Faculty at School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Amritha Sruthi Radhakrishnan
Assistant Professor
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Dance and Nation-making
- Performance Historiography
- Performance Process
- Practice led research
- Institutional Histories
- Festival Studies
- Culture Policy
- Performance Curation
- Arts Education
- Dance Pedagogy
- PhD Candidate in Theatre and Performance Studies (2018 – Present), School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
- M.Phil. in Theatre and Performance Studies (2018), School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
- M.A. in Performance Studies (2016), School of Culture and Creative Expressions, Ambedkar University Delhi.
- B.A. (Hons) in Political Science (2014), Gargi College, University of Delhi
- School of Culture and Creative Expressions, Ambedkar University Delhi, Delhi (January 2020 – February 2023), Assistant Professor - Performance Studies (Adjunct)
- Shiv Nadar School, Gurgaon - Coordinator: Art Integration [Consultant] (May 2019 – March 2022) - Lead in helping and providing the institution with relevant research in curriculum development and pedagogy, developed project proposals and overall coordination with academic members and art facilitators to develop an arts integrated curriculum as per the new CBSE guidelines towards mandatory arts education from grades 1– 12.
- Natya Vriksha Dance Collective - Senior Dancer and Member (2010 – present),Travelled and performed with Dancer Geeta Chandran and her Natya Vriksha Dance Collective for several national and international festivals. Represented the country and performed in various prestigious festivals in India, Thailand, USA, Sweden, Serbia and Chile
- Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. Of India - Empaneled Solo Dancer – Proficient Category – Bharatanatyam
- Doordarshan Kendra, Prasar Bharti, India’s Public Service Broadcaster, New Delhi - Graded Artist – Dance – Bharatanatyam
47th International Council for Traditional Music - World Conference (July 2023)
- Presented an individual paper titled – “Dancing to 'Walk': Creating a transformative space through activism in dance - Maya Krishna Rao and contemporary dance in India” @ University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
16th Natya Vriksha World Dance Day Festival – India International Centre, New Delhi (April 2023)
- Invited Panel Discussant for a session titled – ROLE OF ARTS IN EDUCATION - Curriculum Building, Integrated Learning & Empowering Stakeholders @ New Delhi
International Conference on Incorporating Elements of Theatre into Pedagogy at different levels of Education, Directorate of Higher Education with Nirmala Institute of Education (November 2022)
- Presented an individual paper titled – “Art Integrated Learning and the Challenges of Finding Pedagogical Equilibrium in Learning Concepts Through the Arts” @Nirmala Institute of Education, Altinho, Panjim, Goa
DANCE STUDIES ASSOCIATION Conference - Galvanizing Dance Studies: Building Anti-Racist Praxis, Transformative Connections, and Movement(s) of Radical Care (October 2021) (online)
- Presented an individual paper titled: “A curatorial crisis: Exploring ways of presenting and dancing ecology in a time of climate instability” at the conference @ Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NY, USA
Consortium of [SiX] - Festival Workshop: A collaborative Academic Project on Festival Curation (November 2020-May 2021)
- Participating and coordinated a 6-month long academic workshop project on the theme of Festival Curation by six universities across the globe; facilitated by Northwestern University & University of Cologne in partnership with University of Chile, University of Ghana, Tel Aviv University and Jawaharlal Nehru University.
ART EDUCATION SUMMIT 2019 by Art1st Foundation in collaboration with CBSE and IGNCA (2019)
- Presented a paper titled: “Art Integrated Learning: Methods of Support through Education” in a gathering of school principals and art teachers from schools across India at the Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre for the Arts, New Delhi.
Imprints – Media – History: Theatre Historiography Seminar - Summer Institute Cologne, Germany (2019)
- Participated in the summer school organized jointly by the Department of Humanities and Art, University of Cologne, and Northwestern University under the mentorship of Prof. Peter W Marx and Prof. Tracy Davis.
Construction Sites: Theatre Historiography Seminar - Summer Institute Cologne, Germany (2018)
- Participated in the summer school organized jointly by the Department of Humanities and Art, University of Cologne, and Northwestern University under the mentorship of Prof. Peter W Marx and Prof. Tracy Davis.