Faculty at School of Engineering

Manoj Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: Extn: 273
- Thermal Comfort, Occupants Behaviour in Built Environment, Bioclimatic Building Design and Sustainability, Building Energy Simulation, and Energy Performance of Building Envelopes
- 2011 Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
- 2004 M.Tech. in Energy Technology Tezpur University
- 2002 M.Sc. in Physics Tezpur University
- June 2022- Continuing, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Shiv Nadar Institute of Eminence
- Jan 2021- May 2022, Visiting Subject Expert, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Arunachal Pradesh
- Nov 2019-March 2020, Visiting Lecturer, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
- Dec 2017 - Nov 2019, Deputy Director, Siddhirja Environment Technologies Pvt. Ltd
- Nov 2015 - Nov 2017, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Jan 2014-Oct 2015, Senior Research Analyst, Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe), Centre of Excellence, MoUD, Govt. of India.
- Sept 2011-Nov 2013, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Liege, Belgium
- Represented K.V. Jagiroad in the regional Science exhibition at Guwahati (1994)
- I was declared man of the series in the University Week cricket competition 2002 – 2003.
- NEC scholarship awarded during the M.Sc. course (Aug 2000 – July 2002).
- MNRE fellowship awarded during M.Tech. Course in Energy Technology (Aug 2002 – July 2004).
- Received travel grant from DST and CCSTDS for attending the ISES conference in Sydney, Australia, in Nov 2008.
- Awarded AUS$1000 as a scholarship from the Australian & New Zealand Solar Energy Society jointly for attending the ISES conference in Sydney, Australia, Nov 2008.
- Received Urban Habitat Fellowship to attend Urban Habitat Summit 24 -26 September 2009.
- Received travel grant from CSIR and IIT Delhi for attending ISES “Solar World Congress”, Johannesburg, South Africa, in Oct 2009.
- Cleared Indian Green Building Council Accredited Professional Examination on 3rd July 2010. http://www.igbc.in/site/igbc/igbcaplist.jsp
- Postdoctoral Fellowship with a research grant (EURO 13,450 over two years to buy instruments, attend an international conference and pay master’s students who will work on the project for a short duration) from the Belgium Government through the University of Liege to carry out independent research work.
- Got travel grant from Regional Forum on Climate Change (RFCC): Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Societies to attend and present research paper as forum presentation, 1-3 July 2015, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, Bangkok.
- Awarded Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship 2015-2017. Attached to the University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Studies done during my PhD on buildings in North-East India and the data generated are now included in the ASHRAE thermal comfort standard database Mk II. This will bring North-East India on a thermal comfort standard map.
- Co-authored a journal paper with 63 leading researchers, “Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II, Building and Environment (2018); 142C: 502-512” received the best paper award from Building and Environment journal.
- Cleared IGBC Accredited Faculty examination and successfully completed “The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)”, a faculty training program conducted from 17-28th July 2023.
- Received the best paper award in the international conference for the manuscript “Nadarajah P. D., Singh M K., Mahapatra S., Data-Driven Bioclimatic Zoning in Sri Lanka: PCA and Clustering Analysis., SLIIT-3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology" 22nd to 25th July 2024, Malabe, Colombo, Sri Lanka”.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Atreya S. K., Development of Bio-climatic zones in North East India, Energy and Buildings (2007); 39(12): 1250–1257. Impact Factor 6.6. Q1
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Atreya S. K., Bioclimatism and vernacular architecture of North East India, Building and Environment (2009); 44(2): 878–888. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Atreya S. K., Thermal performance study and evaluation of comfort temperatures in vernacular buildings of North-East India, Building and Environment (2010); 45 (2): 320–329. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1 (This article is also one of 25 hot articles of building an environment journal. Please visit the link to see the Science-direct page:https://top25.sciencedirect.com/subject/engineering/12/journal/building-and-environment/03601323/archive/35/ )
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Atreya S. K., Givoni B., Thermal monitoring and indoor temperature modeling in vernacular buildings of North-East India, Energy and Buildings (2010); 42(10): 1610–1618. Impact Factor 6.6. Q1
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Atreya S. K., Adaptive thermal comfort model for different climatic zones of North-East India, Applied Energy (2011); 88(7): 2420–2428. Impact Factor 10.1. Q1
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Atreya S. K., Solar passive features in vernacular architecture of North-East India, Solar Energy (2011); 85(9): 2011-2022. Impact Factor 6. Q1
- Nguyen A. T., Singh M. K., Reiter S., An adaptive thermal comfort model for hot humid South-East Asia, Building and Environment (2012); 56(10): 291-300. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Teller J., An analysis on energy efficiency initiatives in the building stock of Liege, Belgium, Energy policy (2013); 62(11): 729-741. Impact Factor 9.3. Q1
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Teller J., Relation between indoor thermal environment and renovation in Liege residential buildings, Thermal Science (2014); 18(3) 889-902. Impact Factor 1.7 Q4
- Borah P., Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Estimation of degree-days for different climatic zones of North-East India, Sustainable Cities and Society (2015); 14(1): 70-81. Impact factor 10.5. Q1
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Teller J., Development of thermal comfort models for various climatic zones of North-East India, Sustainable Cities and Society (2015); 14(1): 133-145. Impact factor 10.5. Q1
- Kumar A., Shrivastava V., Singh M. K., Hancke, G. P., Current status of the IEEE 1451 standard-based sensor applications, IEEE Sensors Journal (2015);15(5): 2505-2513. Impact Factor 4.3. Q1
- Singh M. K., Attia S., Mahapatra S., Teller J., Assessment of thermal comfort in existing pre-1945 residential building stock, Energy (2016);98(3): 122-134. Impact Factor 9. Q1
- Kumar S., Singh M. K., Loftness V., Mathur J., Mathur S., Thermal Comfort Assessment and Characteristics of Occupant’s Behavior in Naturally Ventilated Buildings in Composite Climate of India, Energy for Sustainable Development (2016);33(C): 108-121. Impact Factor 4.4. Q1
- Dhingra M., Singh M. K., Chattopadhyay S., Rapid Assessment tool for traditional Indian Neighbourhoods: a Case Study of Alwar walled city in Rajasthan, Sustainable Cities and Society (2016); 26(10): 364-382. Impact factor 10.5. Q1
- Kumar S., Mathur J., Mathur S., Singh M. K., Loftness V., An adaptive approach to define thermal comfort zones on psychrometric chart for naturally ventilated buildings in composite climate of India. Building and Environment (2016); 109(11): 135-153. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Dhingra M., Singh M. K., Chattopadhyay S., Macro level characterization of Historic Urban Landscape: Case study of Alwar walled city, Journal of City, Culture and Society (2017); 9: 39-53. Impact Factor 1.490. Q1
- Takasu M., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Indraganti M., Singh M. K., Study on adaptive thermal comfort in Japanese offices under various operation modes. Building and Environment (2017); 118(06): 273-288. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Takasu M., Adaptive comfort in offices of North-East India in autumn season, Building and Environment (2017); 124(C): 14-30. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Singh A., Pandey, Y., Kumar, A., Singh M. K., Kumar, A., Mukhopadhyay, S. C., Ventilation monitoring and control system for high rise historical buildings, IEEE Sensors Journal (2017);17(22): 7533-7541. Impact Factor 4.3. Q1
- Singh M. K., Kumar S., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Gupta G, Kumar A., Status of thermal comfort in naturally ventilated classrooms during the summer season in the composite climate of India, Building and Environment (2018); 128(C): 287-304. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Kumar A., Singh, A., Kumar, A., Singh M. K., Mahanta P., Mukhopadhyay, S. C., Sensing Technologies for Monitoring Intelligent Buildings: A Review, IEEE Sensors Journal, (2018); 18(12): 4847-4860. Impact Factor 4.3. Q1
- Veronika et al., (63 co-authors)., Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II, Building and Environment (2018); 142(C): 502-512.Impact Factor 7.1. Q1. Received best paper award from Building and Environment journal.
- Kumar S., Singh M. K., Mathur A., Mathur J., Mathur S., Evaluation of comfort preferences and insights into behavioural adaptation of students in naturally ventilated classrooms in a tropical country, India, Building and Environment, (2018); 143(C): 532-547. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Kumar S., Singh M. K., Mathur J., Mathur A., Thermal performance and comfort potential estimation in a high thermal mass naturally ventilated office building: An experimental study, Journal of Building Engineering, (2018); 20: 569-584. Impact Factor 6.7. Q1
- Kumar S., Singh M. K., Kukreja R., Chaurasiya S K., Gupta V., Comparative study of thermal comfort and adaptive actions for modern and traditional multi-storey naturally ventilated hostel buildings during monsoon season in India, Journal of Building Engineering, (2019); 23: 90-106. Impact Factor 6.7. Q1
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Kumar S., Kumar A. Mahapatra S., Progress in thermal comfort studies in classrooms over last 50 years and way forward, Energy and Buildings. (2019); 188-189(C): 149–174. Impact Factor 6.6. Q1
- Semahi S., Zemmouri N., Singh M. K., Attia S., Comparative bioclimatic approach for comfort, passive heating and cooling strategies in Algeria, Building and Environment. (2019); 161(C): 106271. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Kumar S., Singh M. K., Field investigation on occupant's thermal comfort and preferences in naturally ventilated multi-storey hostel buildings over two seasons in India, Building and Environment. (2019); 161(C): 106309. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Mahar W A., Verbeeck G., Singh M. K., Attia S., An investigation on thermal comfort of houses in dry and semi-arid climate of Quetta, Pakistan, Sustainability, (2019);11: 5203. Impact Factor 3.3. Q1
- Kumar S., Singh M. K., Mathur A., Košir M., Occupant’s thermal comfort expectations in naturally ventilated engineering workshop building: A case study at high metabolic rates, Energy and Buildings. (2020); 217(C): 109970. Impact Factor 6.6. Q1
- Talukdar Md. S. J., Talukdar T. H., Singh M.K., Baten Md. A., Hossen Md. S., Status of thermal comfort in naturally ventilated university classrooms of Bangladesh in the hot and humid summer season, Journal of Building Engineering, (2020); 32(C): 101700. Impact Factor 6.7. Q1
- Kumar S., Mathur A., Singh M. K., Rana K. B., Adaptive thermal comfort study of workers in a mini-industrial unit during summer and winter season in a tropical country, India., Building and Environment (2021); 197 (C): 107874. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Kumar S., Singh M. K., Seasonal comfort temperature and occupant’s adaptive behaviour in a naturally ventilated university workshop building under the composite climate of India., Journal of Building Engineering (2021); 40(C): 102701. Impact Factor 6.7. Q1
- Kumar S., Singh M. K., Al-Tamimi N., Alotaibi B. S., Abuhussain M. A., Investigation on subject’s seasonal perception and adaptive actions in naturally ventilated hostel dormitories in the composite climate of India, Sustainability (2022); 14: 4997. Impact Factor 3. Q1
- Abuhussain M. A., Al-Tamimi N., Alotaibi B. S., Singh M. K., Kumar S., Impact of Courtyard Concept on Improving Energy Efficiency and Homes Privacy in Saudi Arabia, Energies, (2022); 15: 5637. Impact Factor 3. Q2
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Kumar S., de Dear R., Adaptive thermal comfort in the offices of three climates of North-East India, Journal of Building Engineering (2023); 75(C): 106843. Impact Factor 6.7. Q1
- Taufan A., Zaki S. A., Tuck N W., Singh M. K., Rijal H. B., Energy-efficient retrofitting strategies in mosque buildings: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2023); 183(C): 113479. Impact Factor 16.3. Q1.
- Diliban N. P., Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Pajek L., Košir M., Bioclimatic Classification for Building Energy Efficiency using Hierarchical clustering: A case study for Sri Lanka., Journal of Building Engineering (2024); 83: 108388. Impact Factor 6.7. Q1.
- Pajek L., Možina M., Nadarajah P. D., Singh M. K., Košir M., Future-proofing a naturally ventilated log house: A case study of adaptive thermal comfort under climate change impact., Energy and Buildings (2024), 307: 113951. Impact Factor 6.6. Q1.
- Ilmiawan F. A., Zaki S. A., Singh M. K., Khalid W., Effect of preferable wind directions on personal thermal comfort of occupants in the air-conditioned offices in hot-humid climate, Building and Environment. (2024); 254: 111390. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1
- Nafiz M., Zaki S A., Nadarajah P. D., Singh M. K., Influence of psychological and personal factors on predicting individual’s thermal comfort in an office building using linear estimation and machine learning model, Advances in Building Energy Research (2024); 18 (2): 105-125. Impact Factor 2.1 Q2.
- Možina M., Pajek L., Diliban N P., Singh M. K., Košir M., Defining the calibration process for building thermal performance simulation during the hot season: A case study of a single-family log house, Advances in Building Energy Research (2024); 18 (2): 180–215. Impact Factor 2.1 Q2.
- Amaripadath D., Azar E., Singh M. K., Attia S., Heat exposure mitigation in renovated nearly zero-energy dwellings during concurrent heat waves and power outages with passive strategies, Journal of Building Engineering (2024); 91(C): 109655. Impact Factor 6.7. Q1.
- Nadarajah P. D., Lakmal H.K.I.S., Singh M. K., Zaki S. A., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Mahapatra S., Identification and Application of the Best-Suited Machine Learning Algorithm Based on Thermal Comfort Data Characteristic: A Data-Driven Approach, Journal of Building Engineering. (2024); 95(C): 110319. Impact Factor 6.7. Q1.
- Alam N., Zaki S. A., Ahmad S A., Azizan A., Singh M. K., Azizan A., Othman N., Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Personal Thermal Comfort in Air Conditioning Office in Malaysia, Building and Environment. (2024); 266(C): 112083. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1.
- Rosli M. F., Zaki S. A., Singh M. K., Rijal H. B., Othman N., Sleep quality and thermal comfort assessment in the hot and humid climate of Malaysia, Advances in Building Energy Research (2025); 19 (1): 87–112. Impact Factor 2.1 Q2.
- Firman S. N., Zaki S. A., Tuck N W., Singh M. K., Rijal H. B., A study on adaptive thermal comfort and ventilation in Malaysia school classrooms of tropical climate, Building and Environment. (2025); 273: 112701. Impact Factor 7.1. Q1.
- Books edited Koˇsir M., Singh M K., (Ed.). (2022). Buildings of Tomorrow: Goals and Challenges for Design and Operation of High-Performance Buildings, MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66,4052 Basel, Switzerland., August 2022. ISBN 978-3-0365-4881-4 (hardback); ISBN 978-3-0365-4882-1 (PDF) https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-4882-1
Invited Talks
- Delivered a lecture at Centre for Energy, MANIT Bhopal on the topic “Thermal comfort and Bioclimatic Building Design” on 5th March 2014.
- Resource Person and Speaker at Workshop on “Green Building Science” – Zakir Hussain College of Engineering &Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India on April 17th & 18th, 2014.
- Gave an invited presentation in “Climate Change and Urban Development” in TROPMET 2015, 15-18 Feb 2015, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
- Delivered a lecture on the topic “Principals of Thermal Comfort and its Importance” on 29th January 2016 at Wakasa Senior High School, Obama City, Fukui Prefecture, Japan, under the science dialogue program, an initiative by JSPS, Government of Japan to motivate high school students towards science. This lecture was sponsored by JSPS, Government of Japan.
- Delivered a lecture on the topic “Principals of Thermal Comfort and its Importance” on 10th September 2016, Jr. and Sr. High School at Komaba, University of Tsukuba, 4-7-1 Ikejiri, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0001, under science dialogue program, an initiative by JSPS, Government of Japan to motivate high school students towards science. This lecture was sponsored by JSPS, Government of Japan.
- Delivered lecture at the Architectural Institute of Japan on the topic “Thermal comfort in residential buildings of North-East India” on 6th October 2016.
- Delivered Lecture at Centre of Energy, IIT Guwahati, on the topic “Thermal comfort in the buildings of North-East India” on 30th May 2017.
- Delivered an invited presentation as a resource person for the ATAL workshop on “Energy and Audit” at North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, on 15th October 2019.
- Delivered an invited presentation at the graduate students meeting on 2nd December 2019 at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Thermal Comfort and Climate Responsive Buildings” as a resource person for the Training program “Role of Renewable Energy Sources in Indian Energy Security” organized by the Department of Mechanical, Production & Industrial and Automobile Engineering, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India on 8th July 2021.
- Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Thermal comfort in Built-Environment”, Organized by Star College Scheme, DBT, Govt. of India & Department of Physics, Anandaram Dhekial Phookan College Nagaon, Assam, India, on 15th Nov 2021.
- Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Thermal comfort in Built-Environment”, Under the Alumni Interaction Initiative, Organized by the Department of Energy, Tezpur University, Napaam, Sonitpur, Assam India, New Delhi, India on 22nd Nov 2021.
- Delivered an invited Key lecture on the topic “Thermal comfort in Built-Environment: New Direction and Dimensions” at the International Conference “Frontiers of Energy Management and Technology Innovation (FEMTI), Pisa, organized by the University of Pisa, Italy, on 16th December 2021.
- Delivered an invited lecture on the topic “Thermal comfort in Built-Environment: New Direction and Dimensions”, as a resource person for the Training program “Alternative Energy Sources for Sustainable Development” organized by the Department of Mechanical, Production & Industrial and Automobile Engineering, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India on 6th January 2022.
- Delivered a keynote lecture on the topic “Energy Efficient Buildings with Net Zero Carbon Emission”, at the INSORE summit, an initiative of NERERL & The Republic of Croatia. INSORE was held in Assam Administrative Staff College, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam from 22nd July-24th July 2023. https://www.nererl.com/insore-india-chapter
- Delivered a lecture on “Thermal comfort in the Indian Himalayan Region architecture” in a workshop titled “Advancement in Passive Solar Heated Building Design and Performance Assessment” at the National Institute of Himalayan Environment in Collaboration with DIT University Dehradun on 16th January 2024.
- Delivered a lecture on “Traditional Residential and Office Buildings of North-East India” in a two-day workshop titled “Vikashit Bharat 2047 Abhiyan Aatmnirbhar North East” at the National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, Cherrapunji, Meghalaya on 14th -15th November 2024.
- Delivered a lecture on the “Efficient Energy Use course” for master students, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Chair of Buildings and Constructional Complexes, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 14th January 2025.
- Invited as an expert to deliver a lecture on the topic “Linking adaptive thermal comfort and building thermal performance” in One-week Online Short-Term Course (e-STC) On Flow and Energy: Computational Fluid Dynamics for Sustainable Solutions, March 08th-12th, 2025, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar - 144008, Punjab, India.
International Conference
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Bio-climatic Classification of North East India, International seminar and exhibition on non – conventional and renewable energies, energy efficiency and sustainability. “Prithvi 2005”, 20 – 26 Feb 2005, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Solar Passive Features in Traditional buildings of North East India, International seminar and exhibition on non – conventional and renewable energies, energy efficiency and sustainability. “Prithvi 2005”, 20 – 26 Feb 2005, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Design Guidelines for construction of Energy Efficient buildings in North East India, ICORE 2006. Hyderabad 7-8 February 2006, India. Page 346-350.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Bio-Climatic Chart for Different Climatic Zones of North East India, SOLARIS 2007, February 7-9, IIT Delhi, presented the paper and published in proceedings Vol I, page 194 – 199.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Sustainability through Bioclimatic Building Design in North–East India, 3rd International Solar Energy Society Conference – Asia Pacific Region (ISES-AP 08), 25 – 28 November 2008, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australia. Page 1-10.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Thermal performance study on Vernacular Architecture of North – East India, ICORE 2008, 17 – 18 October 2008, Chennai, India.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Comfort Status in Naturally Ventilated Buildings of North-East India, Renewable Energy Asia 2008, December 11 – 13. IIT Delhi. Page 1110 – 1116.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Study to enhance comfort status in naturally ventilated vernacular buildings of northeast India, 29th ISES Solar World Congress, Johannesburg 11-14 October 2009, South Africa. Vol 2, Page number 1442 – 1450.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Thermal acceptability assessment in vernacular buildings of cold and cloudy regions of North-East India, 30th ISES Solar World Congress, Kassel 28 August – 02 September 2011, Germany. Vol 3, Page number 2370-2379.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Teller J., Study on indoor thermal comfort in the residential buildings of Liege, Belgium, CISBAT 2013, Lausanne 4-6 September 2013, Switzerland. Page number 481-486.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Teller J., Relation between indoor thermal environment and renovation in Liege residential buildings, 8th SDEWES conference, 22 – 27th September 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Page number 0757-01 to 0757-12.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Teller J., Design optimization of vernacular building in warm and humid climate of North-East India, PLEA -2014 Conference, December 16 – 18, 2014, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India.
- Dhar, P., Borah, P., Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Thermal Characteristics of a Vernacular Building Envelope, PLEA -2014 Conference, December 16 – 18, 2014, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India.
- Baruah, P., Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Thermal Comfort in Naturally Ventilated Classrooms, PLEA -2014 Conference, December 16 – 18, 2014, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India.
- Dhingra M., Kaushik A., Singh M. K., Parikh J. K., Mainstreaming Disaster Resilience for Sustainable Development of Cities in India: Case study of Guwahati and Shillong, International Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth IDRiM-2015, Scope Convention Centre, Scope Complex, October28-30, 2015, New Delhi, India.
- Kaushik A., Dhingra M., Singh M. K., Parikh J. K., Indian Cities Towards Smartness: A Case Study of Guwahati City, Smart City Expo and World Congress, 17-19 November 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
- Takasu M., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Indraganti M., Singh M. K., Study on thermal adaptation in naturally ventilated office buildings in Japan, 9th Windsor Conference: Making Comfort Relevant, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK, 7-10 April 2016. Published in Conference Proceedings pp 515-531, ISBN-978-0-9928957-3-0.
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Mahapatra S., Defining thermal comfort in residential buildings of North-East India, SCA-2016 Conference (Science Council of Asia), May 30-June 1, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Published in Conference Proceedings pp 118-123.
- Takasu M., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Indraganti M., Singh M. K., Study on thermal adaptation in naturally ventilated office buildings in Japan, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE), Annual Conference, 14-16 September 2016, Kagoshima, Japan. Published in Proceedings, IS-4, Page No. 13-16.
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Bansal N K., The Effect of Cool Roof on Built Environment in Composite and Hot and Dry Climates of India, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE), Annual Conference, 14-16 September 2016, Kagoshima, Japan. Published in Proceedings, IS-8, Page No. 73-76.
- Takasu M., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Indraganti M., Singh M. K., Study of comfort temperature in naturally ventilated office building in Japan, 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings, October 23-26, 2016, Incheon Songdo, Republic of Korea. Published in Proceedings, Page No. 1-10.
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Mahapatra S., Building simulation-based study to improve thermal performance of a traditional residential house, ICHES2016 Nagoya University, Nagoya, JAPAN, October 29 – November 2, 2016. Published in Proceedings, Page No. 1-10.
Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Takasu M., Thermal Comfort in offices of North-East India in Autumn Season, Healthy Buildings 2017, Asia, September 2 to 5, 2017, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan. Published in Proceedings, CC 7-5, Page No. 347-351.
Ooka R., Takasu M., Rijal H. B., Indraganti M., Singh M. K., Adaptive thermal comfort and occupant behaviour in Japanese offices under various operation modes, Healthy Buildings 2017, Asia, September 2 to 5, 2017, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan. Published in Proceedings, CC 9-3, Page No. 391-395.
Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Takasu M., Adaptive thermal comfort and occupant behaviour in offices of North-East India in autumn season, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE), Annual Conference, 13-15 September 2017, Kochi, Japan. Published in Proceedings, IS-6, Page No. 1-4.
Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Thermal comfort in Classrooms: A critical review, 10thWindsor conference 2018: Rethinking Comfort, 12th -15th April 2018, Cumberland Lodge, The Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 2HP. Published in Conference Proceedings pp 649-668, ISBN-978-0-9928957-8-5.
Attia S, Mustafa A, Singh M K, Assessment of thermal overheating in free-running buildings in Cairo, Proceedings of the 1st international conference on comfort at the extremes: Energy, Economy and Climate CATE 2019, 11-12 April 2019, Dubai. UAE. Published in Conference Proceedings pp 902-913.
Kumar S., Singh M.K., Gupta V. K., Quantification of indoor environments and study of thermal comfort in naturally hostel buildings in the tropical country, India, CLIMA-2019, REHVA-13th HVAC World Congress, 26-29 May-2019, Bucharest, Romania.E3S Web Conference, Volume 111, 02059, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201911102059)
Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Kumar S., Characteristics of thermal comfort in the offices of North-East India, IAQVEC-2023, 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings, , E3S Web of Conferences 396, 01037 (2023), May 20-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
Nadarajah P D., Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Improving Sri Lanka Buildings Energy Efficiency Through Bioclimatic Classification and Potential Assessment, IAQVEC-2023, 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings, E3S Web of Conferences 396, 01038 (2023), May 20-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
Košir M., Možina M., Singh M. K., Pajek L., Adaptive thermal comfort assessment of a naturally ventilated log house during summer under climate change impacts, IAQVEC-2023, 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings, E3S Web of Conferences 396, 01006 (2023), May 20-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
Singh P., Kumar S., Bagha A K., Singh M K., Photo-thermal conversion analysis of a concentrating direct absorption solar collector using Ag and Au nanoparticles blended plasmonic nanofluids, ISES Solar World Congress, 30 Oct - 04 Nov 2023, The Ashok Hotel, New Delhi, India. Abstract submitted.
Gupta V K., Kumar S., Bagha A K., Singh M K., Experimental investigation of direct absorption solar collector using Aluminum and copper nanoparticles for low-temperature applications, ISES Solar World Congress, 30 Oct - 04 Nov 2023, The Ashok Hotel, New Delhi, India. Abstract submitted.
- Singh M. K., Nadarajah P D., Kumar S., Mathur J., Characteristics of thermal comfort in the warm and humid climate of North-East India, CATE-2023, December 13-15, 2023, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. Abstract submitted.
National Seminar
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Climate-responsive Building Design in North-East India, presented a paper in National Seminar on “Emerging trends in Energy Efficiency Opportunities and Challenges”, 17 – 18 Oct 2008, Guwahati, Assam and published in proceedings, page 13 – 25.
- Given presentation on building envelope design of the vernacular architecture of northeast India, as an expert on building envelope design in workshop series organized by SEEM, Kerala and sponsored by MNRE to spread awareness on ECBC code, at Agartala, Tripura on 24 – 25 July 2009
National Conference
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Green Building Design: A step towards sustainable habitat. Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development. Pp 257-268, Editors: R Kataki, A C Borah, EBH Publishers, Guwahati, 2012. ISBN: 978-93-80261-78-2.
International Conference
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Bio-climatic Classification of North East India, International seminar and exhibition on non – conventional and renewable energies, energy efficiency and sustainability. “Prithvi 2005”, 20 – 26 Feb 2005, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Solar Passive Features in Traditional buildings of North East India, International seminar and exhibition on non – conventional and renewable energies, energy efficiency and sustainability. “Prithvi 2005”, 20 – 26 Feb 2005, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Design Guidelines for construction of Energy Efficient buildings in North East India, ICORE 2006. Hyderabad 7-8 February 2006, India. Page 346-350.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Bio-Climatic Chart for Different Climatic Zones of North East India, SOLARIS 2007, February 7-9, IIT Delhi, presented the paper and published in proceedings Vol I, page 194 – 199.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Sustainability through Bioclimatic Building Design in North–East India, 3rd International Solar Energy Society Conference – Asia Pacific Region (ISES-AP 08), 25 – 28 November 2008, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Australia. Page 1-10.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Thermal performance study on Vernacular Architecture of North – East India, ICORE 2008, 17 – 18 October 2008, Chennai, India.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Comfort Status in Naturally Ventilated Buildings of North-East India, Renewable Energy Asia 2008, December 11 – 13. IIT Delhi. Page 1110 – 1116.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Study to enhance comfort status in naturally ventilated vernacular buildings of northeast India, 29th ISES Solar World Congress, Johannesburg 11-14 October 2009, South Africa. Vol 2, Page number 1442 – 1450.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S. Atreya S. K., Thermal acceptability assessment in vernacular buildings of cold and cloudy regions of North-East India, 30th ISES Solar World Congress, Kassel 28 August – 02 September 2011, Germany. Vol 3, Page number 2370-2379.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Teller J., Study on indoor thermal comfort in the residential buildings of Liege, Belgium, CISBAT 2013, Lausanne 4-6 September 2013, Switzerland. Page number 481-486.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Teller J., Relation between indoor thermal environment and renovation in Liege residential buildings, 8th SDEWES conference, 22 – 27th September 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Page number 0757-01 to 0757-12.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Teller J., Design optimization of vernacular building in warm and humid climate of North-East India, PLEA -2014, 30th International PLEA Conference: Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies: Choosing the Way Forward, December 16 – 18, 2014, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India, Proceedings 1, pp. 279-286.
- Dhar P., Borah, P., Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Thermal Characteristics of a Vernacular Building Envelope, PLEA -2014, 30th International PLEA Conference: Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies: Choosing the Way Forward, December 16 – 18, 2014, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India, Proceedings 3, pp. 109-116.
- Baruah P., Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Thermal Comfort in Naturally Ventilated Classrooms, PLEA -2014, 30th International PLEA Conference: Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies: Choosing the Way Forward, December 16 – 18, 2014, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India, Proceedings 1, pp. 83-90.
- Dhingra M., Kaushik A., Singh M. K., Parikh J. K., Mainstreaming Disaster Resilience for Sustainable Development of Cities in India: Case study of Guwahati and Shillong, International Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth IDRiM-2015, Scope Convention Centre, Scope Complex, October28-30, 2015, New Delhi, India.
- Kaushik A., Dhingra M., Singh M. K., Parikh J. K., Indian Cities Towards Smartness: A Case Study of Guwahati City, Smart City Expo and World Congress, 17-19 November 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
- Takasu M., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Indraganti M., Singh M. K., Study on thermal adaptation in naturally ventilated office buildings in Japan, 9th Windsor Conference: Making Comfort Relevant, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK, 7-10 April 2016. Published in Conference Proceedings pp 515-531, ISBN-978-0-9928957-3-0.
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Mahapatra S., Defining thermal comfort in residential buildings of North-East India, SCA-2016 Conference (Science Council of Asia), May 30-June 1, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Published in Conference Proceedings pp 118-123.
- Takasu M., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Indraganti M., Singh M. K., Study on thermal adaptation in naturally ventilated office buildings in Japan, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE), Annual Conference, 14-16 September 2016, Kagoshima, Japan. Published in Proceedings, IS-4, Page No. 13-16.
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Bansal N K., The Effect of Cool Roof on Built Environment in Composite and Hot and Dry Climates of India, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE), Annual Conference, 14-16 September 2016, Kagoshima, Japan. Published in Proceedings, IS-8, Page No. 73-76.
- Takasu M., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Indraganti M., Singh M. K., Study of comfort temperature in naturally ventilated office building in Japan, 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings, October 23-26, 2016, Incheon Songdo, Republic of Korea. Published in Proceedings, Page No. 1-10.
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Mahapatra S., Building simulation-based study to improve thermal performance of a traditional residential house, ICHES2016 Nagoya University, Nagoya, JAPAN, October 29 – November 2, 2016. Published in Proceedings, Page No. 1-10.
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Takasu M., Thermal Comfort in offices of North-East India in Autumn Season, Healthy Buildings 2017, Asia, September 2 to 5, 2017, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan. Published in Proceedings, CC 7-5, Page No. 347-351.
- Ooka R., Takasu M., Rijal H. B., Indraganti M., Singh M. K., Adaptive thermal comfort and occupant behaviour in Japanese offices under various operation modes, Healthy Buildings 2017, Asia, September 2 to 5, 2017, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan. Published in Proceedings, CC 9-3, Page No. 391-395.
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Takasu M., Adaptive thermal comfort and occupant behaviour in offices of North-East India in autumn season, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE), Annual Conference, 13-15 September 2017, Kochi, Japan. Published in Proceedings, IS-6, Page No. 1-4.
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Thermal comfort in Classrooms: A critical review, 10thWindsor conference 2018: Rethinking Comfort, 12th -15th April 2018, Cumberland Lodge, The Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 2HP. Published in Conference Proceedings pp 649-668, ISBN-978-0-9928957-8-5.
- Attia S., Mustafa A., Singh M. K., Assessment of thermal overheating in free-running buildings in Cairo, Proceedings of the 1st international conference on comfort at the extremes: Energy, Economy and Climate CATE 2019, 11-12 April 2019, Dubai. UAE. Published in Conference Proceedings pp 902-913.
- Kumar S., Singh M. K., Gupta V. K., Quantification of indoor environments and study of thermal comfort in naturally hostel buildings in the tropical country, India, CLIMA-2019, REHVA-13th HVAC World Congress, 26-29 May-2019, Bucharest, Romania. E3S Web Conference, Volume 111, 02059, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201911102059)
- Singh M. K., Ooka R., Rijal H. B., Kumar S., Characteristics of thermal comfort in the offices of North-East India, IAQVEC-2023, 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings, E3S Web of Conferences 396, 01037 (2023), May 20-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202339601037
- Nadarajah P D., Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., Improving Sri Lanka Buildings Energy Efficiency Through Bioclimatic Classification and Potential Assessment, IAQVEC-2023, 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings, E3S Web of Conferences 396, 01038 (2023), May 20-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
- Košir M., Možina M., Singh M. K., Pajek L., Adaptive thermal comfort assessment of a naturally ventilated log house during summer under climate change impacts, IAQVEC-2023, 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings, E3S Web of Conferences 396, 01006 (2023), May 20-23, 2023, Tokyo, Japan.
- Singh M. K., Nadarajah P. D., Kumar S., Mathur J., Characteristics of thermal comfort in the warm and humid climate of North-East India, CATE-2023, December 13-15, 2023, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. Proceedings page no 238-249.
- Singh P., Kumar S., Bagha A. K., Chander N., Singh M K., Photothermal performance analysis of a concentrating direct absorption solar collector with Ag-Au blended plasmonic nanofluid., 10th International and 50th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) December 20-22, 2023, IIT Jodhpur, India.
- Nadarajah P. D., Singh M K., Mahapatra S., Data-Driven Bioclimatic Zoning in Sri Lanka: PCA and Clustering Analysis., SLIIT-3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology" 22nd to 25th July, 2024, Malabe, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Firman N. S., Zaki S. A., Tuck Ng. W., Singh M. K., Rijal, H. B., Field Study on Thermal Comfort and CO2 Concentration in School Classrooms in Hot-Humid Climate, Malaysia., International Building Physics Conference (IBPC 2024), Toronto Metropolitan University, 25 - 27 July 2024 Toronto, Canada. In: Berardi, U. (eds) Multiphysics and Multiscale Building Physics. IABP 2024. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 555. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-8317-5_19
- Firman N. S., Zaki S. A., Tuck Ng. W., Singh M. K., Assessment of Overheating Risk in School Classrooms of a Hot-Humid Climate., Proceedings of the International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES 2024), 10, pp. 838-844, October 17-18, 2024, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan. https://doi.org/10.5109/7323358 (Scopus indexed)
- Ilmiawan F. A., Zaki S. A., Singh M. K., Rijal, H. B., Field Measurement on Skin Temperature and Thermal Comfort of the Human Body with Various Wind Directions., Proceedings of the International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES 2024), 10, pp. 1152-1157, October 17-18, 2024, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan. https://doi.org/10.5109/7323403 (Scopus indexed)
Invited Lecture Organized
- Organized an expert talk on the topic “Technologies to Mitigate Climate Change”, delivered by Prof. Pinakeswar Mahanta, Director NIT Arunachal Pradesh, on 7th July 2022.
- Organized an expert talk on the topic “Introduction to ASHRAE (The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) and the benefits of establishing a student chapter at SNIoE”, delivered by Dr. Rajinder Singh, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Pusa Institute of Technology, New Delhi &Chair Refrigeration and Student Activities, ASHRAE India Chapter, on 9th February 2023.
- Organized an expert talk on the topic “Passive Climate Adaptability: A Way to Future-Proof Buildings Against the Challenges of Global Warming”, delivered by Dr. Mitja Kosir, Associate Professor, Head and Chair of Buildings and Constructional Complexes, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 2nd November 2023.
- Singh M. K., Mahapatra S., The Energy Perspective of Bioclimatic Buildings in North-East India, SEEM, Jan-March issue 2009, page 34-41.
- Published interview-based story entitled “Abode, perhaps the northeast way!” in Live mint, Hindustan times covering a story based on my research on the traditional architecture of Northeast India on 18th June 2009. This story was covered by Simantik Dowerah, an Assistant editor with the same newspaper. Find the article at the following link:http://www.livemint.com/2009/06/18151801/Abode-perhaps-the-northeast-w.html
S. No.
Title, Value, and Role
Year/ Funding Agency
Title: A research proposal developed by me in a consortium got a project grant from ENERGIA, Netherlands to work on Energy Sector Reforms in India. Its total value is 4,50,000 British Pounds.
Year: 2014-2015
ENERGIA International
Successful and got the grant
Title: Study to understand the thermal performance of a non-air-conditioned hostel room of Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence.
Its total value is INR 30,000/-.
Role: PI and Advisor
Year: 2022-2023
SNIoE call under OUR scheme (Opportunities for Undergraduate Research)
Successful and got the grant
FIST- PROJECT (Level-B), R & D Infrastructure
The total grant value is ₹ 9900000.00 only.
Project Implementation Group
- Dr. Ghanshyam Pal, Associate Professor
- Dr. Gopal Das Singhal, Associate Professor
- Dr. Hitesh Upreti, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Ellora Padhi, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Sushant Kumar Padhi, Assistant Professor
Year: 2023-2028
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
Successfully secured the grant for the Department of Civil Engineering, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, Deemed to be University.
Title: Numerical Investigation on Thermal Performance Characteristics of School Courtyards in Hot and Humid Climate
Its total value is Malaysian Ringgit 158,739/-.
PI: Dr. Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Bin Shaikh Salim
Co-PI/Collaborative Researcher
Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh
Prof. Hom Bahadur Rijal
Dr. Ahmad Faiz Mohammad
Dr. Ng Wai Tuck
Year: 1st Oct 2023- 30th Sept 2026
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, Government of Malaysia
Successful and got the grant
Title: Study to Enhance Thermal Comfort of a Non-Airconditioned Hostel Room of Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence.
Its total value is INR 30,000/-.
Role: PI and Advisor
Year: 2023-2024
SNIoE call under OUR scheme (Opportunities for Undergraduate Research)
Successful and got the grant
Title: - Optimizing Indoor Environmental Quality in Tropical Climate School Classrooms: Human-centered Design and Hybrid Cooling Strategies for a Conducive Learning Environment.
Total Value: ₹ 2,69,50,000.00 (RM 1.4 million)
PI: Dr. Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Bin Shaikh Salim
Co-PI/Collaborative Researcher
Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh
Ts. Dr. Mohd Fitri bin Mohd Yakub
Dr Azizul Bin Azizan
Dr Leng Pau Chung
Dr. Mohd Firdaus bin Mohd Taib
Dr. Amalina binti Ibrahim
Ts. Dr. Doris Toe Hooi Chyee
PN Sohaila Binti Safie
Year: 2024-2027
Research Proposal Application for a Research Grant
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2024
Successful and got the grant
- Opened ASHRAE local student Chapter at Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence and attached to it as Student Branch Co-Advisor.
- ASHRAE TC 7.6 Member and Handbook Subcommittee member, AP (2027) Chapters 37 & 42. Review completed.
- ASHRAE Technical Committee 4.10, Indoor Environmental Modelling member.
- ASHRAE Project team member: Project 8 - Whole-Life Carbon Gap Analysis and Tool Development.
Soon after completing my PhD, I got the opportunity to co-supervising master’s students for their master’s thesis. The entire work was planned upon discussion with the student in the context of his strength to be able to complete the assigned work. I also successfully motivated the students to do quality work leading to publication in the reputed international journal and international conferences as listed below.
S. No. |
Year |
Title/Student Name |
Status/Remarks |
1 |
2012-2013 |
Thermal Comfort in Naturally Ventilated Classrooms Department of Energy, Tezpur University Student Name: Plabita Baruah |
Completed. Paper presented in international conference PLEA 2014, December 16 – 18, 2014, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India. |
2 |
2012-2013 |
Estimation of degree-days for different climatic zones of North-East India Department of Energy, Tezpur University Student Name: Pallavi Borah |
Completed. A research article based on this work is published in an international journal (Elsevier) “Sustainable Cities and Society (2015); 14(1): 70-81”. |
3 |
2013-2014 |
Thermal Characteristics of a Vernacular Building Envelope Department of Energy, Tezpur University Student Name: Priyanka Dhar |
Completed. Paper presented in an international conference PLEA 2014, December 16 – 18, 2014, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India. |
4 |
2016-2017 |
Thermal comfort in offices of Tezpur Department of Energy, Tezpur University Student Name: Dulal Baruah |
Completed |
5 |
2016-2017 |
Evaluate the effectiveness of Solar-passive features in buildings of Tezpur. Department of Energy, Tezpur University Student Name: Bornita Fouzdar |
Completed |
6 |
2019-2021 |
Thermal Comfort Study in Slovenian residential houses in the winter season Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Student Name: Marko Nusdorfer |
Completed |
7 |
2019-2021 |
Thermal performance study of Slovenian log (wooden) houses Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Student Name: Matic Hožina |
Completed. A research article based on this work is under preparation to be uploaded to an international journal (Elsevier). |
8 |
2020-2021 |
Estimation of Degree days and bioclimatic classification of Sri Lanka, Department of Energy, Tezpur University Student Name: N Pravin Diliban |
Completed. |
The following are the details of the students who are carrying out his/her doctoral research under my supervision.
S. No. |
Year |
Title/Student Name |
Status/Remarks |
1 |
2022- Continuing |
Net-Zero Energy Buildings in India Department of Civil Engineering, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence Student Name: N Pravin Diliban |
Ongoing |
S. No. |
Year |
Semester |
Title/Student Name |
Status/Remarks |
1 |
2024-2025 |
Monsoon Semester (Aug-Dec 2024) |
Study to analyse and optimize the status of thermal comfort in naturally ventilated hostel room of Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence Department of Civil Engineering, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence. Student Name: Thakur Aaryan Singh |
Completed. |
2 |
2024-2025 |
Monsoon Semester (Aug-Dec 2024) |
Indoor Environment quality in the faculty cabins and classrooms of Shiv Nadar Institutions of Eminence Department of Civil Engineering, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence. Student Name: Shrey Gupta |
Completed |
3 |
2024-2025 |
Spring Semester (Jan-May 2025) |
Heat Flux and Air Flow Analysis Of Naturally Ventilated Hostel Building To Optimize The Thermal Comfort Using Building Energy Simulation Department of Civil Engineering, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence. Student Name: Thakur Aaryan Singh |
Ongoing. |
- Co-chaired a session, “Sri Lanka Academy of Young Scientists” SCA-16 Conference (Science Council of Asia), May 30-June 1, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Co-chaired a session “Simulation 2”, ICHES 2016, Nagoya University, Nagoya, JAPAN, October 29 – November 2, 2016.
- Co-chaired a session “Climate Change Impacts Indoor Environment”, Healthy Buildings 2017 Asia, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan, September 2 – 5, 2017.
- I am on the scientific committee of the international conference IAQVEC 2023, the 11th international conference on indoor air quality, ventilation & energy conservation in buildings, which will be held in Tokyo on May 20-23, 2023.
- I am on the Technical Committee Member (reviewer) of the 2024 11th International Conference on Geological and Civil Engineering (ICGCE 2024), which will be held in Matsue, Japan, March 15-17, 2024.
- Chaired a session “Nature-Based Solutions”, CATE-2023, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, December 13 – 15, 2023.
- I am on the Technical Committee Member (reviewer) of the 2025 5th International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference (CEAC 2025), which will take place on March 28-31, 2025, in Tokyo, Japan.
I am on the Scientific Committee for the 14th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2025), which will take place on November-29 to December 2, 2025, in Tokyo, Japan.
- Assigned as Guest Editor with Dr. Mitja Košir for a Special Issue of the Sustainability journal (ISSN 2071-1050, IF = 3.889). Please visit the following link for more information https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/Buildingstomorrow_High-PerformanceBuildings
- Assigned as Guest Editor with Prof. Hom B. Rijal for a Special Issue of the Energies journal (ISSN 1996-1073, IF = 3.253). Please visit the following link for more information https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/thermal_comfort_and_energy_use_in_buildings
- Review Editor of Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, Frontiers in Built Environment and Frontiers in Energy Research, Frontiers in Built Environment - Sustainable Design and Construction Journals.
- Assigned as Guest Editor with Prof. Hom B. Rijal and Dr Sally Shahzad for a Special Issue of the Energies journal (ISSN 1996-1073, IF = 3.253). Please visit the following link for more information https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/A8ZHB9Z6C2 (5th Sept 2022-30th June 2023).
- Joined the Editorial Board of Advances in Building Energy Research Journal, Taylor and Francis online in November 2022. https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=editorialBoard&journalCode=taer20