Faculty at School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Monica Juneja
Distinguished Professor
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- M.A. and M. Phil, University of Delhi, India
- Doctorate, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France
- Professor, Department of History, University of Delhi, India (till 2004)
- Maria Goeppert Meyer Visiting Professor, University of Hannover, Germany (2005-6)
- Erasmus Mundus Visiting Professor, University of Vienna, Austria (2007)
- Visiting Professor, Emory University, Atlanta, USA (2008)
- Professor and Chair of Global Art History, Heidelberg University, Germany (since 2009)
- Transculturation and Art History
- Practices of Visual Representation in Early Modern South Asian Court Cultures
- Architectural History of South Asia
- Gender and Political Iconography in Modern France
- Art History in the Age of the Anthropocene
- Since 2023 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Cluster of Excellence, EurAsian Transformations, University of Vienna
- Since 2021 International Editorial Advisor, Journal of Architecture (RIBA, London)
- Since 2020 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Ästhetische Praxis (E.J. Brill)
- Since 2019 Member, Scientific Advisory Board (Deputy Chairperson), Deutsches Zentrum für Kulturgutverluste dealing with provenance of cultural artefacts in German collections from colonial contexts
- Since 2019 Member, Transnational Advisory Board, Tate Hyundai Research Centre, Tate Modern, London
- Since 2018 Series Editor, Heidelberg Studies in Transculturality (HeiUP, Heidelberg)
- 2017-2021 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, German Historical Institute London (India Research Program of the Max Weber Foundation)
- Since 2015 Academic Advisor to the initiative Europa / Welt, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, and to the creation of a Transcultural Academy
- 2015-2019 Academic Advisor to the project Museum global, Kunstsammlung NRW, Düsseldorf, funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes)
- Since 2016 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Walter Benjamin Kolleg, University of Berne
- Since 2015 Member, Editorial Board of Book Series Ding, Materialität, Geschichte (E.J. Brill)
- Since 2014 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, History of Humanities (Chicago University Press)
- Since 2010 Editor, The Journal of Transcultural Studies (HeiUP, Heidelberg)
- Since 2010 Series Editor, Visual and Media Histories (Routledge)
- 2010-2016 Member, Scientific Advisory Board of Research Group Europa durch Europäer von außen gesehen funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Leibniz Institut für Europäische Geschichte, University of Mainz, Germany
- Since 2007 Expert Reviewer for: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), Bern (since 2007); Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Vienna (since 2010); German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn (since 2010); Freigeist Fellowship Programme, Volkswagen Foundation (since 2017)
- 2006-2007 Member, Advisory Committee for History, NCERT, New Delhi, India
- 2005-2006 Academic Advisor to international project 1000-Idee. Die Welt des Islam, Georg-EckertInstitut für internationale Schulbuchforschung, Braunschweig, Germany
- 1997-2019 Editor, The Medieval History Journal (Sage Publications)
- 1991-1998 Advisory and visiting functions (teaching, exhibitions, films): National Museum, National Gallery of Modern Art, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi, India
- 2020-2 Opus Magnum Award of the Volkswagen Foundation
- 2017 Fellowship, Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin
- 2015 Fellowship, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
- 2014 Heinrich Wölfflin Lectures, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- 2012 Visiting Scholar, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence, Italy
- 1997-2007 Short Term Fellowships, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France
- 1992-94 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, University of Bielefeld, Germany
- 1991 Fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD)
- 1982-84 Scholarship of the Goethe Institut, Paris (German Language Course)1981-85 Doctoral Scholarship of the French Government
- 1975 Lala Ram Mohan Prize, University of Delhi, for highest rank in the Masters Programme
Can Art History be Made Global? Meditations from the Periphery, Berlin: eE Gruyter, 2023 Motherland. Pushpamala N.’s Woman and Nation, ed. with Sumathi Ramaswamy, New Delhi, Roli Books, 2022 EurAsian Matters: China, Europe and the Transcultural Object, ed. with Anna Grasskamp. Heidelberg, Springer, 2018 ‘A very civil idea…’ Art History, Transculturation and World-Making – with and beyond the Nation”, Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, Vol. 81 (4), 2018: 461-485. “’Likeness’ as a migrating concept: artfully portraying the universal ruler in early modern South Asia”, Histoire de l’Art, Vol. 82 (1), 2018: 141-156. “Micro-stories. The Routes of Transcultural Modernism”, in: Museum global. Mikrogeschichten einer ex-zentrischen Moderne, ed. Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Cologne: Wienand, 2018: 37-46. “From the Religious to the Aesthetic Image – or the Struggle over Art that Offends”, in: Taking Offense. Religion, Art and Visual Culture in Plural Configurations, eds. Christiane Kruse, Birgit Meyer and Anne-Marie Korte, Munich, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2018: pp. 161-189. Miniatur Geschichten. Die Sammlung indischer Malerei im Dresdner Kupferstichkabinett, ed. with Petra Kuhlmann-Hodick. Dresden: Sandstein Verlag, 2017. Disaster as Image. Iconographies and Media Strategies across Europe and Asia, ed. with Gerrit J. Schenk. Regensburg, Schnell und Steiner, 2014. “Archaeologizing” Heritage? Transcultural Entanglements between Local Social Practices and Global Virtual Realities, ed. with Michael Falser. Heidelberg: Springer, 2013 Die Neuzeit 1789-1914, co-authored with Roland Wenzlhümer. Konstanz: UVK (2013). Die Universalität der Kunstgeschichte, Theme Issue, Kritische Berichte. Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften 2 (2012) (ed. with Matthias Bruhn and Elke Werner). Frames of Reception. Islamicate Visual Culture in Western Contexts, Theme Issue, The Medieval History Journal 15.2 (2012) Architecture in Medieval India – Forms, Contexts, Histories, (Series: South Asian History – Readings and Interpretations), New Delhi: Permanent Black, 2001. Peindre le paysan. L’image rurale dans l’art français de Millet à Van Gogh, Paris : Editions du Makar, 1998