Europe´ held online on 24 March 2023.
- Presentation at the American Society of International Law and Asian Society of International Law Global Engagement Series on the theme of ´The Shifting Geopolitical Landscape and International Law in the Asia-Pacific´ held online on 1 March 2023.
- Presentation at a distinguished panel organized by the O.P.Jindal Global University on International Law and International Relations held on 10 November 2022.
- Presented at a panel discussion titled 'Perspectives on Decolonization', India Habitat Centre, Delhi, 19 August 2022.
- Presentation of a draft book chapter titled ‘Deciphering International Punishments: A Perspective from the Global South’ for a forthcoming OUP book. This was presented online at the European Initiative for Security Studies and the Hertie School Centre for International Security, 2022 Annual Conference, 30 June-1 July 2022 – Berlin. Fuller details of the forthcoming book are carried below:
- Draft chapter prepared by Siddharth Mallavarapu for Wolfgang Wagner, Linet Durmuşoğlu, Barbora Holá, Ronald Kroeze, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, and Wouter Werner eds., Norm Violations and Punishments in International Politics (OUP: forthcoming).
- Presentation of a co-authored (with B.S.Chimni) draft of a forthcoming chapter in The Oxford Handbook of International Institutions; 4 April 2022. Please find fuller citation details carried below:
- Siddharth Mallavarapu and B.S.Chimni, ‘International Institutions: A Perspective from the Global South’ in Michael Barnett and Duncan Snidal eds., The Oxford Handbook of International Institutions (OUP, forthcoming).
- Online lecture titled ‘Deciphering International Law and International Relation’ at a Research Methodology workshop at the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR), Hyderabad on 10 March, 2022.
- Online lecture titled ‘The Study of International Relations: What We Now Know’ at the Refresher Course (RCIR2122) organized by Jadavpur University on 6 December 2021.
- Presentation at SNU-IRGS Departmental Research Colloquia on ‘The Many Lives of Afghanistan’, 20 October 2021.
- Chaired a SNU-IRGS Departmental Seminar of Dr.Patrick Muthengi Maluki who spoke on the subject of ‘The African Union and the Evolution of International Norms’, 23 September 2021.
- Participant at the University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy online credential program titled ‘The Battles Ahead: Domestic and Global Implications of the 2020 US Election’ held during the period January 2021 to February 2021.
- Presentation at a panel on ‘Transformative Constitutionalism and the Borderlines of Liberalism’ as part of the Opening Conference of the Cluster of Excellence Scripts – Contestations of the Liberal Script in Berlin at The Dahlem Cube, Seminaris Campus Hotel, 7 February, 2020.
- Invitation to chair a panel on “Ways of Representing India: ICWA, League of Nations, and Institutions of ‘Indic’ Learning” as part of a conference on ‘Institutionalist Legacies of India’s Internationalist Thought and Practice, 1919-2019’ at Ashoka University, 31 January – 1 February, 2020.
- Invited lecture titled “Towards a ‘Global International Relations’: A Perspective from India” delivered at the 6th Refresher Course in Global Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) on 28 November, 2019. Participants of the course comprise teachers from colleges/universities from all over India.
- Invited lecture delivered at Miranda House College (in Delhi) based on the 2019 co-edited book titled, India, the West and International Order co-edited by Kanti Bajpai and Siddharth Mallavarapu. The lecture was held on 7 November, 2019.
- Chaired a panel on ‘Sovereignty and Hard Power’ as part of a workshop on ‘India and the Sovereignty Principle’ organized by the Department of International Relations, South Asian University and Carnegie, India on 4 November, 2019.
- Lead Speaker at the Roundtable on ‘U.S.-China Strategic Engagement during Xi Jinping’s Leadership’, organized by the Institute of Chinese Studies at the India International Centre, Delhi on 2 November, 2019.
- Selected and successfully completed participation in a programme on ‘Peace Mediation and Crisis Diplomacy in Action’ held under the auspices of the German Federal Office from 2-6th September, 2019.
- Presentation on ‘The Dissent of Judge Weeramantry’ at the Institute for International Law and the Humanities, Melbourne Law School conference ‘Offices of the Southern Jurist-Diplomat’ held from 21-23rd August, 2019 in Melbourne.
- Presented a paper on ‘International Relations in India and the Kautilyan Legacy’, Classical Indian and Chinese World Views on Global Order: A Comparison at a workshop co-sponsored by Peking University Berggruen Research Center and The World Peace Forum. The event was held at Liaoning International Hotel, Beijing from 9-10 July, 2019.
- Presentation of the co-edited book (by Kanti Bajpai and Siddharth Mallavarapu) titled, India, the West and the International Order at the German Institute of Global Affairs, Hamburg on 21 June, 2019.
- Presentation of the co-edited book titled, India, the West and International Order at the Research Colloquia in the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin on 13 June, 2019.
- Address at the Centre for Joint Warfare Studies (CENJOWS) and Shiv Nadar University (SNU) collaborative Seminar on ‘Comprehensive National Power’, 12th November, 2018. Purple Bay, Jodhpur Officers Mess Hostel, New Delhi.
- ‘Revisiting an American Social Science: Is a ‘Global International Relations’ Possible?’, Presentation at the Departmental Seminar Series at Ashoka University on 12th October, 2018.
- External discussant on a paper titled, ‘Is there an Indian way of Multilateralism: a conceptual inquiry" at the Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA) Fellow Seminar on 14th September, 2018.
- ‘The Changing Itineraries of an ‘American Social Science’: International Relations, Circa 2018’, Presentation at a research colloquium at Azim Premji University, Bangalore, 7th September, 2018.
- Appointed in March 2021 as one of the Editors in Chief for the Global Social Challenges Journal to be launched by the Bristol University Press. The journal is envisaged as a multi-disciplinary journal and has other co-editors in chief as well for specific domains of scholarly inquiry.
- Invited as Sessions Chair for International Political Science Association (IPSA), World Congress of Political Science, General Session on ‘Postcolonial and Subaltern Studies’, Lisbon (Portugal) from 10-15, July 2021.
- Editorial Board Member from 1 July 2018 to 31, December 2021 for the journal Global Perspectives (specifically for the section on Global Change and Sustainability Transformations: Technology-Society Interfaces?) published by the University of California Press.
- Invited as External Committee Member for faculty recruitments in International Relations at Ashoka University on two occasions. The first round of recruitment job talks and interviews were held on September 20 and 21, 2018 and the second round was held on 27 March, 2019.
- Invited on 16 June 2018 to be a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Centre for Global Cooperation Research at Duisburg, Germany.
- Co-editor and member of the international editorial board of Global Trends & Analyses. Global Trends is published by the Development and Peace Foundation, founded in 1986 on the initiative of Willy Brandt and based in Bonn, the Institute for Development and Peace, University of Duisburg-Essen, and the Kate Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.