Faculty at School of Engineering

Gopal Das Singhal
Associate Professor and Associate Head
School of Engineering
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: Extn: 209
Water Resources Engineering, Hydraulic Structure, and Solid Waste Management
2009, Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
2001, M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
1996, B.Tech., Maulana Azad National Institute of Tecnology, Bhopal
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR
Assistant Professor, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun
Research Academic Visitor, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
2013, Awarded young scientist project captioned as 'Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Jack Jetty and Porcupine Systems for River Restoration' under the Fast Track Scheme run by DST, New Delhi, India, cost of Rs. 16 Lakhs
2011, DST International Travel Support for conference for attending International Workshop on Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs Liege, Belgium
- Yadav, A., Sharma, N., Upreti, H., Singhal, G.D. 'Techno-economic analysis of irrigation systems for efficient water use in the backdrop of climate change', Current Science, 122 (6), 664-673 (2022).
- Vikalp Chauhan, Rutuja Chavan, Gopal Das Singhal. "A review of sediment deflection in rivers using submerged vanes", ISH, journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Taylor & Francis, https://doi.org/10.1080/09715010.2022.2084352, (2022).
- Singhal G D, Subhash Gottumukkala, & Nayan Sharma, 'Review of Climate Change Impacts on Dam Safety and Flood Mitigation Issues in India', Water & Energy International Journal, CBIP, New Delhi, Vol. 62, Issue 9, (2019).
- Md. Amir Khan, Nayan Sharma & Gopal Das Singhal, 'Experimental study on bursting events around a bar in physical model of a braided channel', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Taylor & Francis, Vol 23, Issue 1, pp. 63-70, (2017).
- G. D. Singhal, R. C. Rayavarapu 'Experimental investigation of cost effective Jack Jetty technique for river channelization' International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Infrastructure Systems, 22nd & 23rd April, 2016, Coimbatore, India.
- Chinmay Gaidhani, Dr. Gopal Das Singhal (2019), 'The Dilemma of Damming Our Environment: A Review on Small Hydropower', Hydro 2019 International conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, Coastal & Environmental Engineering, 18-20 December 2019, Hyderabad, under theme of Water Management and Hydro informatics.
- Nayan Sharma, Gottumukkala Subhash, & Gopal Das Singhal, 'Appraisal of Spillway Capacity and Storage Augmentation for Dam Safety using Piano Key Weir and Fuse Plug for Climate Change Effects', International Symposium Theme: Sustainable Development of Dams and River Basins (ICOLD 2020).
- Ravikant Pandey, Manoj Yadav, Hitesh Upreti, Gopal Das Singhal (2022). Irrigation Application Efficiency of Rice Crop Under Flood and Drip Irrigation Regimes, AOGS 2022 (Virtual) (Presented by: Manoj Yadav on August 3, (2022).
- Development of AI based DSS for Improved Crop Water Use Efficiency under Regulated Deficit Drip Irrigation Regime in the Backdrop of Climate Change, Dr. Gopal Das Singhal (PI), Dr. Nayan Sharma (Co-PI), Dr. Hitesh Upreti (Co-PI), DST, INR 105 Lakhs, 2 years.
- Use of GIS & Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Natural Environment, Dr. Gopal Das Singhal (PI), Dr. Hitesh Upreti (Co-PI), AICTE funded Faculty Development Programme (FDP), INR 93000, One week.
- Agricultural Water Management in the Backdrop of Climate Change Using Remote Sensing, GIS, and IoT Techniques, Dr. Gopal Das Singhal (PI), Dr. Hitesh Upreti & Dr. Rohit Singh (Co-PI), High-End Workshop (KARYASHALA under Accelerate Vigyan Scheme) funded by SERB, INR 5.0 Lakhs, One week.
- Member in personnel capacity of WRD 14 Sectional Committee of Water Conductor Systems Sectional Committee, Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS).