Faculty at School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Serena Bindi
Honorary Fellow
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- 2017 | Certificate in Vermersch’s Explicitation Interviewing. Under the direction of Anne Cazemajou (GREX).
- 2011-2012 | Postdoctoral research and teaching Fellow, FMSH (Paris)
- 2009 | PhD Social Anthropology and Ethnology, EHESS (Paris) and University of Siena
- 2003 | Post Graduate Certificate South Asian Studies and Anthropology,
- 2002 | M.A, Social Anthropology, University of Siena, Italy
- 2001 | Diploma, Social Anthropology, University of Kent, United Kingdom
- 2000 | B.A. Social Anthropology and Human Geography, University of Siena, Italy
- 2012 - present Associate Professor of Anthropology, Paris Cité University (ex Descartes)
- 2014 - 2015 Qualified contractual teacher at the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
- 2011 - 2012 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, FMSH Paris
- 2010 - 2012 Postdoctoral Research Associate and Lecturer, University of Nice
- 2007 - 2008 Doctoral Research Associate and Lecturer, University of Siena, Italy
- Medical anthropology
- Mental health
- Anthropology of religion and ritual
- Possession
- Body
- Emotions
- Senses
- Gender
- Death and mourning
- South Asia, especially Indian Himalayas.
- 2020 Teaching and research Award (Prime d’Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche - PEDR), Paris Cité University (4 years)
- 2020 French National Research Agency (ANR_program ANRJCJC), Funding for the project Phantoms or fantasies? Experiences of Loss in Changing Therapeutic Contexts (4 years)
- 2019 IDEX Dynamique, Paris Cité University, funding for the project Make the doctors or the dead talk? The Conflicting Management of Trauma after the Deadly Floods in Uttarakhand (India) (3 years)
- 2017 IDEX International Grant (French-Argentinian program), Sorbonne Paris Cité University, for the project “Political bodies / Body policies in the 21st Century. Comparative Ethnographic Studies on Body between Health, Religion, Violence and Power” (1 year)
- 2016 IDEX International Grant (French-Argentinian program), Sorbonne Paris Cité University, for the project "Body. Political and Religious Body Regulations. Debates and Perspectives in Social Sciences” ( 1 year)
- 2011 Fellowship of the foundation FMSH (Paris) and the University Grant Commission (India): French-Indian program (1 year)
- 2010 Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Nice: co-funded by Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Humanities (1 year)
- 2006 Italian National Research Institute Research Grant (6 months)
- 2004 French-Italian University of Grenoble, Vinci Scholarship for joint PhD (3 years)
- 2003 University of Siena, PhD Program MREA, PhD Scholarship (3 years)
- 2002 University of Siena’s Scholarship for Postgraduate Certificate, ANU (Canberra) Australia (1 year)
- 2020-24 Direction international research program « Phantoms or fantasies? Experiences of Loss in Changing Therapeutic Contexts (India and Nepal) », funded by French National Research Agency (ANR) (13 team members).
- 2019-22 Direction international research program « Make the doctors or the dead talk? The conflicting management of trauma after the deadly floods in Uttarakhand (India) », funded by IDEX Dynamique, Paris Cité University (4 team members): one edited book forthcoming.
- 2020-24 Direction (with Aidan Seale-Feldman, Notre Dame University) of the research seminar DEATH, LOSS, AND GRIEF Anthropological Perspectives, at Paris Cité University and online (Hybrid form): One edited book and one journal special issue forthcoming.
- 2014-20 Direction of the research seminar Health and Religion: Current Debates, at Paris Descartes University: one journal special issue published in 2022.
- 2019-23 Direction (with M.L. Gelard) of the research team Health, Body and Sensory Worlds at the Centre of Cultural and Social Anthropology CANTHEL (6 team members).
- 2016-18 Director of the IDEX international teaching and research program Body. Political and Religious Body « Regulations ». Debates and Perspectives in Social Sciences, French-Argentinian program, funded twice by IDEX Sorbonne Paris Cité University - for two consecutive years (22 team members): one edited book with M. Carbonelli published in 2022.
- 2013-14 Co-Direction of the research seminar Hypnotic Practices: Limitations, Problems and Intersections, with Pascale Haag and Roberto Poma, EHESS, Paris.
- 2013-18 Direction of the research team Practices of Divination and Healing at the Centre of Cultural and Social Anthropology CANTHEL (8 team members).
- 2014-17 Direction (with Lucia Candelise, University of Geneva, Switzerland) of the international research team (China, France, India, Italy, Singapore, Switzerland) Heritage Making of Healing Practices, Toward a Re-configuration of Therapeutic Resources (12 team members): 3 conferences (Rome, Paris, Montreal) and one edited book with L. Candelise forthcoming.)
- Member of the research team Normative Systems and Conflicts of Values, co-directed by D. Berti and S. Gros (Centre for Himalayan Studies) (2019-2023).
- Member of the research team Artistic Expressions and Heritage Making, co-directed by P. Dollfus and G. Toffin (Centre for Himalayan Studies) (2019-2023).
- Member of the research team Traditional Knowledge: Nutrition, Health and Environment, directed by L. Candelise, V. Duchesne, M. Kleiche-Dray, S. Wang (Centre Population & Développement CEPED, IRD/Paris 5) (2017-2019).
- Member of the project funded by French National Research Agency ANR “Making Invisible powers present in the Himalayas”, directed by A.de Sales and M.Lecomte- Tilouine (2014-2018).
Scientific Membership Research Centers and Departments :
- October 2023 – till present : Honorary Fellow, Department of Sociology, Shiv Nadar University Delhi
- January 2023 – till present: Affiliate, Centre for South Asian and Himalayan Studies (CNRS-EHESS)
- August 2022 – till present: Visiting Researcher, Center for Humanities Delhi
- 2018 - till present: Affiliate, Centre for Indian and South Asian Studies (CEIAS, UMR 8564, EHESS/CNRS)
- 2011- till present: Affiliate, Centre for Himalayan Studies (UPR 299, CNRS)
- 2010 - 2012: Affiliate, Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre CIRCPLES (EA 3159, University of Nice)
- 2003 - 2009: Affiliate, Doctoral Researcher, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi University, North Campus, Delhi
- 2003 - 2009: Affiliate, Doctoral Researcher, Interdisciplinary of Contemporary Anthropology (IIAC, UMR 8177, CNRS-EHESS)
- European Association for South Asian Studies
- Italian Association of Tibetan, Himalayan and Mongolian Studies
- Association Française d’Ethnologie et Anthropologies
- 2022 (with GIMENEZ BELIVEAU Verónica) (eds.), Exorcisms, extraction of unwanted entities, and other spiritual struggles around the body: A comparative perspective, Social Compass, 69/4. https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/scpa/69/4
- 2022 (with DIANTEILL Erwan and LAMOTTE Thierry) (eds.), La violence insidieuse : Anthropologie et psychologie de la sorcellerie et du harcèlement moral, Paris, Archives Karèline. https://archiveskareline.fr/home.php?contexte=book_details&id=83
- 2022 (with CARBONELLI Marcos) (eds.), Cuerpos políticos y políticas de los cuerpos. Estudios comparados sobre el cuerpo entre salud, religión, violencia y poder, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales - CEIL-CONICET.
- http://www.ceil-conicet.gov.ar/2022/07/ceil-libros-cuerpos-politicos-y-politica-de-los-cuerpos-estudios-comparados-sobre-el-cuerpo-en-la-encrucijada-entre-salud-religion-violencia-y-poder-serena-bindi-y-marcos-carbonelli-coord/
- 2022 Médecine et religion : reconfigurations contemporaines, numéro thématique, cArgo, Revue Internationale d’Anthropologie Culturelle et Sociale.
- https://www.cargo.canthel.fr/cargo-11/
- 2016 (with MUCCIARELLI Elena & PONTILLO Tiziana) (eds.), Cross-cutting South Asian Studies; An Interdisciplinary Approach, New Delhi, DK Prinworld.
- http://canthel.shs.parisdescartes.fr/crosscutting/
- 2012 L’événement et la maladie, numéro thématique 2, Mondes Contemporains.
- 2010 Yogananda, il maestro del Kriya Yoga, Milano, Red Boroli.
Peer reviewed articles in Scientific Journals (selection):
- 2023 (with GIMENEZ BELIVEAU Verónica) « Exorcisms, extraction of unwanted entities and other spiritual struggles around the body: A comparative perspective ». , Social Compass, 69 (4): 1-37. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/00377686221147797
- 2022 «Exorcising angry deities and spirits of the dead: Spiritual and earthly battles of married
- women in Uttarakhand (India) ». Social Compass, 69 (4)/ 550-577.
- https://doi.org/10.1177/00377686221139214
- 2022 « Médecine et religion : approches anthropologiques classiques et contemporaines », cArgo, Revue Internationale d’Anthropologie Culturelle et Sociale, 11 : 7-26.
- https://www.cargo.canthel.fr/cargo-11/
- 2018 « Fantasmas e inflamaciones: reflexiones sobre las interpelaciones terapéuticas a la religión en India », Salud Colectiva, 14 (2) : 179-192.
- https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01986577v1
- 2015 « Grandir aujourd’hui en Himalaya Indien. Des rituels au service d’une nouvelle adolescence », Ethnologie Française, 154 : 715-724.
- https://www.cairn.info/revue-ethnologie-francaise-2015-4-page-715.htm
- 2013 « Patrimonialiser la culture : la mise en scène des rituels de possession en Uttarakhand », Anthropologie et Santé, 6.
- https://journals.openedition.org/anthropologiesante/1101
- ‘When there were only gods, then there was no disease, no need for doctors’: weakening bodies and forsaken deities in the Indian Himalayas », Anthropology and Medicine, 19/1 : 85–94.
- https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13648470.2012.660467
Book Chapters (selection):
- 2022 (with DIANTEILL Erwan & LAMOTTE Thierry) « Introduction», in BINDI Serena, DIANTEILL Erwan & LAMOTTE T. (Eds.), La violence insidieuse, Paris, Archives Karèline : 7-20.
- 2022 « Animés par la colère. Expressions spirituelles et résolutions rituelles des conflits domestiques et de la souffrance des épouses dans l’Himalaya indien », in BINDI S., DIANTEILL E., LAMOTTE T. (Eds.), La violence insidieuse, Paris, Archives Karèline : 233-268.
- 2022 (with MANGANELLI Marie & ALI Rizwan) « Harassment and sorcery in India through a lawyer’s lens. An annotated interview with Rizwan Ali (Uttarakhand, North India) », in BINDI S., DIANTEILL E. & LAMOTTE T. (Eds.), La violence insidieuse, Paris, Archives Karèline : 205-232.
- 2022 « La fábrica de cuerpos permeables. Ritos de curación y aprendizajes corporales en la región de Garhwal, Himalaya (Norte de la India) », in BINDI S. & CARBONELLI M. (Eds.), Cuerpos políticos y política de los cuerpos : estudios comparados sobre el cuerpo, en la encrucijada entre salud, religión, violencia y poder, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales - CEIL-CONICET : 173-199.
- http://www.ceil-conicet.gov.ar/2022/07/ceil-libros-cuerpos-politicos-y-politica-de-los-cuerpos-estudios-comparados-sobre-el-cuerpo-en-la-encrucijada-entre-salud-religion-violencia-y-poder-serena-bindi-y-marcos-carbonelli-coord/
- 2022 (with CARBONELLI Marcos) « Introduction », in BINDI S. & CARBONELLI M. (Eds.), Cuerpos políticos y política de los cuerpos : estudios comparados sobre el cuerpo, en la encrucijada entre salud, religión, violencia y poder, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales - CEIL-CONICET: 7-25.
- http://www.ceil-conicet.gov.ar/2022/07/ceil-libros-cuerpos-politicos-y-politica-de-los-cuerpos-estudios-comparados-sobre-el-cuerpo-en-la-encrucijada-entre-salud-religion-violencia-y-poder-serena-bindi-y-marcos-carbonelli-coord/
- 2017 (with ORR David) « Medical Pluralism and Global Mental Health », in WHITE R. & al., eds., The Palgrave Handbook of Global Mental Health: Socio-cultural Perspectives, Londres, Palgrave-Macmillan: 307- 328.
- https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/978-1-137-39510-8_15
- 2017 « Transmettre avec douleur. Souffrance infligée, rituel et possession en Inde », in PIERROT A. (Ed.), Anthropologie et Éducation, Paris, Hermann éditeurs : 159-181.
- https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal- 02014171v1
- 2016 « Denouncing the Lack of Belief: Forms of Meta-Reflexivity about Ritual Failures in Garhwal », in BINDI S., MUCCIARELLI E. & PONTILLO T. (Eds.), Cross-cutting South Asian Studies; An Interdisciplinary approach, New Dehli, DK Prinworld : 116-144.
- https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02014621/document
- 2016 (with MUCCIARELLI Elena & PONTILLO Tiziana) « Introduction », in BINDI S., MUCCIARELLI E. & PONTILLO T. (Eds.), Cross-cutting South Asian Studies; An Interdisciplinary approach, New Delhi, DK Prinworld : 1-17.
- https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02014567
Invited Guest Lectures outside France
- 2022“Pluralisme Thérapeutique en Himalaya Indien, Quelques réflexions
- personnelles à partir de mes objets, approches et méthodes.” Invited speaker for the course Normes, Institutions, et Pratiques de Santé (teachers: D. Cerqui, L. Candelise and M. Nicolet), Lausanne University, Switzerland, November 29.
- 2022 “Phantoms or fantasies? Experiencing loss in a changing therapeutic context.” Thursday Seminar Series, Department of Sociology, Shiv Nadar University, New Delhi, India, November 17.
- 2022 “From representations of the body to embodied feelings. Methodological reflexions: part 2.” Invited speaker for the course Interviewing in Social Research (teacher: H. Naraindas), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, September 5.
- 2022 “Phantoms or fantasies? Experiences of loss in a changing therapeutic context.” within the seminar series Thursday Colloquium of Centre for The Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, August 4.
- 2022 “From representations of the body to embodied feelings. Methodological reflexions: part 1.” Invited speaker for the course Interviewing in Social Research (teacher: H. Naraindas), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, August 3.
- 2022 “Coping with Unexpected Death in the hills of Garhwal (Uttarakhand).” Invited speaker for the course Himalayan Religions (D. Torri), University Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Italy, April 7.
- 2019 “Understanding ‘experience’ in anthropology: an ambition full of risks and difficulties.” Invited speaker for the course Sociolinguistics (teacher: A. Benucci), University Stranieri di Siena, Italy, April 18.
- 2017 “A hierarchy of resort in the hills of Uttarkhand? Some reflexions on embodied experiences of suffering in an (increasingly) plural therapeutic context.” Heidelberg University, Germany, June 27.
- 2017 “Body, health and religion in the Indian Himalayas: practices of hegemony and resistance.” National University Arturo Jauretche, Buenos Aires, Argentine, April 7.
- 2017 “Expelling the ghost to “make” the body: an interpretation of some healing rituals in Garhwal (North India) .” Research Centre CEIL, Conicet, Buenos Aires, Argentine, April 3.
- 2016 “Growing up in the Indian Himalayas. Healing rituals for a new adolescence.” University of Münster, Germany, January 13.
- 2015 “Medical Pluralism, Healing and Possession in Garhwal.” training for medical stuff of the Latika Roy Foundation, Dehradun, India, July 27.
- 2013 “Seizing on the Events” Oracular possession, ordinary facts and unordinary events in Garhwal Himalayas.” University of Haifa, Israel, November 5.
- 2013 “Interdisciplinary dialogue: epistemological stakes and ethical consequences.” University of Lisbon, Portugal, March 15.
- 2011 “Investigating the success of traditional mediums in the field of health in Uttarkashi District (Garhwal Himalayas).” Training for the medical staff of Gubbara Assessment Centre for Early Childhood Intervention, Doon Hospital, Dehradun, India, December 5.
Invited Guest Lectures in France
- 2023 “Apprendre à perdre. Attachement, amour et souffrance dans un paysage thérapeutique en mutation (Uttarakhand, Inde).” Invited guest within the Seminar Series Medical Anthropology in South Asia, organized by C. Guenzi, C. Jullien and F. Provost, EHESS, Campus Condorcet, Paris, March 16.
- 2022 “Fantômes ou fantasmes ? L'expérience de la perte et du deuil dans un paysage thérapeutique en mutation (Uttarakhand, Inde du Nord).” Invited guest for the Master Program within the course (teacher: B. Botea), University Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, December 16.
- 2022 “Experiences of Loss and Grief in Changing Himalayan Landscapes.” (with A. Seale-Feldman, Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame). Seminar Series of the Centre for Himalayan Studies (CEH), organized by D. Berti and J. Smadja, discussant: A. de Sales, Centre for Himalayan Studies (CEH), CNRS, Campus Condorcet, Paris, December 15.
- 2022 “Autour de la violence insidieuse. Quelques réflexions sur le harcèlement et la sorcellerie en Inde, et au-delà.” Seminar Series Anthropologie diachronique, ethnologie et archéologie, Strasbourg University, Strabourg, November 18.
- 2022 “Présentation du dernier numéro de la revue cArgo “Médecine & Religion (edited by Serena Bindi).” Seminar Series Approches comparées du New Age, organized by A.-M. Losonczy and E. Gobin, EPHE and University Paris 8, online, February 14.
- 2019 “Mots persuasifs. Quelques réflexions autour de la production de la parole divinatoire dans l’Himalaya indien.” Seminar Series Mondes Indiens, organized by D. Cuneo and I. Ratié, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, April 10.
- 2018 “De la possession oraculaire aux prises en charge psychiatriques du deuil. Réflexions autour d’un parcours de recherche au Garhwal, Himalaya indien (2004-2018).” Centre for Indian and South Asian Studies (CEIAS), EHESS, Paris, June 4.
- 2017 “Le traitement rituel de l’adolescence et ses passions au Garhwal, Himalaya indien.” Seminar Series L’amour entre norme et transgression: art, histoire, fiction (organized by M. Fourcade, T. Leucci and R. Rousseleau, Centre for Indian and South Asian Studies (CEIAS), EHESS, Paris, March 16.
- 2016 “La notion d’ embodiment et l’anthropologie du corps en France : pistes de réflexion.” (with M. Carbonelli), University Paris Descartes, Paris, November 22.
- 2016 “La réappropriation des rituels à des fins patrimoniales.” Seminar Series Tourisme : recherches, institutions, pratiques, organized by N. Chabloz, S. Cousin, A. Doquet, D. Dumoulin and S. Jacquot, University Paris Descartes, Paris, October 13.
- 2016 “L’analyse du corps en sociologie et en anthropologie. Eléments de réflexion méthodologique.” (with G. Irrazábal), University Paris Descartes, Paris, October 11.
- 2016 “Dispositifs de présentification des malemorts au Garhwal, Seminar Series ANR Présence d’Esprits, organized by A. de Sales et M. Lecompte Tilouine, LESC, University Paris Nanterre, Nanterre, January 11.
- 2015 “Vocabulaire de la possession au Garhwal (Uttarakhand).” Seminar Series ANR Présence d’Esprits, organized by A. de Sales et M. Lecompte Tilouine, LESC, University Paris Nanterre, Nanterre, June 29.
- 2015 “Gadhyala. Chanter la mort en Himalaya indien.” Seminar Series ANR Présence d’Esprits, organized by A. de Sales et M. Lecompte Tilouine, LESC, University Paris Nanterre, Nanterre, February 17.
- 2014 “Le pouvoir des mots. Discours, texte et "sujets incarnés" dans la possession oraculaire en milieu himalayen.” Seminar Series Anthropologie et Psychologie, organized by M. C. Saglio-Yatzimirsky and P. Haag, EHESS, Paris, February 3.
- 2013, “Pratiques « hypnotiques » : limites, problèmes et intersections. Introduction.” Seminar Series Hypnoses d’hier et d’aujourd’hui,. Organized by S. Bindi, J. Carroy , P. Haag and R. Poma, EHESS, Paris, November 12.
- 2013 “Healing Mental Illness through Possession Cults in Uttarakhand.” Seminar Series Anthropologie et Psychologie, organized by M.C. Saglio-Yatzimirsky and P. Haag, EHESS, Paris, February 4.
- 2012 “Possession, maladie et pourvoir. La gestion sociale de l’événement au Garhwal.” Centre of Cultural and Social Anthropology (CANTHEL), University Paris Descartes, Paris, December 3.
- 2012 “Le rituel thérapeutique comme lieu de production culturelle du corps de l’adolescente au Garhwal (Himalaya indien).” Seminar Series Repenser l’anthropologie avec les enfants, EHESS, Paris, May 21.
- 2012 “Culte, possession et guérison.” Seminar Series Hypnoses d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, Seminar Series Hypnoses d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, organized by J. Carroy, P. Haag and R. Poma, EHESS, Paris, May 9.
- 2012 “Du corps politique au corps individuel. Quelques réflexions autour des rituels de possession dans un contexte nord-indien de pluralisme médical", Faculty of Humanities, University of Nice, Nice, February 2.
- 2011 “Formes rituelles de soin en Himalaya indien.” Seminar Series Anthropologie médicale, organized by F.-S. Kohl, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pasteur, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nice, Nice, March 31.
- 2011 “L’activité des oracles au Garhwal (Himalaya indien), La production du diagnostic et ses aspects interactifs, dialogiques et contingents.” Seminar Series Anthropologie de la divination dans le monde indien, organized by C. Guenzi, EHESS, Paris, March 17.
- 2011 “Terminologie de possession, de soin et de divination dans la vallée du Baghirati (Garhwal, Himalaya Central).” Seminar Series Terminologies techniques : genèses, développements, comparaisons et adaptations, organized by E. Aussant, C. Guenzi and P. Haag, EHESS, Paris, March 11.
- 2011 “Possession : soin et production de sens au Garhwal, Inde du Nord.” Centre for Himalayan Studies (CEH), CNRS, Villejuif, March 8.
Invited Discussant
- 2021 Discussant of the papers of the Conference Anthropologie des sens, du sensible et des sensibilités : enjeux et perspectives heuristiques, organized by M.L. Gelard, Paris Cité University, Paris, France, December 7-8.
- 2019 Discussant of the papers of the Conference Economies de l’altérité, organized by S. Cousin, University de Paris, Paris, France, June 11.
- 2017 Discussant of M. Gaenszle’s paper “Journeys to the Realm of Bad Death in Kiranti Funeral Rites”. Conference Encounters with the InvisibleRevisiting Possession in the Himalayas in its Material and Narrative Aspects, organized by A. de Sales et M. Lecompte Tilouine, Marçay, France, December 20.
- 2016 Discussant of the paper “Knowledge and Resistance: An Anthropologist in the Field.” Conference Journée d’étude de l’école doctorale, Sciences Humaines et Sociales - SHS (ED 180), University Paris Descartes, Paris, France, April 15.
- 2015 Discussant of the papers of the Conference Patrimonialisation des savoirs médicaux : vers une reconfiguration des ressources thérapeutiques, organized by L. Candelise, EHESS, Paris, France, February 10.
- 2014 (with E. Dianteill) Discussion with M. Godelier about his last book Lévi-Strauss
- (Paris, Le Seuil, 2013), University Paris Descartes, Paris, France, April 9.
- 2013 Discussion with avec A. Lovell, S. Pandolfo, V. Das and S. Laugier about their last book Face aux désastres : Une conversation à quatre voix sur la folie, le care et les grandes détresses collectives, University Paris Descartes, Paris, France, December 10.
Invited Public Conferences
- 2019 « Médecine et religion. Interactions contemporaines », University UTL Essonne (Université du Temps Libre Essonne), Evry, April 4.
- 2022 "Corps politiques et politiques des corps : réfléchir sur la corporéité en science sociales." Presentation of the book “Cuerpos políticos y políticas de los cuerpos. Estudios comparados sobre el cuerpo entre salud, religión, violencia y poder” (edited by S. Bindi and M. Carbonelli), You-tube Channel Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche, November 16.
- 2021 Interviewed by Drai, Cecile. "Chamanisme et possession en Himalaya : présence divine ou maladie mentale, ce que dit l’anthropologie : Entretien avec Serena Bindi et les membres de l’équipe ANR Phantasies," Paris Cité University Web Channel, 11 October.
- 2012 Lo sviluppo locale tramite l’Arte Mithila : un’intervista con Krishna Kumar Kashyap, research funded by Museo d’Arte per Bambini, Siena.
- 2009 La costruzione simbolica del paesaggio e la produzione dell’identità. Strategie di inclusione del locale in contesti translocali, 17 p. Recherche funded by The National Research Council (CNR) within the program L’identità culturale come fattore di integrazione. Report Identification Number: CNR n. 1010/676, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Roma.
- 2020-24 International research program « Phantoms or fantasies? Experiences of Loss in Changing Therapeutic Contexts (India and Nepal) », funded by French National Research Agency (ANR) (13 team members).
- 2019-22 International research program « Make the doctors or the dead talk? The conflicting management of trauma after the deadly floods in Uttarakhand (India) », funded by IDEX Dynamique, Paris Cité University (4 team members): one edited book forthcoming.
Oral Presentations in International Conferences
- 2023 “Experiences of grief and presence of the dead between mediumship and psy-related practices”. Conference Sapienza in Trance. Healing, Cooperation and Imagination, University Roma La Sapienza, September 12-15 September.
- 2023 “Phantoms or Fantasies? Experiences of Loss in a Changing Landscape of Grief Management
- (Uttarakhand, India). Conference of the Association for the Study of death and Society, Learning from Suffering and Dying, University of Padua, September 7-9.
- 2023 “Phantoms or fantasies ? Dealing with grief and violent death in Uttarakhand”. Conference of the European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS), University of Turin, Italy, July 26-29.
- 2021 “The Experience of Loss in a Changing Therapeutic Context (Uttarakhand, Central Himalayas).” Conference of the Italian Association of Tibetan, Himalayan and Mongolian Studies (AISTHiM), University Roma La Sapienza, Roma, online, July 7-9.
- 2021 “Cher L’oracle et chez l’avocat. La violence occulte dans les consultations de deux différents spécialistes du conflit en Uttarakhand.” (with Rizwan Ali, lawyer, Dehradun, Uttarakhand). Conference Sorcellerie et harcèlement moral : formes de la violence insidieuse, organized by S. Bindi, E. Dianteill and T. Lamotte, CANTHEL & CRPMS, Paris Cité University, France, April 14-15.
- 2021 “Dilemmes éthiques dans une enquête autour du deuil et ses prises en charge.” Conference Les chercheur.e.s face au(x) terrain(s) : Être mis.es à l’épreuve, éprouver et faire ses preuves, University of Rouen, France, April 7-8.
- 2020 “L’expérience du deuil dans un paysage thérapeutique en mutation.” Introductive Conférence of Seminar Series La Mort, la Perte et le Deuil : Perspectives Anthropologiques, organized by S. Bindi and A. Seale-Feldman, University de Paris, France, October 15.
- 2020 “Fantômes ou fantasmes ? L’expérience du deuil dans un paysage thérapeutique en mutation.” Conference Journées SHS de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), Paris, France, February 25 – 26.
- 2019 “Fantômes ou fantasmes ? L’expérience du deuil dans un paysage thérapeutique en mutation.” Conference Réunion de lancement AAPG 2019, Comité Culture, création, patrimoine de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), Paris, France, November 12.
- 2018 “Le deuil et l’anthropologie des religions.” Conference Anthropologie Globale des Religions, organized by E. Dianteill and V. Giménez Béliveau, Fondation Maison de Sciences de l’Homme, France, Paris, June 8. 2017 “The Materiality of Invisible Powers in Garhwal, Uttarakhand.” Conference Encounters with the Invisible. Revisiting Possession in the Himalayas in its Material and Narrative Aspects, organized by A. de Sales and M. Lecomte Tilouine, University Paris Ouest-Nanterre La Défense and the French National Research Agency (ANR), France, December 18-21.
- 2017 “When the dead linger in our senses. Sensory experiences and the presence of the dead in Garhwal, Uttarakhand.” Conference Deities, Spirits and Demons in Vernacular Beliefs and Rituals in Asia, Tartu University, Estonia, November 8-10.
- 2017 “Humaine ou divine? La fureur en Inde.” Conference La Fureur dans tous ses etats, University Paris Diderot, Paris, France, September 26-28.
- 2017 “Reconfigurations contemporaires des relations entre religion et médecine : quelques pistes de réflexion.” Conference Reconfigurations contemporaines des relations entre religion et médecine : compétition, articulation, cohabitation, organized by S. Bindi, Centre of Cultural and Social Anthropology (CANTHEL), University Paris Descartes, Paris, France, June 20-21.
- 2017 “Entre corps politique et corps individuel. Réflexions sur la possession en Himalaya Indien.” Conference Monde Indien, organized by V. Eltschinger (EPHE), laboratoire Mondes Iranien et Indien, Paris, France, June 7.
- 2017 “The materiality of ghosts. A gendered physiology of fright.” Conference Anthropology of Fright. Perspectives from Asia, organized by S. Beggiora, L. Guzy and U. Skoda, Aarhus University, Denmark, May 15-17.
- 2016 “Mises en scène patrimoniales des rituels de possession au Garhwal.” Conference of the Association for Critical Heritage Studies, Panel Vers une reconfiguration des ressources thérapeutiques, organized by S. Bindi and L. Candelise, University de Québec à Montréal, Canada, June 5-6.
- 2015 “Transmettre avec douleur. Souffrance infligée, rituel et possession en Inde.” Conference Anthropologie et Education, organized by A. Pierrot et I. C.M. Carvalho, University de Paris, Paris, France, September 16-18.
- 2015 “Le riz et sa capacité d’action dans la divination garhwali.” 5th Congress of Asian & the Pacific studies, Panel The human-object interface in the presentification of invisible powers, organized by A. de Salle and M. Lecompte Tilouine, Inalco, Paris, France, September 10.
- 2014 “Introduction, Constructing diagnosis in 'mental health': the negotiation of categories, the encounter of subjectivities in South Asia.” Conference of the European Association for South Asian Studies, panel Constructing diagnosis in 'mental health': the negotiation of categories, the encounter of subjectivities in South Asia, organized by S. Bindi and S. Jain, University of Zurich, Switzerland, July 23-26.
- 2013 “Le rituel du Rakhwali : un lieu de production du corps de l’adolescente au Garhwal (Himalaya indien).” Conference Sortir de l’enfance, entrer dans l’adolescence, University de Strasbourg-Metz, France, September 18-20.
- 2013 “Unsettling Encounters: exploring the uncertainty generated by the intersection of conflicting meanings for infantile disability.” Conference Encounter and engagements, of the associations EASA and ASA, University of Tarragona, Spain, June 12-14.
- 2012 “Hybridizing idioms : interrogating the shifting interpretations of disability in a north Indian biomedical setting.” Conference of the European Association for South Asian Studies, University of Lisbon, Portugal, July 20-24.
- 2012 “Denouncing the Lack of Belief: Forms of Meta-Reflexivity about Ritual Failures in Garhwal.” Conference CBC The Study of Asia: between Antiquity and Modernity, of the association ASIATICA, University of Cagliari, Italy, June 14-16.
- 2012 “Introduction to the panel Healing Practices in Contemporary South Asian Religions.” Conference CBC The Study of Asia: between Antiquity and Modernity » of the association ASIATICA, University de Cagliari, Italie, June 14-16.
- 2011 “Now Even the Rituals of Possession are Becoming Staged Performances! Heritage Making and Re-configuration of Therapeutic Resources in Uttarakhand.” Conference Medical Pluralism: Techniques, Politics, Institutions, of the association EASA Medical Anthropology, University Roma La Sapienza, Roma Italy, July 10-13.
- 2011 “Rituals of possession and agency in North India.Investigating the success of traditional mediums in Garhwal Himalayas.” Conference Ethnographic Approaches to Mediumship, University of Bristol, England, July 4.
- 2010 “La fabrique de l’événement à travers le rituel. Le cas de la possession au Garhwal, Inde du Nord.” Conference L’événement et ses politiques dans le domaine de la santé, Fondation Maison de Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord, Paris, France, November 10.
- 2010 “When there were only gods, then there was no disease, no need for doctors. Healing rituals and resistance to biopolitics in the Indian Himalayas .” Conference Medical Anthropology in Europe: Shaping the Field, University of Oxford, England, July 2-3.
- 2009 “An Healing cult in the Indian Himalayas.” Conference Shakti. Énergie et réflexion dans le monde indien, organized by S. Bindi, P. G. Solinas and G. Cognetti, University of Siena, Italy, December 10-11.
- 2007 “Faith, Placebo and the Power of Garhwali Deities.” Conference Faith, doubt and the production of meaning, organized by S. Bindi and P.G. Solinas, University of Siena, Italy, October 24-25.
- 2005 “Trajectories of Man and Gods. Ritual Production of Space around a Himalayan Pilgrimage Centre.” Conference Field, Space and Territory in Social Anthropology, organized by M. Baldisserri, S. Bindi, T. Sbriccoli, N. Perugini, U. Pellecchia, University of Siena, Italy, December 12-13.
- Evaluator Proposals for the European Research Council (ERC), Advanced Grants (since 2018).
- Member of the selection board of the Doctoral Research Fellowship in Ethnology and Social Anthropology Louise Beyrand-Olivier Toussaint (since 2016).
- Member of the National Council of Universities (CNU), section 20 (Social Anthropology) (since 2015).
- Member of the scientific committee of the Centre of Cultural and Social Anthropology CANTHEL (since 2013).
- Member of the scientific committee of the journal Cargo. Cahiers du Centre d’Anthropologie Culturelle de la Sorbonne (since 2012).
- Member of the scientific committee of the journal Mondes Contemporains (2012-2015).
- Peer Reviewer of scientific articles for the following journals: American Ethnologist, Anthropology and Medicine, Anthropologie et Santé, Cargo, Ethos, Oral Tradition Journal (since 2012).
Organization and coordination of International Conferences or Panels
- 2023 Co-organizer (with Lucia Gentile): Panel Violent births and deaths: coping with challenging life experiences in South Asia, within the Conference of the European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS), University of Turin, Italy, July 26-29.
- 2021 Co-organizer (with E. Dianteill and T. Lamotte): Conference Sorcellerie et harcèlement moral : formes de la violence insidieuse », Paris Cité University, Paris, France, April 14-15.
- 2017 Organizer: Conference Contemporary reconfigurations of the relationship between religion and medicine: competition, articulation, cohabitation, Centre of Cultural and Social Anthropology CANTHEL (CANTHEL), Paris Descartes University, Paris, France, June 20-21.
- 2016 Co-organizer (with L. Candelise): Panel Heritage making of Healing practices, Toward a re-configuration of therapeutic resources, within the Conference of the Association for Critical Heritage Studies, University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), Canada, June 5-6.
- 2014, Co-organizer (with S. Jain): Panel Constructing Diagnosis in 'Mental Health': the Negotiation of Categories, the Encounter of Subjectivities in South Asia, within the conference of the European Association for South Asian Studies (EASAS), University of Zurich, Switzerland, July 23-26.
- 2012, Co-organizer (with D. Bevilacqua): Panel Healing Practices in Contemporary South Asian Religions, within the conference of the ASIATICA Association, Cagliari University, Italy, June 14-16.
- 2012, Co-organizer (with A. Macdonald): Panel Aesthetics Of The Body And Healing In A Globalizing World, within the Conference of the Association for Social Anthropology (ASA), Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India, April 3-6.
- 2009, Co-organizer (with P. G. Solinas and G. Cognetti): Conference Shakti. Energy And Power In South Asian Contexts, University of Siena, Italy, December 10-11.
- 2007, Co-organizer (with P.G. Solinas): Conference Sraddha, Faith In South Asian Context, University of Siena, Italy, October 24-25.
- 2005, Co-organizer (with M. Baldisserri, T. Sbriccoli and U. Pellecchia): Conference Field, Space And Territory In Social Anthropology, University of Siena, Italy, December 12-13.