Faculty at School of Engineering

Divya Shrivastava
Associate Professor and Head
School of Engineering
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: Extn: 290
Reliability Engineering, Statistical Quality Control, Operations Management, and Smart Manufacturing
2012, Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
2005, M.E., Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain, M.P.
2003, B.E., R.G.P.V, Bhopal, M.P.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR
Assistant Professor, NIT Hamirpur, Hamirpur, H.P.
Lecturer, H.C.E.T, Jabalpur, Jabalpur, M.P.
- Jan 2007- Dec 2011: Doctoral scholarship, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India.
- Represented IIT Delhi in International Youth Innovation Forum, INTERRA-2010 was held at Novosibirsk (Russia) during September 22-25, 2010 and travel grant was funded by DST, Govt. of India (In all there were 11 Participants from India).
- Awarded Travel grant from Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), Govt. of India, to attend POMS conference held in Vancouver, Canada, 2010.
- Selected in the Doctoral Consortium (conducted by Prof. Kenneth J. Klassen, University of Brock) at 21st POMS conference at Vancouver, Canada, May 06-10, 2010, organized by Production and Operations Management Society (In all there were 30 students from all over the globe).
- Reviewer for International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), Computers and Industrial Engineering (C&IE), International Journal of Performability Engineering (IJPE).
- Pabolu, V.K.R., Shrivastava. D, Kulkarni. M.S., (2022), Modelling and prediction of worker task performance using a knowledge-based system application, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 254, Page 108657.
- Mishra, A.K., Shrivastava, D., Rastogi, R., (2022), An Efficient Jaya Algorithm for Joint Optimization of Preventive Maintenance and Quality Policy in Production Systems, Procedia CIRP, Vol 107, Pages 1299-1304.
- Pabolu, V.K.R., Shrivastava. D, Kulkarni. M.S., (2022), A Dynamic System to Predict an Assembly Line Worker?s Comfortable Work-Duration Time by Using the Machine Learning Technique, Procedia CIRP, Vol 106, Pages 270-275.
- Pabolu, V.K.R., Shrivastava. D., (2021), A dynamic job rotation scheduling conceptual framework by a human representing digital twin, Procedia CIRP, Volume 104, 2021, Pages 1367-1372.
- Mishra, A.K., Shrivastava, D., Tarasia, D., Rahim, A., (2021), Joint optimization of production scheduling and group preventive maintenance planning in multi-machine systems Annals of Operations Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-021-04362-z
- Aseem K. Mishra, & Divya Shrivastava, (2020) ?Integration of Production Scheduling and Group Maintenance Planning in Multi-unit System employing TLBO algorithm, Procedia CIRP, 2020, Vol. 93C, pp. 940-945.
- Aseem K. Mishra ,& Divya Shrivastava , (2020), A discrete Jaya algorithm of permutation flow-shop scheduling problem. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 11(3), 415-428. https://doi.org/10.5267/j.ijiec.2019.12.001
- Aseem Mishra, Divya Shrivastava & Prem vrat (2019), An opportunistic group maintenance model for the multi-unit series system employing Jaya algorithm, OPSEARCH, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12597-019-00422-y
- Aseem Mishra, & Divya Shrivastava (2018). A TLBO and a Jaya heuristics for permutation flow shop scheduling to minimize the sum of inventory holding and batch delay costs. Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 124, pp. 509-522. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.CIE.2018.07.049
- Divya Shrivastava, M.S.Kulkarni and Prem Vrat, (2016) Integrated Design of Preventive Maintenance and Quality Control Policy Parameters with CUSUM Chart, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI 10.1007/s00170-015-7502-7, Volume 82(9), pp. 2101-2112.
- B.K.Lad, Divya Shrivastava, M.S. Kulkarni, ?Machine Tool Reliability Performability Engineering Series, Scrivener Publisher, Wiley, 2016 Book Chapter (Published).
- Aseem Mishra, Divya Shrivastava & Harsh Gupta, Group Preventive Maintenance Model for Multi-unit Series System: A TLBO Algorithm-Based Approach, Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, pp-61-69, Springer, Singapore, 2021.
- Aseem Mishra, & Divya Shrivastava, An Efficient Jaya Algorithm for Multi-Objective Permutation Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem, Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp. 113-125. Springer, Singapore, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-8196-6_11
Papers in Conference Proceedings:
- Mishra, A.K., Shrivastava, D., Rastogi, R., An Efficient Jaya Algorithm for Joint Optimization of Preventive Maintenance and Quality Policy in Production Systems, 55th CIRP CMS 2022, 29 June-1 July 2022, Lugano, Switzerland.
- Pabolu, V.K.R., Shrivastava. D, Kulkarni. M.S., A Digital-twin Based Worker's Work Allocation Framework for a Collaborative Assembly System, 10th IFAC Triennial Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (IFAC MIM 2022), 22-24 June, 2022 in Nantes, France.
- Pabolu, V.K.R., Shrivastava. D, Kulkarni. M.S., A Dynamic System to Predict an Assembly Line Workers Comfortable Work-Duration Time by Using the Machine Learning Technique, 9th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems, 6-8 April 2022, Leuven.
- Pabolu, V.K.R., Shrivastava. D., A dynamic job rotation scheduling conceptual framework by a human representing digital twin, 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing systems -Towards Digitalized Manufacturing 4.0, 22-24 September 2021 Greece.
- Group Preventive Maintenance Model for multi-component system: A TLBO algorithm based approach, International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, KIET Group of institutions, Ghaziabad, India, Oct 18-19, 2019.
- Aseem K. Mishra, Divya Shrivastava, Integration of Production Scheduling and Group Maintenance Planning in Multi-unit System employing TLBO algorithm, 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (Jul 1-3, 2020), NIMSI Chicago, USA.
- Aseem Mishra and Divya Shrivastava, Integrating Production Scheduling and Inventory Decisions In Flowshop Scheduling Problem,1st International and 18th ISME Conference on Enabling Sustainable Development in Mechanical Engineering, NIT Warangal, Feb 2017.
- Aseem Mishra, Divya Shrivastava, Opportunistic Group Maintenance Policy for Multi-Machine System with Multi-Components, Proceedings of International conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE48), Dec (2nd-5th) 2018. ISSN: 21648689
- Mishra Aseem, Divya Shrivastava, Bundela Bhaskar, Sircar Surabhi, An Efficient Jaya Algorithm for Multi-Objective Permutation Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem, International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques (AEOTIT) August 3rd-5th, 2018, NIT Surat, India (Proceedings to be published by Springer).
Invited Lecture:
- Expert Lecture on "Recent trends in Production Scheduling", Department of Mechanical Engineering, NCU, India (2019).
- A Digital Twin Development for Collaborative Human-Robot Work Allocation in Assembly Line Systems, Dassault Systemes Foundation (PI) (Ongoing)
- A Web-based game to mitigate the bullwhip effect and understand the concept of Supply Chain Management" CHANAKYA fellowship program of IITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation (PI) (Ongoing)