Faculty at School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Ram Ranjan
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Number: 91-0120-7170100
- Number: 194
Natural Resource Economics, Environmental Economics
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Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Economics), Penn State University, 1999 - 2003
Master of Arts (Economics), Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, 1996-1998
Bachelor of Arts (Economics) (Honours), Delhi University, 1993-1996
Professor, Dept. of Economics, Shiv Nadar University (Jan 2022-present) and Interim Department Chair (Jan 2023-date)
- Associate Professor, Shiv Nadar University, December 2019-December 2021
- Senior Lecturer Climate Risk CoRE, dept. of Environmental Sciences, Macquarie University, Aug, 2009-Dec, 2019
- Visiting Fellow, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Aug 1, 2014-December 20, 2014
- Visiting Senior Research Scientist, IRI, Columbia University, Aug 1, 2014-December 20, 2014
- Senior Research Scientist (Economist), Policy and Economics Research Unit, CSIRO, Perth, April 18, 2007-Aug 8, 2009.
- Post-Doctoral Associate, FRED, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, March 2004- March 2007.
- Visiting Scholar, USDA-Economic Research Services, Washington DC, August 2003-February 2004.
- Consultant, World Bank, Washington DC, 2003-2004
- Graduate Assistant, Penn State University, USA, August 1999-July 2003.
- Project Analyst, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, India, August 1998- June 1999.
- Ranjan, R. (2022). Linking Green Bond Yields to the Species Composition of Forests for Improving Forest Quality and Sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Ranjan, R. (2022). Optimal Restoration of Common Property Resources under Uncertainty, Resources Policy.
- Ranjan, R. (2021). Restoring natural wetlands through financial incentives based adoption of constructed wetlands on agricultural farms, Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Ranjan, R. (2021). Mitigating Vector-Borne Pathogen Spread Risks through Promoting Afforestation and Agroforestry on Private Farms,
Journal of Cleaner Production. - Ranjan, R. (2021). Land Use Decisions under REDD+ Incentives when Warming Temperatures Affect Crop Productivity and Forest Biomass Growth Rates, Land Use Policy
- Ranjan, R. (2021). A Potential PES Mechanism for Agroforestry-Led Industrial Wastewater Remediation using Short-Rotation Trees, Water Economics and Policy
- Ranjan, R. (2021): Can Combining Two Environmental Services under a Single PES Program Result in Better Environmental Outcomes and Lower Costs? Natural Resource Modeling.
- Joshi, K., T. Ranganathan, R. Ranjan (2021): Exploring Higher Order Risk Preferences of Farmers in a Water-Scarce Region: Evidence from a Field Experiment in West Bengal, India, Journal of Quantitative Economics.
- Ranjan, R. (2021): Payments for Ecosystems Services-based Agroforestry and Groundwater Nitrate Remediation: The case of Poplar deltoides in Uttar Pradesh, India, Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Ranjan, R. (2020): Protecting warming lakes through climate-adaptive PES mechanisms, Ecological Economics.
- Ranjan, R. (2019): A simulation modeling of forest water supply under community-managed PES schemes, Water Economics and Policy.
- Ranjan, R. (2019): Deriving Double Dividends through Linking Payments for Ecosystem Services to Environmental Entrepreneurship: The Case of the Invasive Weed Lantana camara, Ecological Economics.
- Ranjan, R. (2019): A forestry-based PES mechanism for enhancing the sustainability of Chilika Lake through reduced siltation loading, Forest Policy and Economics.
- Ranjan, R. (2019): Optimal Mangrove Restoration through Community Engagement on Coastal Lands Facing Climatic Risks: The Case of Sundarbans Region in India. Land Use Policy.
- Ranjan, R. (2019): Assessing the Impact of Mining on Deforestation in India, Resources Policy.
- Ranjan, R. (2019): Combining carbon pricing with LPG subsidy for promoting preservation and restoration of Uttarakhand forests, Journal of Environmental Management.
- Ranjan, R. (2019): How Socio-Economic and Natural Resource Inequality Impedes Entrepreneurial Ventures of Farmers in Rural India, European Journal of Development Research.
- Ji, Y. and Ranjan, R. (2019): A Global Climate-Economy Model Including the REDD Option, Journal of Environmental Management.
- Ranjan, R. (2018): What drives forest degradation in the central Himalayas? Understanding the feedback dynamics between participatory forest management institutions and the species composition of forests, Forest Policy and Economics.
- Ranjan, R. (2018): Protecting endemic species from African Catfish invasion when community behavioral responses get in the way, PLoS ONE.
- Ranjan, R. (2018): Shooting at the Poachers while the Rhinos Drown: Managing Short- and Long-Term Threats to Endangered Wildlife in Conservation Reserves, Natural Resource Modeling.
- Ranjan, R. (2018): The Role of Political-Industry Nexus in Promoting Illegal Extraction of Mineral Resources and Deforestation: A Case of Iron Ore Mining in Goa, Resources Policy, forthcoming.
- Ranganathan, T., Ranjan, R. and Pradhan, D. (2018): Water scarcity and livelihoods in Bihar and West Bengal, India, Oxford Development Studies, forthcoming.
- Anik, A. R., Ranjan, R., Ranganathan, T. (2018): Estimating the Impact of Salinity Stress on Livelihood Choices and Incomes in Rural Bangladesh, Journal of International Development, forthcoming.
- Ji, Y., R. Ranjan, and C. Truong (2018): Determinants of Illegal Logging in Indonesia: An Empirical Analysis for the Period 1996-2010, Journal of Sustainable Forestry.
- Ranjan, R. (2017): Preserving Ecologically Sensitive Hotspots under Endogenous Regulation and Valuation Constraints, Natural Resource Modeling.
- Ranjan, R. (2017): Challenges to Farm Produce Marketing: A Model of Bargaining between Farmers and Middlemen under Risk, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
- Ranjan, R. (2017): Wildlife Crime Monitoring and Deterrence in Presence of Endogenous Community Cooperation, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy.
- Ranjan, R. (2017): Bargaining Among Farmers, Goodwill, and the Success of Cooperatives, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.
- Ranjan, R. (2017): Tuskers, Tasty Crops and the Forest Tribes in Between: Managing HECs through Financial Incentives in Human-Elephant-Forest Ecosystems, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy.
- Ranjan, R. and J. S. Shortle (2017): Protecting and Restoring Aquatic Ecosystems in Multiple Stressor Environments, Water Economics and Policy, Special Issue.
- Ji, Y., R. Ranjan and M. Burton (2017): A Bivariate Analysis of Factors Affecting Partial, Complete and Continued Adoption of Soil Carbon Sequestration Technology in Rural China, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy.
- Ranjan, R. (2016): Exploring the Inter-relationships among Human-Tiger Conflicts, Human Capital Outcomes for Forestry Dependent Communities and the Sustainability of Tiger Habitats, Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal.
- Pradhan, D. and Ranjan, R. (2016): Achieving Sustainability and Development through Collective Action? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of the Bore Pool Sharing Program on Farm Incomes and Crop Choices, World Development.
- Ranjan, R. (2015): How Prolonged Droughts and Farm Subsidies Influence Entrepreneurial Ventures by Farmers, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship.
- Pradhan, D. and Ranjan, R. (2015): Do Institutional Programs Aimed at Groundwater Augmentation affect Crop Choice Decisions under Groundwater Irrigation? Empirical Evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India, forthcoming, Water Economics and Policy.
- Ranjan, R. (2015): Adapting to Catastrophic Water Scarcity in Agriculture through Social Networking and Inter-generational Occupational Transitioning, Natural Resource Policy Research, vol. 7, pp. 71-92.
- Ranjan, R. (2015): Rural Entrepreneurism and Developmental Outcomes under Climate Change Threats, Climate and Development, 7(4), pp. 353-366
- Ranjan, R. (2014): Linking Common Property Resource Management to Human Capital Outcomes, Ecological Economics, vol. 105, pp. 139-153.
- Ranjan, R. (2014): Groundwater Management through Collective Participation: Why Some Institutions Succeed and others Fail? Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, pp. 427-452.
- Ranjan, R. (2014): Multi-dimensional Resilience in Water-Scarce Agriculture, Natural Resource Policy Research, vol. 6, pp. 151-172.
- Ranjan, R. (2014): Combining Social Capital and Technology for Drought Resilience in Agriculture, Natural Resource Modeling, vol. 27, pp. 104-127.
- Ranjan, R. (2014): Optimal Carbon Mitigation Strategy under Non-Linear Feedback Effects and in the Presence of Permafrost Release Trigger Hazard, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, vol. 19, pp. 479-497.
- Ranjan, R. (2014): Technology Adoption for Long-Term Drought Resilience, Water Resources Planning and Management, vol. 140, pp. 384-392.
- Ranjan, R. (2013): The Role of Credit in Enhancing Drought Resilience in Agriculture, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, vol. 2, pp. 303-327.
- Ranjan, R. (2013): Mathematical Modeling of Drought Resilience in Agriculture, Natural Resource Modeling, vol. 26, pp. 237-258.
- Ranjan, R. (2012): Climate Change and Human Capital Accumulation: Educational Decisions under Resource Scarcity and Uncertainty, Natural Resource Policy Research, vol. 4, pp. 231-252.
- Ranjan, R. (2012): Natural Resource Sustainability versus Livelihood Resilience: A Model of Groundwater Exploitation Strategies in Developing Regions, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, vol. 138, pp. 512-522
- Syme, G. J., V. R. Reddy, P. Pavelic, B. Croke, R. Ranjan (2012): Confronting Scale in Watershed Development in India, Journal of Hydrogeology (special issue), Invited Paper, vol. 20, pp. 985-993.
- Croke, B., Herron, N., Pavelic, P., Ahmed, S., Reddy, V.R., Ranjan, R., Syme, G., Samad M. and Rao, K.V. (20012): Impacts of meso-scale watershed development in Andhra Pradesh (India) and their implication for designing and implementing improved WSD policies and programs. Water Practice and Technology, doi:10.2166/wpt.2012.025 (not peer reviewed)
- Ranjan, R. (2011): Self Insurance and Insurance Demand under Self-Deception, Asia Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance Vol. 5: Issue 2, Article 5
- Ranjan, R. (2010): Social Norms, Social Capital and the Sustainability of Small-Scale Economies, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, Vol. 2, issue 3, pp. 213-228.
- Ranjan, R. (2010): Factors Affecting Participation in Spot and Options Markets for Water, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 136, no. 4, pp. 454-462.
- Qureshi, M.E., Ranjan, R. and S.E. Qureshi (2010): An Empirical Assessment of the Value of Irrigation Water: The Case Study of Murrumbidgee Catchment, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 54, issue 1, pp. 99-118.
- Ranjan, R. and J. F. Shogren (2009): Dynamic Endogenous Risks and Non-expected utility behavior, Korean Economic Review, Invited Paper, Vol. 25, No. 2, Pg. 215-240. (not peer reviewed).
- Ranjan, R. and S. Athalye (2009): Drought Resilience in Agriculture: The Role of Technological Options, Land Use Dynamics and Risk Perception, Natural Resource Modeling. Vol. 22(3): 437-462.
- Ranjan, R. (2009): Achieving Economic and Ecological Resilience through Natural Resource Management, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, Vol. 14, 30-46.
- Ranjan, R. (2008): The Future of Global Warming: Will it be Pollution Eliminating Technology or Environmental Damages? Journal of Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. Vol. 13: 401-418.
- Ranjan, R. (2008): Introduction: Special issue on the economics of invasive species management, Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 89: 271-272(not peer reviewed)
- Ranjan, R., Liz Marshal and J. Shortle (2008): Optimal Renewable Resource Management in the Presence of Endogenous Risk of Invasion, Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 89: 273-283.
- Ranjan, R. (2008): Environmental Restoration of Invaded Ecosystems: How Much Versus How Often? Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 86, pp. 616-626.
- Ranjan R. and J. Shortle, (2007): A Hysteresis Based Approach to Understanding the Environmental Kuznets Curve, Ecological Economics. Vol. 64: 204-215.
- Ranjan, R. (2007): Technology Adoption against Invasive Species, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Special Issue on Invasive Species. Vol. 39, 47-60.
- Ranjan, R. and J. F. Shogren (2006): How Probability Weighting Affects Participation in Water Markets, Water Resources Research, Vol. 42, W08426.
- Ranjan, R. and E. Evans (2006): Private Responses to Public Incentives for Invasive Species Management. Farm and Business, Journal of Caribbean Agro-Economic Society, Vol. 7, Nos. 1, 2.
- Ranjan, R. (2006): Impact of Pink Hibiscus Mealybug Infestation on the Economies of Florida and the United States, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Volume 20, Number 5, 353-362.
- Ranjan, R. and R. Lubowski (2005): A Model of Producer Incentives for Livestock Disease Management, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 19, No. 5, 315-325.
- Kala M. Krishna, Ling Hui Tan, and R. Ranjan (2004): Quantity Controls, License Transferability, and the Level of Investment, Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, Berkeley Electronic Press, Vol. 3: No. 1, Article 8.
- Ranjan, R. (2015): Adapting to Catastrophic Water Scarcity in Agriculture through Social Networking and Inter-Generational Occupational Transitioning, in C. Gopalakrishnan edited, Designing Water Disaster Management Policies: Theory and Empirics, Routledge Publications. (reprinted from a special issue journal article)
- Ranjan, R., D. Pradhan, V. R. Reddy and G. Syme (2014). Evaluating the Determinants of Perceived Drought Resilience: An Empirical Analysis of Farmers’ Survival Capabilities in Drought Prone Regions of South India, in V. R. Reddy and G. Syme Edited, Integrated Assessment of Scale Impacts of Watershed Interventions, Elsevier Publications.
- V. Ratna Reddy, Geoffrey J. Syme and R. Ranjan (2014), Justice and Equity in Watershed Development in Andhra Pradesh, in V. R. Reddy and G. Syme Edited, Integrated Assessment of Scale Impacts of Watershed Interventions, Elsevier Publications.
- Ranjan, R. and J. F. Shogren (2012), Discounting in Bio-economics, in Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology.
- Ranjan, R. and J. F. Shogren (2010), Dynamic Endogenous Risks and Social Accounting, Thomas Aronsson and Karl Gustaf Lofgren Edited Handbook of Environmental Accounting, Edward Elgar Publication, pp. 78-100.
- Kadekodi, G.K., S.C. Gulati, S.A. Adhikari, R. Ranjan, D. Kar (2000), ‘Socio-Economic Root Causes of Biodiversity Loss in Chilika Lake, India’, in The Root Causes of Biodiversity Loss, edited by A. Wood, P.S. Edwards, and J. Mang.
Policy Briefs
- Ranjan, R. 2020. Economic Opportunities and Environmental Challenges Offered by India’s New Mineral Policy, Ecology, Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal 3(1): 107–110
- Ranjan, R. (2008): Resilience in Ecology and Belief, Presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Meetings in Orlando, Florida, July 29, 2008. Also presented at the Dept. of Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics, University of Western Australia (2007) and at the CSIRO on site seminar (2008).
- Ranjan, R. (2007): Achieving Economic and Ecological Resilience through Natural Resource Management, Selected Paper, Presented at the ANZSEE conference, Noosaville, QLD, Australia, July 2-6.
- Ranjan, R. (2006): Technology Adoption against Invasive Species, Selected Paper presented at the AAEA Meetings Long Island, July 2006.
- Kiker, G. and R. Ranjan (2006): Decision Support System for Soybean Rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) Management using QnD. Selected Paper presented at the AAEA Meetings Long Island, July 2006.
- Ranjan, R. (2005): “Impact of Pink Hibiscus Mealybug Infestation on the Economies of Florida and the United States”, Selected Paper Presented at the AAEA Sessions in RI, July 2005.
- Ranjan, R. (2005): “Environmental Restoration of Invaded Ecosystems: How Much Versus How Often?” Selected Paper Presented at the AAEA Sessions in RI, July 2005 and the Society for Risk Analysis Meetings in Orlando, December 5, 2005.
- Ranjan, R. (2005) “Invasive Species Management through Tariffs: Are Prevention and Protection Synonymous?” Selected Paper Presented at the AERE Session of AAEA Sessions in RI, July 2005.
- Ranjan, R., R. Lubowski and M. Livingston (2005): “Mad Cows, Rational Farmers and Policy Options for BSE Management”, Presented at the AAEA Sessions in Denver Colorado, Aug 2004.
- Ranjan, R. and E. Evans (2005): “Private Responses to Public Incentives for Invasive Species Management”, Presented at the 25th West Indies Agricultural Economics Conference, Paramaribo, Suriname, August 20, 2004.
- Ranjan, R. and J. Shogren (2005): “Loss Aversion in Water Markets”, Presented at the AERE Sessions of AAEA Meetings in Denver Colorado, Aug 2004.
- Ranjan, R. N. Gollehon and M. Aillery (2005): A Forward Looking General Equilibrium Approach to Explaining Participation in Spot and Options Markets for Water”, Presented at the WAEA Sessions in Hawaii, June 2004.
- Ranjan, R. and J. Shortle (2004): “Joint Implementation of Carbon Sequestration and Abatement Strategies: A Dynamic Analysis (Presented at the International Science Planning Committee (ISPC) Open Meeting on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change in Montreal, October 16-18, 2003.
- Ranjan, R., J. Shortle, and L. Marshall (2004): “A Hysteresis Based Approach to Understanding the Environmental Kuznets Curve”, Presented at the dept. of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK May 26, 2003 and at the AAEA Conference in Montreal July 27-30, 2003.
- R. Ranjan and J. Shortle (2004): “Determining Exchange Ratios between Conventional Abatement and Sequestration Programs: A Stochastic Dynamic Analysis”, Presented at the Heartland Environmental and Resource Economics Conference, Ames, Iowa, Sep. 22-23, 2002.
- Ranjan, R., Liz Marshal and J. Shortle (2003): “Economics of Invasive Species: Optimal Management of Renewable Resources under Threats from Invasion (Presented at the NAREA Conference at Portsmouth June 8-10 and at the AERE Sessions of the AAEA Conference in Montreal July 27-30, 2003)
- Gnangara Sustainability Strategy, Funded by Dept. of Water, Western Australia (2007-2009), AUD 500K, Chief Investigator
- CORE start-up grant (2009-2010), AUD 60K, Chief Investigator
- Watershed and Livelihoods Resilience, Andhra Pradesh, India, Funded by
ACIAR, Australia (2009-2013), AUD 160K, Co-PI.
- Macquarie University Overseas Study Program (2014), AUD 5K, Chief Investigator
- Climate Change and Rural Enterprise, ACIAR project, India and Bangladesh (2015-2016), AUD 149K, Chief Investigator
- Policy and Institutional Reforms to Improve Horticultural Markets, Pakistan, ACIAR project (2016-2018), AUD 42k, Co-PI.
- Consultant, World Bank, Washington DC, 2003-2004
- Christoph Bohringer, Michael Finus and Carsten Vogt (eds.) 2002. Controlling Global Warming: Perspectives from Economics, Game Theory and Public Choice, Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics (October 2004)
- Ranjan, R., T. Ranganathan, A. R. Anik, K. Joshi, D. Pradhan and B. Jha (2016): Climatic Stress, Structural Change and Farm and Non-farm Enterprise Uptake by Farmers in India and Bangladesh, Report Prepared for ACIAR. http://aciar.gov.au/files/ram_ranjan_sra_final_report_feb_02_2017.pdf
- Ranjan, R., S. Tapsuwan, A. Elmahdi and D. Kaczan (2009): Analysis of Land and Water use Scenarios for the Gnangara Groundwater System, Report Prepared for the Department of Water, Perth, Australia.
- Rose, A. and R. Ranjan (2001): The Economic Impact of Coal Utilization in Wisconsin, Department of Energy, Environmental, and Mineral Economics, Pennsylvania State University, August 2001.
ABARE 2004 (Canberra, AU), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2004 (Wellington, NZ), San Juan 2005, Guam 2006, ACIAR-Hyderabad (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013), CIMMYT-Nairobi 2012, IFPRI-Washington DC 2012, Institute of Economic Growth April 2016, IGIDR, 2020, Environmental Defense Fund (webinar) 2020, Indian Society for Ecological Economics (Webinar), 2021, International Land Management Conference (University of the West of England), May 2022 (Webinar).