Faculty at School of Natural Sciences

Rohini Garg
Associate Professor
School of Natural Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: 91-0120-7170100
- Number: Extn: 230
Research Interests 1)Epigenomics of abiotic stress responses in plants 2) Role of DNA secondary structures in plant development Teaching Interests 1) Plant biotechnology 2) Next Generation Genomics Research Areas: Computational Methods Data Science BIOINFORMATICS Plant Biology Network Science
Know more: Click here
Ph.D, National Institute of Immunology Masters, University of Delhi
- 2021-present, Associate Professor, Department of Life Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar IoE, Gautam Budhha Nagar
- 2016-2021, Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University, Gautam Buddha Nagar
- 2012-2016, INSPIRE Faculty Fellow, NIPGR, New Delhi
- 2010-2011, Post-doctoral fellow, NIPGR, New Delhi
- Member INYAS (Indian National Young Academy of Sciences) in January 2018 (2018-2023).
- SERB Women Excellence Award (SERB-WEA) from the SERB, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, March 2017.
- Associate of Indian Academy of Sciences (IASc, Banglore, 2016-2019)
- Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award (2014) from the National Academy of Sciences India (NASI).
- Indian National Science Academy (INSA) medal for Young Scientist (2014).
- Innovative Young Biotechnologists Award 2012 from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.
- INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship 2011 from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
- University gold Medal for First-Class-First position in M.Sc. Plant Molecular Biology from Delhi University, New Delhi.
- Monsanto Post-graduate merit scholarship for two years (2002-2004).
- Life member Indian Science Congress (ISCA)
- Core Committee Member INYAS (Indian National Young Academy of Sciences, 2021-2023)
- Life member National Academy of Sciences India (NASI), Allahabad (2016)
- The Science Advisory Board, Arlington, VA 22201, USA
- Member, ASPB, USA
- Member Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology (SPBB) (2022 onwards)Member FWO ESF Review College of experts (2023-2025)
- Selected Member Plant Tissue Culture Association, PTCA (2023-onwards).
- Member Royal Society of Biology, UK (2023)
- Singh V, Gupta K, Singh S, Jain M, Garg R. (2023) Unravelling the molecular mechanism underlying drought stress response in chickpea via integrated multi-omics analysis. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 14. (*corresponding author).
- K Gupta, R Garg. (2023). Unravelling Differential DNA Methylation Patterns in Genotype Dependent Manner under Salinity Stress Response in Chickpea. IJMS, 24 (3), 1863. (*corresponding author),
- Jain M, Bansal J, Rajkumar MS, Garg R (2022). An integrated transcriptome mapping the regulatory network of coding and long non-coding RNAs provides a genomics resource in chickpea. Commun Biol. 19;5(1):1106.
- Mathur T., Singh S. & Garg R (2021). DNA: More Than Just a Genetic Material. Resonance 26, 1241–1249.
- MS Rajkumar, M Jain†, R Garg† (2021). Discovery of DNA polymorphisms via whole genome resequencing and their functional relevance in salinity stress response in chickpea. Physiologia Plantarum. 173(4):1573-1586 (†Joint corresponding author)
- Jain M, Garg R (2021). Enhancers as potential targets for engineering salinity stress tolerance in crop plants. Physiologia Plantarum. 173(4):1382-1391.
- N Khemka, M Singh Rajkumar, R Garg, M Jain (2021). Genome‐wide profiling of miRNAs during seed development reveals their functional relevance in seed size/weight determination in chickpea. Plant direct, 5 (3), e00299.
- J Bansal, K Gupta, MS Rajkumar, R Garg, M Jain (2020). Draft genome and transcriptome analyses of halophyte rice Oryza coarctata provide resources for salinity and submergence stress response factors. Physiologia Plantarum. 173: 1309– 1322.
- MS Rajkumar, K Gupta, NK Khemka, R Garg†, M Jain. (2020). DNA methylation reprogramming during seed development and its functional relevance in seed size/weight determination in chickpea. Communications biology 3 (1), 1-13. (†Joint corresponding author)
- MS Rajkumar, R Shankar, R Garg, M Jain. (2020) Bi-sulphite sequencing reveals dynamic DNA methylation under desiccation and salinity stresses in rice cultivars. Genomics. 112(5), 3537-3548.
- Chakrabarty A, Surendran S, Bhola N E, Mishra V S, Wani T H, Baghel K S, Arteaga, Garg R, Chowdhury G (2019) The H1047R PIK3CA oncogene induces a senescence-like state, pleiotropy and acute HSP90 dependency in HER2+ mammary epithelial cells. Carcinogenesis, 40(10):1179-1190.
- Singh U, Khemka N, Rajkumar MS, Garg R, Jain M. (2017) PLncPRO for prediction of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in plants and its application for discovery of abiotic stress-responsive lncRNAs in rice and chickpea. Nucleic Acids Res. 45 (22), e183-e183.
- Garg R, Singh VK, Rajkumar MS, Kumar V, Jain M (2017) Global transcriptome and coexpression network analyses reveal cultivar-specific molecular signatures associated with seed development and seed size/weight determination in chickpea. The Plant Journal. 91(6):1088-1107.
- Garg R*, Aggarwal J, Thakkar B. (2016). Genome-wide discovery of G-quadruplex forming sequences and their functional relevance in plants. Scientific Reports 6, 28211. (*corresponding author).
- R Garg, PK Subudhi, RK Varshney, M Jain (2023). Abiotic stress: Molecular genetics and genomics, volume II. FiPS, Abiotic stress: molecular genetics and genomics, Volume II 16648714, 7.
- K Gupta, R Garg. (2020). Method for Bisulfite Sequencing Data Analysis for Whole-Genome Level DNA Methylation Detection in Legumes. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2107: 127-145. (*corresponding author)
- S Singh, T Mathur, K Gupta, R Garg*. (2020) Methods for Identification and Validation of G-Quadruplex Sequences in Legumes. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2107: 261-268. (*corresponding author)
1. My profile published in "Women in STEM:Vanguards of India@75", by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to showcase the success stories and achievements of 125 women luminaries who have made a significant mark in the arena of Science, Technology, Engineering and?Mathematics (STEM). These women include academicians, researchers, policymakers, business strategists, tech leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators and pioneers with technology and skills necessary for a better future. This edition will pave the way in inspiring and guiding next-gen women who wish to make a career in STEM and want to be in leadership roles. In the wake of India celebrating 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav'?at India@75, this compendium was launched at the CII Women in STEM Summit held in July 2022 by Prof. Ajay Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India. 2. My article on "INYAS" was published in Vigyan Pragati, August issue 2022 3. Interview printed in ?Climbing the science career ladder? in India Bioscience, Posted on Jul 20, 2014 in ?Career Development and Awards? section (https://indiabioscience.org/columns/indian-scenario/climbing-the-science-career-ladder) to encourage young scientists. 4. Profile published in "WE: The Scientists" women in Science compendium released by INYAS on the occasion of International Women's Day on 7th March 2022.
Oral presentations
- “Plant Transcriptomics to identify and analyse non-coding RNA” in Hands On Bioinformatics Workshop On Plant and Microbial Genomics" from 23 Jan -30 Jan 2023 held at School of Biotechnology, Jammu University.
- “Epigenome modification under abiotic stresses in plants to identify candidate loci for epigenome modifications” at iFANS meeting held from 6th Jan 2023- 9th Jan2023 at NABI, Mohali, India.
- “Decoding DNA methylation dynamics during abiotic stresses in chickpea to identify candidate loci for epigenome modifications” in Plant Genetic engineering and Genome editing held from 27-29th Oct 2022 at Central University of Kerala.
- Delivered a lecture and hands-on activity on “Genomics, Sequencing platforms, Data formats” on 21st and 22nd March 2022 at an online workshop on “Big data analysis and integration in biology”.
- “Decoding DNA methylation dynamics under drought and salinity stress in chickpea and rice” at 43rd Annual Meeting Of Plant Tissue Culture Association (India) & International Symposium On Advances In Plant Biotechnology And Nutritional Security-2022 which was held on 28-30 April 2022 at NASC Complex New Delhi. (Invited talk).
- Delivered a lecture and hands-on activity on “Genomics, Sequencing platforms, Data formats” on 21st and 22nd March 2022 at an online workshop on “Big data analysis and integration in biology”.
- Delivered a seminar lecture on “Studying plant environment interaction through the lens of epigenomics” on 19th July 2021 at IBAB, Banglore.
- Webinar on “Studying epigenomics to understand plant environment interactions” in NASI DDUC Webinar Series Women in Science Lecture Workshop, February 28, 2021
- Webinar on “Introduction to CRISPR Cas” on 3rd May 2020 from 3.00-4.00 pm as INYAS and IHE- Delhi University-Webinar Series “Igniting Through Science” held from 28th April to 3rd May 2020
- Garg R (2020) “Untying knots in DNA to reveal its role in plant development” at NII Alumnii meeting “Science and beyond” held on 11th January 2020
- Shubhangi Singh, Surabhi Singh, Maushkha Sondhi, Khushboo Gupta and Rohini Garg. “Identification of genome wide G-quadruplexes and its role plant development” at 5th International Conference on Plant Genetics and Genomics "Germplasm to Genome Engineering" which was held on 17-18 October 2019 in AP Shinde Symposium Hall, NASC Complex New Delhi. (Abstract selected for oral presentation).
- Garg R. (2019). Studying plant environment interaction through the lens of epigenomics at “30th Mid-year meeting of Indian Academy of Sciences” at IISc Banglore (28-29 June 2019), Bengaluru, India.
- Garg R. (2019). Untying knots in DNA to reveal its function in plant development at “National workshop on foldscope and symposium applied biotechnology” at IIS University (15-16 March 2019), Jaipur, India.
- Garg R. (2018). Untying knots in DNA to reveal its function in plants at “1st INYAS- FoS brain storming meeting” supported by Pricipal Scientific Advisor to Govt of India from (9-11 Dec 2018), Pragati Resorts, Hyderabad, India
- Garg et al, (2018). Identification and characterization of G-quadruplex forming regions in rice and their evolutionary perspective, at International Rice Congress IRC2018 organized by IRRI from 15-17 Oct 2018 at Singapore.
Poster presentations
- Jahanvi Verma, Khushboo Gupta, Shubhangi Singh and Rohini Garg. (2023) Validation of lncRNA mediated Regulatory Network at iFANS meeting held from 6th Jan 2023- 9th Jan2023 at NABI, Mohali, India.
- Bhuwan Abbot, Khushboo Gupta, Shubhangi Singh and Rohini Garg. (2023) Identifying Features of Small RNAs Associated with Hyper-Methylated TEs in Plants Under Abiotic Stress Conditions, at iFANS meeting held from 6th Jan 2023- 9th Jan2023 at NABI, Mohali, India
- Himanshi Sharma and Rohini Garg. (2023) GQS Helicases as a potential regulator of root growth by modulating apo-plastic Ca ion concentration, at iFANS meeting held from 6th Jan 2023- 9th Jan2023 at NABI, Mohali, India
- Khushboo Gupta and Rohini Garg. (2022). “Decoding DNA methylation dynamics during salinity stress response in chickpea cultivars” at 43rd Annual Meeting of PTCA(I) and the International Symposium on APBNS-2022, held from Apr. 28-30, 2022 (presentation in online mode)
- Surabhi Singh, Shiasam Bady and Rohini Garg. (2022) Biochemical Characterization of GQSes helicase homologue from Arabidopsis thaliana. at 43rd Annual Meeting of PTCA(I) and the International Symposium on APBNS-2022, held from Apr. 28-30, 2022 (presentation in online mode)
- Himanshi Sharma and Rohini Garg. (2022) “Understanding the role of GQS helicase in stress adaptation in Arabidopsis” at 42nd Annual Meeting of PTCA(I) and the International Symposium on APBGE-2021 (https://www.apbge2021.co.in) scheduled to be held on Apr. 8-10, 2021 (online mode) (Himanshi received best poster presentation Award)
- K Gupta and R Garg. (2021). “Divergent DNA methylation dynamics during abiotic stress response in chickpea cultivars” at 42nd Annual Meeting of PTCA(I) and the International Symposium on APBGE-2021 (https://www.apbge2021.co.in) scheduled to be held on Apr. 8-10, 2021 (online mode)
- Surabhi Singh, Shubhangi Singh, Khushboo Gupta and Rohini Garg.(2021) “Genome-wide identification of GQSes in Arabidopsis thaliana using deep sequencing” at 42nd Annual Meeting of PTCA(I) and the International Symposium on APBGE-2021 (https://www.apbge2021.co.in) scheduled to be held on Apr. 8-10, 2021 (online mode)
- K Gupta and R Garg. (2019) “Divergent DNA methylation dynamics during abiotic stress response in chickpea cultivars" at 5th International Conference on Plant Genetics and Genomics "Germplasm to Genome Engineering" which was held on 17-18 October 2019 in AP Shinde Symposium Hall, NASC Complex New Delhi. (Khushboo won Second best poster prize)
- Shrihari Negi, Shivsam Bady, Ranjini Bhattacharya, Anindita Puri, Aakash Grover, Mallika Muralidharan, Megha Agarwal, Ishit Beswal, Bhavya Jain, Surabhi Singh, Deepa Sethi, Richa Priyadarshini and Rohini Garg. (2019). “AlBaCo – Algal Bacterial Consortium to Detect and Degrade the Endocrine Disrupting Compounds” at iGEM Giant Jamboree held at Boston, Massacheusets on 2nd to 4th November 2019. (Our team won silver medal)
- Shrihari Negi, Shivsam Bady, Ranjini Bhattacharya, Anindita Puri, Aakash Grover, Mallika Muralidharan, Megha Agarwal, Ishit Beswal, Bhavya Jain, Surabhi Singh, Deepa Sethi, Richa Priyadarshini and Rohini Garg. (2019). “AlBaCo – Algal Bacterial Consortium to Detect and Degrade the Endocrine Disrupting Compounds” All India iGEM meet up at IISER Bhopal, competing with 12 Indian teams held from July 20-21, 2019. (Won best presentation award)
- Mathur T and Garg R (2019). “Structure Function relationship during ligand receptor interaction” at Students' Research Convention 2019 under the conference(s) on Bio-Engineering at IIT Kanpur on 29th March 2019. (Tanya won second best poster prize under the category Bioengeenering)
- Gupta K and Garg R (2018), "Decoding the DNA methylation dynamics during abiotic stress response in Chickpea” at International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) which was held on 26-28 September 2018 in Jawaharlal Nehru University. (Khushboo won second best poster prize at this meeting)
- Garg R. G4s and their epigenetic patterns in plants. In G4thering 6 International Meeting on Quadruplex Nucleic Acids, Prague, Czech Republic, May, 31st - June 3rd, 2017.
- "National Network Project of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi" by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi.
- DST, WTI, as Co-PI with Jain Irrigation as Industrial partner (2020-2022, ~1.9 crores).
- SERB ECRA funded project from Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, as Principal Investigator.
- SERB-WEA project from Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, as Principal Investigator.
- INSA-YS project from Indian National Science Academy (INSA) as Principal Investigator.
- DBT-iBEC 2019 as Principal Investigator for participating in iGEM2019.
- INSPIRE Faculty award scheme as Principal Investigator by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, for 5 years.
- IYBA award as Principal Investigator by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi.
1) Member FWO ESF Review College of experts (Jan 2023-20025) 2) Member Delegation iGEM India League for Panel Discussion member on "Pedagogy of synthetic biology in India? organized at iGEM competition held in Paris, France from 26th -28th Oct 2022. 3) Selected to serve as Judge for iGEM teams evaluation in iGEM Giant Jamboree organized by iGEM in 2020, 2021, 2022. 3) Core Committee Member, INYAS, INSA, New Delhi (March 2021-March 2023) 4) Associate of Indian Academy of Sciences (IASc, Banglore, 2016-2019) 5) Member, ASPB, USA (2020-2022) 6) Member Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology (SPBB)(2022 onwards) 7) SPOC from DLS, SNU for student fellowship management from Blue Nudge Fellowship supported by DEEP-C and PSA office (2022) 8) INYAS CC-cordinator for ?RuSETUP? event held from June-August 2022 sponsored by INYAS. 9) INYAS CC codinator and organizing committee member and resource person for ?PRAYOJAN? held from 23st -24th April 2022 sponsored by INYAS India. 10) Organizing committee member and resource person for ?Big Data Analysis and Integration in Biology? held from 21st -25th March 2022 sponsored by INYAS, SERB Karyashala, and NCSTC, DST, India. 11) Participated in launch of Covid Vaccination Awareness Campaign by INYAS by Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary, DST as INYAS CC member at DST, New Delhi, on 6th April 2021. 12) Jury Member in National Science Teachers Competition (NSTC) as a part of IISF 2020 from 22-12-2020 to 25-12-2020. 13) Editor, INYAS Annual report for 2020, CC coordinator for INYAS mid-year and yearly newsletter 2022. 14) Mentored undergraduate team to participate in iGEM 2019 funded by DBT iBEC grant. 15) Did public engagement sessions with school kids (went to three schools) about water pollution and EDCs problem in water bodies 16) Selected participant of EMBO-Welcome trust organized EMBO Research Leadership Course held in New Delhi in March 2019 17) Developed concept note for life sciences for Frontiers of Science meeting organized by INYAS and funded by Principal Scientific Advisor, Gov of INDIA held at Hyderabad from 9th to 11th Dec 2018. 18) Faculty coordinator for undergraduate student?s participation in GIAN course on synthetic biology at JNU. 19) Faculty volunteer for Open Science Day at SNU Nov 2016, Nov 2017, Nov 2018. 20) Organizing committee member and convenor Youth Science Camp organized by INYAS, and funded by INYAS, NIPGR, TIGRESS at NIPGR on 15th Nov 2018 at NIPGR, New Delhi for school kids of 9th and 10th standard in which more almost 8-10 schools participated. 21) Member of organizing committee for organizing alumnii meet by AlumNII@Work at National Institute of Immunology for young graduate students (30th Sep 2018). 22) Member of organizing committee for organizing scientific talks and panel discussion on Indian corporate research and academic carrier choices by AlumNII@Work at National Institute of Immunology for young graduate students (5th Oct 2015). 23) Review Editor ?Frontiers in Plant Science? 24) Guest Associate Editor ?Frontiers in Plant Genetics and Genomics? 25) Guest Associate Editor ?Frontiers in Plant Sciences? 26) Co-editor : Special Issue for series Methods in Molecular Biology 27) Project reviewer for SERB (India) 2020 28) Project Reviewer for ANR (France ) 2017 29) Project Reviewer for The European Science Foundation (ESF) ? Science connect mediated Flanders (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen ? FWO ?www.fwo.be) FWO 2021, proposal review.
Magazine/Media news/views articles
- Profile published in the Future Hopes section of Women in Science book "Vigyan Vidushi " published by Vigyan Prasar, DST, India, April 2023. This book covers a list of Young Vidushis besides the 75 women stalwarts in science.
- Article written by me on INYAS in “Vigyan Pragati”, August 2022 isuuse, Pg no. 42-44.
- Profile published in “Women in STEM: Vanguards of India @75” by Confederation of Indian Industry in the year July 2022.
- Review Editor ‘Frontiers in Plant Science’
- Guest Associate Editor ‘Frontiers in Plant Genetics and Genomics’
- Guest Associate Editor ‘Frontiers in Plant Sciences’
- Co-editor: Special Issue for series Methods in Molecular Biology
Reviewer (Journals): Scientific Reports, BMC Genomics, PLoS ONE, Molecular Breeding, BMC Plant Biology, Gene, Frontiers in Plant Science, Molecular biotechnology, PINSA, Plant biotechnology Journal, Plant Cell Reports, G3, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, BMC Cancer, Genomics, BMC Plant Biology, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, Journal of Advanced Research, New phytologist, Frontiers of Plant Sciences,
Project reviewer:
- SERB (India)
- ANR (Agence nationale de la recherché, France) 2017
- Judge: iGEM competition 2020 and 2021, 2022
- NSTC judge 2020
- Proposal reviewer The European Science Foundation (ESF) – Science connect mediated Flanders (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen – FWO –www.fwo.be) FWO 2021
- Member College of Review Experts, FWO (2023-2025)